Saturday, November 04, 2006

[2006] year of the missile

1] Somali Islamists test fired rockets on Friday and prepared for war. 2] Iran's Revolutionary Guards have fired missiles with the capability of carrying cluster warheads at the start of 10 days of military manoeuvres. 3] North Korea test-fired a long-range missile. 4] China recently joined North Korea and Hezbollah in the parade of ballistic bombers by shooting off a newly developed Dong Feng 31. 5] Hezbollah's happy-hour shooting needs no link. Awful lot of countries preparing for war when there is no official war. Does someone know something we don’t?

[haggard] who stands to win and lose

If we can leave aside the MSM sleaze for one moment, it’s a fair question what the motivation was behind the Haggard ‘outing’. The question this blog asks itself, as do many others, is who stands to win and lose by this ‘outing’? One answer is that the environmental lobby [the pre-hijacked grass roots supporter level] stands to lose big time. They’ve lost a major spokesperson. Who gains? You can answer this for yourself.

Friday, November 03, 2006

[china] the silk road to africa

Never thought this blog would stoop to using Them as a source for a story. The CFR [and one thing their pedigree does give them is authority in international pot-stirring] says Beijing’s policy of “non-interference in domestic affairs” allows it to feed its voracious appetite for oil without regard for Sudan’s refusal to accept UN peacekeeping troops in Darfur, as discussed in Backgrounder, or the repressive regime of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe. China’s investment in Africa is projected by Chinese officials to reach $50 billion this year and that’s a whole new ball game.

[dj de petro] foot in mouth, then backslides

Had to chuckle over DJ de Petro, who made some – er - inappropriate remarks about a Gubernatorial candidate and was then fired. DePetro told the Globe today he was "stunned" by his firing and that he only told his listeners that he wished someone would "tell the fat lesbian to shut up." He then tried to extract himself: "I didn't violate any laws. I know it's mean but she is technically obese and lives an alternative lifestyle. What if someone yelled about Kerry Healey being a spoiled white bitch or Mihos being an arrogant wealthy egomanic?" DePetro apologized on the air after making these remarks. There we go again – apologize, apologize. If you make a remark, stick with it, especially if it’s appropriate.

[ségolène] how much do you really know

All right – she’s a total honey, even at 55 and appears to have a good heart. But be careful – as Wikipedia admitted, she’s also the woman who commissioned a homosexual video for schools called “The Happiness of Loving”, including information for students on the Civil Partnership scheme and how to counter distaste for homosexuals. She has also been very active in promoting same sex ‘marriages’. That will no doubt put her up in some people’s estimation but it will leave the rest us cold.

[sarkozy] comme ségolène, comme benoît xvi

''Ca fait bien longtemps que j'ai employé ces mots'', assure Nicolas Sarkozy

Le patron de l’UMP a promis vendredi de ramener ''l'ordre juste'' en France, une formule chère à Ségolène Royal. Pour lui, la candidate à la candidature socialiste n’a pas le monopole de cette expression. « Je suis pour l'ordre juste », a déclaré vendredi Nicolas Sarkozy aux chauffeurs de bus de Villepinte, en Seine-Saint-Denis. « Il n'y a pas de justice possible sans ordre », a-t-il précisé. Suivez.

[tomkat] irrational dislike for this man worries me

I do not like thee, Mr. Cruise. The reason why I can but muse but this I know I’ll never lose – I do not like thee, Mr. Cruise. MGM CEO Harry E. Sloan announced yesterday: "Cruise and Wagner will have substantial ownership of United Artists. Budget permitting they will have almost complete control over green-lighting and developing new productions." How long till the first blockbuster starring Tom Cruise?

[richard branson] what to do with wealth

This is another of those pre-blogging days articles with end credits but no links. And yet it is interesting and throws up some novel ideas on how best to disburse wealth in poorer nations. Richard Branson is famous for enjoying his wealth. But he also feels that great wealth brings with it great responsibility and he talked to the BBC about the business of philanthropy in the third world. Here.

[backsliding] apologies left, right and centre

What’s with all this apologizing? Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont apologized Thursday to Muslims in the southern part of Thailand for past government policies. The American Legion accepted John Kerry's apology. The Pope said he was ‘deeply sorry’ for comments on Islam following the papal tradition of apologizing for things like the annihilation of Constantinople by Crusaders during 4 days of mayhem in 1204 A.D. Australia has an ongoing National Sorry Day for the aborigines. Enough already! PG Wodehouse said the best sort of people don’t need apologies and the worst sort take advantage of them. Sorry if that offended you just now! Sorry!

[food & wine] seafood to disappear in 50 years

Are you a seafood lover? Researchers warn in the journal Science that 90 per cent of present-day marine fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other currently eaten species of seafood could vanish in 50 years. But the study's lead author, Canadian fisheries researcher Boris Worm, [is that his real name?], thinks countries will correct the present overfishing, economic mismanagement and environmental degradation before that happens. Really? I’m not so sure.