Saturday, June 20, 2020

2 p.m. notes

Right, those who can access N.O. dot com will have noticed a change in header and a post.  Yep, I made it in but am not saying how.  I've also found the culprit - right bstds they are - but 'nuff on that.

Plan is to run N.O. here for at least this weekend and see what happens.  As stated at the other site, they may still have tricks up their sleeves.

As for comments here, they appear to be working and now for a mini-poll - given that Blogger will only allow two reasonable options - moderation or captcha - and given that most of you have run the gamut of both, which is the less bad option?  I know you'd prefer me to be back over there but that's not possible just now, maybe for a few days.

Is the nature background here a pain or is it good?  Do you prefer plain?  Plan is to keep this running parallel and serviced but the WPdotcom site is only an archive now - it's rubbish inside, WPdotcom, clearly not for serious bloggers.

Lastly, many thanks to mine host at N.O., plus haiku, Chuckles, DR, Toodles, AK Haart, Andy and Rossa's mother at this point of publishing - stalwarts all.


  1. Just
    1- showing an affirming flame
    2- seeing if I can comment

    Good luck [don't feel under pressure - it will all be resolved soon]

  2. I'm comfortable with moderation. A number of sites I visit have it turned on and I don't have a problem with that. It may even encourage me to visit the same post again to see if there are other comments and what those commenters have added to mine.

    The look of the site is very good to my tired old eyes. Easy on the eye, easy to read and restful scene in the background. It means posts can be strident if the subject demands it, but without the layout adding to the stridency, making it seem artificial. Some sites do that and to my mind it doesn't work.

  3. Moderation preferable to captcha. If it was down to captcha I'd never post again because captcha never lets me through. Dunno why. Have so far resisted signing my life away to goog! As I mentioned previously I have no issue going into mod - no different than being binned over yonder! LOL!

    Like the nature background very much. Soothing to the eye and therefore the mind - necessary in today's troubled world. :)


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.