Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday [13 to 16]

16.  DAD

Briggs is in fine form today.


He includes this gem: Video montage of Democrat politicians expressing vaccine hesitancy for partisan reasons last year. Today, many Democrat politicians accuse vaccine skeptics or critics as people who want to kill others.

[Go to t'other place for the tweet ... and other things too.]

15.  Steve 

War Room Episode 1,446 – Fauci/Collins vs. The Omicron Variant 


Episode 1,448 - Washington Post Attacks the Deplorables 


Tuesday [7 to 12]

12.  There it is - the agenda

Tuesday [1 to 6]

6.  Good work, Rev Peter

Recently, Professor Kathleen Stock resigned her philosophy chair at the University of Sussex because she claimed her life had been made intolerable by the wokeists who were outraged when Stock said that ‘gender identity does not outweigh biological sex. There are only two sexes’.

After Professor Stock was appointed OBE last December, 600 professional philosophers took to social media to object in the form of An Open Letter Concerning Transphobia in Philosophy. 

(Well, isn’t it depressing to learn that there are 600 professional philosophers?)

May I make my own objection – not to Professor Stock but to the demonstration by that whole gang of philosophers that they are not worthy of the name philosopher. The meaning of the word is lover or friend of wisdom. But this lot cannot hope to aspire to wisdom.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday [21 till close of play]

To the bitter end.

26.  Terry Dactyl

25.  Note the names

... then the attempt to pass them off as South-East Asian.

The four candles

As mentioned this morning, this is not so much a quiz as a thought provoker.  The idea of the four candles for Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, is that they have four ideas, one for each candle.

These vary - could be heaven and hell etc., could be hope and despair etc.  Imagine you're asked to give the four candle designations based on the most important things for western society at this time - what would your four be?