Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sunday too

14.  In the light of this

... having run out of time last evening:

... yes, what exactly did you eat last evening, readers, and what have you planned for Sunday dinner?  Photos please.

13.  Perhaps he should have a medal instead?

THE boss who ran the dumped NHS virus tracing app should be sacked, critics said last night. Matthew Gould, the £150,000-a-year head of the NHS technology arm, is in the line of fire as Britain falls behind Germany, Italy, Poland and Latvia in developing usable software.

12.  That stabbing in the park

Was it Reading?  Haven't caught up on it yet.  Chuckles sends this.

11.  Etaoin Shrdlu

Never say we don't bring you the obscure:

10.  Boycott the football

When we write in the imperative, it means 'please consider'.

9.  The only thing worse than not getting what you asked for

... is getting it:

8. Well of course

Briefly, the Post published a 3,000 word piece about two women who were offended that someone came to a Halloween party two years ago in blackface. The woman, who was trying to satirize Megyn Kelly with her costume, left the party in tears and apologized to the host the next day. But the two women who were offended weren’t satisfied. They “felt compelled” to write to the host of the party, who is a Post cartoonist, asking that he reveal the woman’s name so they could drag her in public. 

The cartoonist refused but the post put two reporters on it who generated the story revealing the guest’s name. And for the record, she’s not some stock conservative villain. She’s an anti-Trump progressive who has already apologized.

Meanwhile, changing the topic completely:


[H/T Chuckles and haiku]


  1. Here's what we're up against at Blgr - look at N11, so tiny that it can't be read. I've just seen this and was sure I'd made it 'normal' text last evening.

    So I made it normal text now. Pressed publish - it did absolutely nothing. This is Blgr. WP, for all its faults, does not do this to you. My conclusion - Blgr is not for serious blogging, it's for naive Woke coming in and posting pretty pics of fluffy bunnies and a few words of caption.

  2. 14. You usually tell us what you prepped but you haven't this time. So taking the lemon wedge as a clue, it is either fish or chicken. Looks good anyhoo. We had homemade burgers with an oriental touch - bit of grated ginger and garlic added to mix. Hopefully we'll be having them agin as they were delish. Today I've been promised cottage pie with a cheese crust. Not had CP for years.

    13. They should all just give it up. Nobody but the controllers want it and those barstools only want it as a slush fund. Hands up all those who would take a dodgy test to see if they had or had had the Kungflu in the first place....

  3. 13. Agenda, DR.

    14. Reason I didn't is that that was three evenings ago. Two evenings ago was the other half of the cod with chips, not boiled tatties, last evening was large meat pie with beef supplement, stir fried veg, no tatties.

    Moving on, was just on the phone to my mate, mentioned the way I am getting into my WP NO, then was about to mention a second way when the phone call was cut. By someone. Has not resumed. Do not wish to be a conspiracist about this and let's face it - it was a dawn raid for Roger Stone, not midday. So nothing to see here.

    1. Hmm. Strange things used to happen when I called friends in UK. Shortly after certain "redpill" topics were mentioned an echo would start up. Never happened when we were discussing the price of gas/electric lol! Use a more secure route if there is such a thing.

  4. Yestreen we had grilled Lorne sausage, grilled tomato, and mash. For pud we had Biscotti con Vin Santo, which we enjoyed while watching an Italian 'tec story on the telly.

    This evening it will be rosbif. With what I'm not sure - roast potatoes seems unlikely so presumably Jersey Royals. Whatever, as long as there is horseradish sauce it will please me.

    1. Boo hoo. I don't know how it is where you are but for us the British asparagus season has finished.


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