Sunday, June 21, 2020

3 p.m. notes

Looking at this 'which N.O.' biz, WPdotorg is clearly the only true blogger platform at this time, and then only because of a 'classic editor' plug-in but the bulls of bashan are closing in on bloggers nonetheless.

Interesting from haiku is this, with him saying, 'Dream on, no it isn't':

The only problem with the net from a blogging perspective is the bstds controlling the platforms and their useless script-kiddies who can get nothing right at all.  The aim is to have us happily blogging and tweeting about innocuous things, under tight control - remember two-tier internet?

My neighbour is a perfect example of Everyman.  If you stand midway between our two doors, on my side is a furious war for civilisation going on but for how long?  I had a phone call about such things with my mate earlier, the phone went dead.

On his side, Everyman, through his door, his reality is Sky and BBC, I told him about those two excrescences, plus he has some handheld electronic game, plus his family calling.  He knows what we've discovered, he doesn't pooh-pooh it, he just doesn't know the history and how the war is happening, and doesn't really want to know, though he's polite about it.


Check this out:

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has, so far, held a number of discussions with Bill and Melinda Gates about the COVID-19 crisis. On 4 June, the UK government hosted the GAVI vaccine alliance Replenishment Summit in London. The Gates Foundation gave GAVI $1.2 billion in 2019 and was among its founding partners. It has contributed more than $4.1Bn to GAVI during its two decade long mission to create "healthy markets for vaccines."

Getting embarrassing now:

Should have some vaccine on COVID-19 by early 2021: WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan

UK Column, for those who don't remember, was a key player in the exposing of CP years ago.  I'd look at it quite carefully.  We're in the area here of plausible deniability again.  Quite a strategy.  Take the nurses who administered way over the dosage of HCQ the wrong way, not combined with other clinically determined treatments which many doctors have done carefully and successfully.

Those nurses killed those patients.  The PR value is immeasurable but the bottom line is that that was murder.  The one who gave the go ahead for that mix to be administered in a piecemeal way committed, at a minimum, manslaughter.

There are some very bad people controlling our lives at this moment, they're insane, psychopathic, they are working to an agenda.

[H/T Chuckles and haiku]

Sunday too

14.  In the light of this

... having run out of time last evening:

... yes, what exactly did you eat last evening, readers, and what have you planned for Sunday dinner?  Photos please.

The Donald strikes back

Wasn't very respectful of me to fall asleep about midnight and wake up at 7:40 a.m. but there it is - missed the Donald's rally.  For those also visiting Zog or Nod last night, here 'tis:

This is combined live blogging and waking up at the same time, crashing into walls and grabbing a coffee. Stay tuned.


7.  Understandable attitude

... given what's currently going on:

6.  Thomas Sowell

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Time for a break

Two little numbers from Chuckles:

And later:

5 p.m. notes

A bit late for 5 p.m. but never mind.

Have just been into the other site and it's as if I were a virus - suddenly major tech groups came after me and shut me out again, I got back in with a couple of my own tricks, they came after me again. swarmed around with alarm panels springing up, as if I were the criminal here.

Long and short of it is that it's not fixed, I get mere seconds inside the other site to do what needs doing - someone else is also getting in because I noticed revision control was switched off and other moves have been made too.  Someone's inside over there and I'm not sure who.

However, I retrieved those key posts from the sidebar and have done a few other housekeeping things here - it will take Sunday to tweak.  Health is OK, this site here is working fine for now.

There'll be music around 7 p.m.

2 p.m. notes

Right, those who can access N.O. dot com will have noticed a change in header and a post.  Yep, I made it in but am not saying how.  I've also found the culprit - right bstds they are - but 'nuff on that.

Plan is to run N.O. here for at least this weekend and see what happens.  As stated at the other site, they may still have tricks up their sleeves.

As for comments here, they appear to be working and now for a mini-poll - given that Blogger will only allow two reasonable options - moderation or captcha - and given that most of you have run the gamut of both, which is the less bad option?  I know you'd prefer me to be back over there but that's not possible just now, maybe for a few days.

Is the nature background here a pain or is it good?  Do you prefer plain?  Plan is to keep this running parallel and serviced but the WPdotcom site is only an archive now - it's rubbish inside, WPdotcom, clearly not for serious bloggers.

Lastly, many thanks to mine host at N.O., plus haiku, Chuckles, DR, Toodles, AK Haart, Andy and Rossa's mother at this point of publishing - stalwarts all.

11 a.m. notes


Your comments are getting to the site but I don't know what obstacles you're facing, what with being inside.  Here's the panel I fill in:


7.  Concentrate on the important things in life

I want one:

6.  Seriously, no idea what this is about

... but feel I should know and shall explore it later: