Friday, November 03, 2006

[tomkat] irrational dislike for this man worries me

I do not like thee, Mr. Cruise. The reason why I can but muse but this I know I’ll never lose – I do not like thee, Mr. Cruise. MGM CEO Harry E. Sloan announced yesterday: "Cruise and Wagner will have substantial ownership of United Artists. Budget permitting they will have almost complete control over green-lighting and developing new productions." How long till the first blockbuster starring Tom Cruise?


  1. James,

    I'm sure it was here on your blog that I suggested that Cruise was a marketing man's dream: probably thought up by said marketeer.

    You may not like this, but, OK, buuut, do you get the inference? He was not,and never has been, a good actor. He is a Mandelsonian construct; a way to ensure the Hollywood elite ensures their elite is kept in the public mind. I cannot express my disappointment at the master actor of the French Connection succumbing to 'acting' alongside him to make money. I do understand why - but- if you have that much money in the bank, you. simply, have no reason to do that.

    Perhaps Mr Cruise has bought this studio himself?

    To labour the point: Cruise is possibly the best example of marketing in the 20th century excepting New Labour. He was/is being portrayed as the Next Great Thing - he never was - and never aspired to be - simply, he went along with whatever was suggested and the rest of the Hollywood elite were told it would make them money, so they did the same.

    Sounds to me very similar to... oh I'm sure you get the point.


  2. ...You may not like this, but, OK...Sounds to me very similar to... oh I'm sure you get the point.

    Now, STB, you have to know one thing straight away - I'm basically as thick as a plank - good at dropping hints and being enigmatic but not so good at picking up on the nuances.

    Were you referring to Blair? Gimme a hint, gar'n, gimme just a little hint.

  3. James,

    Shucks, you done just guessed right!

    I'm sorry to hear about the emergency full frontal lobotomy rendering your good self so suddenly dense - where am I to go now for pedagogic erudition?



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