Tuesday, April 24, 2007

[north american union] immigration too

The comments have been made and show that the Americans don't actually agree themselves on whether it will happen.

Lord Nazh says the American people won't buy it and there'd be insurrection; Beach Girl says it's already underway.

It's certainly underway, as the European-wide powers are but whether it can continue to fruition is another thing. It depends how surreptitiously they can do it and how much legislation they can get past the people before the people wake up to what's happening.

Matt was the driving force behind the revelations, having collected all the material and i just read it and did the post.

I'd like the Brits to read it if possible but perhaps they're still too angry with me just now over my Immigration posts. For them, in a nutshell, the situation is:

A CFR taskforce recommended that by 2010, a North American Union be created, not as a sovereign state but in charge of:
# single economic zone,
# single area of free movements of people,
# single education system,
# single defense and security system,
# single social benefits system,
within the three countries. A NA Advisory Council would oversee this.

At best, it would mean a U.S. dominated continent albeit with de facto diminished U.S. powers, i.e. the power would be through the NAAC and spread over the three countries.

The Whitehouse implemented the CFR recommendations in the form of the SPPNA and it's due to start in 2010. Huge legislative changes are not necessary for this, as it is only officially a 'partnership', i.e. the constitution and sovereignty issues are sidestepped.

This makes one reflect on what the EU is doing at this end. The question for me is whether the idea of the SPPNA is to counter Europe, to counter the growing Chinese hegemony or both. Or else is it simply a stage on the road to a global confederation?

Interesting aside on the CFR by Beachgirl:
One comment on the CFR - bad stuff that. Condi was a member. When these folks get into public office, either appointed or elected, they go into an "inactive" status so that their names don't usually show up as members. These folks are the true new world order/internationalists and they "know" we are idiots. Life may well prove them wrong.
I hope Lord Nazh was right on this. His last word was:
Unless a 3rd entity comes into play, the NAU doesn't stand much of a chance, given the level of partisanship in this country.
That may be so, Lord Nazh but that's not going to stop the CFR and other clandestine bodies trying again in a different form. These people never give up with their stealth legislation, as Europe is discovering.

Footnote on the Immigration issue [below]:

It was, as stated at the end of my first post, an ongoing discussion paper. The views expressed were never fixed - they were always modifiable, also as stated. The only points this blogger felt strongly about in the whole thing is that extremism shouldn't be preached from pulpits and that when we go to another country to live, we should respect that country's institutions.

After all the comments, I still can't see what is wrong with those principles.


  1. The softly softly approach that is working so well here will also work in the US. If they leave certain things tilllast, gun control, the cars etc. then their society will conform just like us.

  2. History indicates that government has evolved over the centuries.

    In the beginning (pun intended) it was every man for himself. We moved to religious and tribal law, city states, monarchies, and thanks to the great philosophers, Aristotle, Aquinas, Locke et al, nation states. Each step along the way increased the scale of the government. Why wouldn’t we evolve to larger geographic areas i.e. the EU, in more location globally, especially considering the interrelatedness created via globalism? Corporations do it all the time: consolidate.
    It happens to be an occurrence in a novel I’m writing. The question I have, Will the consolidation among nations be North America with South America, or more as a band, including Western Europe (common cultural attributes), including Japan and Australia?



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