Monday, November 29, 2021

The four candles

As mentioned this morning, this is not so much a quiz as a thought provoker.  The idea of the four candles for Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, is that they have four ideas, one for each candle.

These vary - could be heaven and hell etc., could be hope and despair etc.  Imagine you're asked to give the four candle designations based on the most important things for western society at this time - what would your four be?


  1. I think the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the hope that no. 4 is delayed as long as possible. Cheerfull - me?

    1. "Apocalypse" is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. I say bring it on.

  2. "Four candles" always brings this to mind.

    Soreee. :) But humour is important at the mo.

  3. Truth, Justice, Retribution, Freedom. Each follows the other.

    We currently have a part of the first. More and we can move to the second. This time we must remember that trials are not job interviews.


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