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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cameron. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, July 05, 2007

[lesson 2] how to lose your readership

"The truth which makes men free is for the most part the truth men prefer not to hear" [Herbert Agar, Time for Greatness, 1942]
Further to my answer to
The Cityunslicker, I don't know where to start with this business of ascribing the "purpose" behind the seemingly suicidal policy of the financial elite and the military-industrial complex.

I agree with him that it would be economically illogical for them to undercut their own financial base but I think to create a western collapse is another matter - there are great profits to be made on a falling market.

Today my friend, who reveres most things western, was almost mocking:

"Oh and how in your country, with its democratic tradition, could a government get away with these things? They'd be voted out of office."

Me: "How? Look at the U.S. - Clinton and Thompson are both ex-CFR. Kerry and Bush were both from the same club."

"But in your society, the people have the power."

"Really? Read any website from my sidebar and see how much power the people have."

"But if they brought in unpopular legisalation, they'd be voted out."

"Hardly anyone knows about it. We call it "salami tactics", from a sitcom called Yes Prime Minister. "Slice by slice". The Blair government criminalized 3000 new aspects of human behaviour and only a few are known about, let alone debated." [Source: Tom Paine]

I can see the problem here.

People are seeking rational answers to the almost hard-driven government mania for acquiring powers over the people - the new Statism. I see no difficulty in understanding it at all because of the hundreds of pages I have in various places, ranging from the financiers through to the psychological and education communities.

How to get it to you and even if I could - would you read it? This is a blog, after all, where people have attention spans for about four witty paragraphs and that's it. The only way I can see to do it is just take fragments from all over the place and throw them together below.

Not to convince, naturally but just to get an idea of the sort of thing we're dealing with, which I'm quite sure the average person is not yet aware of. So here are some random excerpts lifted from various documents, focussing on the Power referred to by Senator Jenner:

# They are intelligent, well educated, and active in their local churches.

# These are NOT nice people and they use and manipulate others viciously. They cut their eye teeth on status, power, and money.

# A top western financier would secretly meet with an Eastern or Russian "adversary" during those years [Cold War], and have a good laugh at how the "sheep" were being deluded.

# The random factor in all of this is how the average citizen reacts. It can't be predicted, although the leadership will often invent different scenarios, and try to decide how they will act if the ordinary citizens react in an unexpected manner.

# Open royalty that is currently seen now, and "hidden royalty"…

# ...a lot of the current U.S. leadership will be in Europe when the change occurs, and many have homes there. They will be "changing nationalities" overnight, as it were.

# The Kennedy family were punished because they tried to disobey them. They were free thinkers, and too hard to "control".

# ...covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fueled. They are very duplicitous people.

# The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide. Europe will stabilize first and then Germany, France and England will have the strongest economies, and will institute, through the UN, an international currency. Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.

# The good news is that if a person is debt-free, owes nothing to the government or credit debt, and can live self sufficiently, they may do better than others. I would invest in gold, not stocks, if I had the income.

# They are still there, manipulating people, running banks, and channeling their dirty money to Brussels, Switzerland, and Cairo, Egypt.

# These people are very, very militaristic.

# [symbolism] The Phoenix, especially red on black, or the reverse - Butterflies and rainbow signs - A tiara - Star of David called "the great seal of Solomon" - "The Fifth Element" movie was based on the elements - a head with a computer inside …

# ...paedophiles, they abuse children and teach them, under duress, to become perpetrators themselves from earliest infancy. This alone means they should be stopped. They run the porn industry, along with other groups such as the Mafia drug smuggling, gun running, and human slavery…

# …if a lawyer is super rich, with no real identity, beware…

# …any press about them is the equivalent of a gnat to be swatted. Arrogant people make mistakes, and they are becoming more blatant and open in recent years…

# …creating new life or resuscitating from death is a major preoccupation…

# …use abuse to create obedient top-down hierarchies of control…

# Stopping pornography and child prostitution and drug smuggling and gun running would take a huge chunk out of their profits - the financial base would be severely dented…

# They place importance on bloodlines and trace their ancestry back to ancient times…

# …plurality of linguality is valued…

# They hate trees and forests for some reason…

# …they hate Israel with a passion …

# My younger sister remembers being tied up on a stone altar at the age of 3, with a gag in her mouth, and being raped.

# …[herself] stuck with pins and needles, being burned, hung by my feet - sometimes to crosses, spun, dropped off a table as an infant, near drowning…

# My church was very close locally, so they would take me out of class to be taken to the choir director's home to practice "choir" during schooltime…

# None of their techniques to erase memory was satisfactory. I think that's why there are so many survivors who are remembering.

# I think it is used as an incredible fund-raising ability to bring in large amounts of money underground with child pornography in international markets where it is highly sought after.

# …Point Magoo Naval Base where they had dolphin tanks in research, and there were places at Edwards Air Force Base and all sorts of different locations…

# Walter Bowart has a blurb in his book that says the big secrets are protected by their incredulity. And certainly I believe that those who strategized this were very well aware that when all of us started talking about these things that just like in Nazi Germany - people still today believe that a lot of those horrors didn't happen…

# "Don't these old money power groups have enough money already?" What is motivating them to perpetuate these atrocities? A: What I saw from the inside sitting in a group of these men, they more or less look at this as a game of their intellect - like a group of powerful men sitting in a room thinking up strategies of what benefits they might be able to have…

# Valerie Wolf and her survivor clients who were so courageous and stepped forward and opened the door on the mind control…

# It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and others known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide"…

# William Birnbauer, Melbourne Age, April 18, 2004: Dr Leeks is already being investigated by the board following claims that he allowed children to be punished with electric shock treatment and pain-inducing injections while in charge of a psychiatric hospital unit in NZ in the 1970s. The complaints include allegations of assault by staff, the use of electroconvulsive therapy and pain-inducing injections on children as well as sexual assault. From 1982 to 1984 he lived in Canada, and returned to Melbourne in 1984 to establish a private practice in Cheltenham

# Ewen Cameron, the founder of the World Psychiatric Association, funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology Foundation by the Canadian military and the CIA, did LSD and other hallucinogen research and was successfully sued - he had already died and the CIA settled out of court with eight of his patients. One of his papers, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry is on Psychic Driving…

# Why aren't more people concerned about [this]? A: Because they simply can't, won't believe that this is happening.The evidence is there, but in my opinion, the average person does NOT want to know, and even when confronted with it, will look the other way. We as human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst.

If only a fraction of any of this had any truth to it, three descriptions spring to mind:

1] at the least - irresponsible, in those who supposedly govern us;

2] elements of the fiendish and cold;

3] simply mad.

The question of whether it's as mad as the kill-militias which now roam Iraq in and around the American army, as mad as the Janjaweed of Sudan, of Pol Pot or of the Algerian Islamic Satanist militias - that's a moot point. Does "cold and clinical" make them any better than "gleaming-eyed" and "frenzied"?

You understand I'm not referring to George W. or Cheney or Blair or any of the "open faces" here. I'm referring to the secretive faceless men.

Two can play at that game.

Friday, July 08, 2022

An Op Ed type of thing

One of the things I've been meaning to do is make a list of b[v]loggers who are up themselves ... so full of themselves that they look down their noses on minor bloggers and readers alike.  They're not so easy for readers to spot all the time but are dead easy for fellow bloggers.

Before getting to those brickbats, some bouquets. One of the least arrogant and yes, you're reading that right ... is Guido, who will give you the time of day.  Another who was always good people was Iain Dale.  It was the people associating themselves with him who were the a**eh***s, the hangers-on.  Another good one beyond the call of duty is Vox Day. Another was the immortal Ranty.

One sailing couple with a huge following are these two [three now], and the other day, something happened.  Some troll came in using their avatar, I wrote the pair on their boat, hubby replied almost straight away, job done, nice exchange.  Troll blocked.

Readers here already know the fellow bloggers I hang around like a bad smell, so they're good people too.  That's the good side of b[v]logging.

Now to the seeming a**eh***s.  One was Chris Snowdon, another Diocletes or something like that, Diogenes, can't remember the moniker, another was a woman who does 13 things I found on the internet - quite arrogant, another Kate of SDA, Last Refuge is arrogant so stuff him in my book. Another very arrogant woman is Kathy Gyngell.

One I'm not sure about but he couldn't even be bothered returning my email was John Ward, calling himself the Slog.  Much of the time I'm not sure what he's about but today is even more puzzling.

It's true that I withdrew from British politics on the whole post Brexit debacle, so around 2016/17, and I also didn't like that Nigel sold out TBP immediately prior election, to curry favour with Call Me Dave.  How naive in terms of the Slog's post today, of which this is part:
Many among the cognoscenti suspect that he was made aware of his true position during that treatment, and I’m one of them. Numerous lifelong colleagues (most notably Toby Young) noticed a new Boris immediately afterwards. The PM soon confided in a few close journo buddies that he was “simply obeying orders”. Almost overnight, his initial well-judged scepticism about Contrick19 turned into incredible appeals to the spirit of 1940, and the duty of all of us to pray for deliverance from this slayer of mankind via the heroic efforts of the globalist Pharma sector.
Toby Young - the Slog knows him? Small world. I really don't know where the Slog is, politically, but the sentiments above are right.
But the truth is that Johnson was adopted by the corporacrats – albeit a desperation, high-risk choice for the likes of Top Spook Mark Sedwill and his employers Rothschild Bank – following the failures of Cameron and May to keep Britain a minor colony of the EUNATO Empire.
Quite right.  Now, I've been told here not to use the word Rothschild, it's too sacrosanct it seems, yet there are countless posts passim about their doings, plus the Red Cross, Templars and all that. C300.  Morgan, Peabody.
Boris Johnson embraced his role as the Great Reset’s von Ribbentrop apologist for all things totalitarian.
I deem it to be self-evident that for at least two years BoJo knew the nature of the fictional Soap show that has been Viruvaxukraine…
You deem it?  Don't you get around other blogs, man?  Evidently not.  There are layers of evidence for the soapshow at least being 2018 and if one includes the Ukraine - incidentally, it is THE Ukraine, not Ukraine, take that from my Ukrainian mate - then one can put the year at 2014 or even earlier for its planning.

All of which misses the point ... that word everyone avoids like the plague ... satanic.  Because in that frame, in that context, it makes perfect sense. Eliminate that crucial bit because psychologically, one cannot handle it, and one is left speculating like John Ward.

Monday, August 27, 2007

[next pm] here he should be

Thunderdragon, who currently has some woes of his own, has posted, under Gun Control:
There is no doubt that David Davis has scored a significant goal against Home Secretary Jacqui Smith with this open letter.
Have I not consistently said and continue to do so and I think Iain Dale is right on the money with this one, that the very best talent the Tories have is sitting right beside the current shadow PM?

But no one listens to me.

The man can run rings round the opposition and most certainly the powers that be that I blog against [plus Labour] would not want Davis anywhere near the controls. Better to have a malleable puppet like Blair and Cameron.

As Leo Amery said in 1914 but it is still pertinent today:
For twenty years, he [H.H. Asquith] has held a season ticket on the line of least resistance and has gone wherever the train of events has carried him, lucidly justifying his position at whatever point he has happened to find himself.
David Davis for PM and Boris Johnson for London. That's all.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Revisiting an old friend from the Year 2000

While still on the topic of adjusting one's ideas to current realities, a source I once used much was Svali so I thought I'd dig out some of what she said in that interview with HJ Springer, Chief Editor, 2000

Remember that this was the millennium and there were all sorts of concerns 21 years ago, even about time itself.  There was much about about satanic dissociation, two women had brought out books about sex slavery and of course were dismissed. A decade later, one was seen as controlled opposition, under the control of a covert operative. 

At that time, a Nero Wolfe episode we've run here on the FBI was made and judge that against what we know about the DOJ, the FBI and other agencies vis-a-vis DJT - has the leopard changed its spots?  Also, it was coming out just then about the 1970s doings - Gottlieb and his psychotic drugs used on people, Jolyon West and the world psyche network, HAARP and detractors were working overtime to auto-debunk as more and more came out.

And it was true that some over-reached, which detractors leapt upon, as it was bundled in with the moon landings, Diana etc.  This was the time when it was all coming out as people took to the net.  I became 'computered' in 2001, politically sentient in 2003 and was blogging in 2006. It was all new then and discernment was for twelve years or so down the track.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Time for action not inaction

Time for action not inaction by the Jailhouse Lawyer

It's the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. Once the Court passes judgment on a High Contracting Party, for example, the UK, under Article 54 of the European Convention: "The judgment of the Court shall be transmitted to the Committee of Ministers which shall supervise its execution".

The Committee of Ministers has recently started a new website.

Why might Jack Straw be seeing red right now?

"The Committee of Ministers' essential function is to ensure that member states comply with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights".

Could it be because I have his nuts in an uncomfortable position?

Maggie Thatcher Nutcracker

“The Committee of Ministers shall consider any communication from the injured party with regard to payment of the just satisfaction or the taking of individual measures”.

"Individual measures: On 25/05/2004, the applicant was released from prison on licence. He may therefore vote".

Problem solved?

I'm alright, Jack. But, what about all those convicted prisoners I left behind in an undemocratic state?

"General measures:

1) The Action Plan: On 07/04/2006, the United Kingdom authorities supplied an action plan for the execution of this case. The UK authorities committed themselves to undertaking consultation to determine the measures required to implement the judgment (written ministerial declaration of 02/02/2006). A consultation paper setting out the principles, context and options should have been distributed and responses to that paper should be collected by September 2006.

Between September 2006 and February 2007, analysis of those responses should take place, and if appropriate, further consultation should take place and the drafting of a second document containing the preferred option and detailed implementation issues. Further analysis should then take place, and if appropriate, the drafting and publication of another document might take place between March and June 2007.

If legislation is chosen as the method of executing the judgment, then the drafting of legislation will commence at that time. Draft legislation would then be introduced from October 2007 onwards, its timing being subject to parliamentary business.

a) The First Consultation Paper: The consultation paper on “Voting Rights of Convicted Prisoners Detained within the United Kingdom” was published on 01/12/2006. It sets out, inter alia, a summary of the European Court’s judgment, the relevant international documents, the practice of the Council of Europe member states and the proposals that the government believes merit careful consideration:

i) retaining the ban (the Consultation Paper notes that this is the preference of some people and the government but recalls the European court’s finding that retaining a blanket ban falls outside the margin of appreciation of contracting states; however, comments are invited on it);

ii) enfranchising prisoners serving less than a specified term;

iii) allowing those responsible for sentencing to decide; and

iv) enfranchising all tariff-expired life sentence prisoners.

The paper does not set out full enfranchisement as a realistic option, as the government is opposed to it. Proposals were also made specifically concerning prisoners found guilty of election offences and convicted offenders and non-offenders detained in mental hospitals.

b) Information from civil society: It should be noted that on 03/04/2007, the Committee of Ministers received a communication from a non-governmental organisation, the AIRE Centre, under Rule 9. That communication notes that despite the government’s indication that it would engage in a proper debate, it states in the Consultation Paper that it remains wholly opposed to full enfranchisement.

Although the Consultation Paper offers the option of retaining the blanket ban (and welcomed receiving the views of those who agree with this position), it excludes from consideration the possible option of abolishing disenfranchisement of prisoners altogether.

c) The response of the UK authorities: The United Kingdom government recalls that the Consultation Paper did state that views on total disenfranchisement were welcome but nonetheless made it clear, as noted above, that retaining the total ban is outside the margin of appreciation given by the Convention, and is therefore not an actual proposal.

When expressing its belief that an offence serious enough to warrant a term in prison should entail a loss of voting rights while in prison, the government was simply repeating what its position was prior to and throughout the Court proceedings in this case. However, government recognises its obligation to comply with the judgment and has set out a range of options to achieve this.

The United Kingdom government does not interpret the judgment as creating an obligation to enfranchise all prisoners, and has indicated its opposition to such an option, which is why it is omitted from the list of possible options for change in the consultation document. The government indicates that to amend UK law will require primary legislation, and that proposals and resulting draft legislation would be laid before, and thoroughly debated in, both Houses of Parliament.

2) The revised Action Plan: A revised Action Plan has been furnished, which includes a revised timetable. If a second consultation period is required, it would take place from July to September 2007. If legislation is chosen as the method of executing the judgment, the introduction of draft legislation would take place from May 2008 onwards, with its timing being subject to parliamentary business.

The first stage of consultation ended on 07/03/2007, and analysis of the responses is under way. There has been no slippage from the revised plan.

On 25/10/2007, the authorities of the United Kingdom indicated that the government was still considering the responses to the Phase 1 Consultation paper.

• Additional information awaited: Information is required on a regular basis on the progress made in the consultation process and the follow-up to that process.

• Recent development: by letter of 14/04/2008 the authorities provided further information on general measures. The Secretariat is currently assessing this information.

The Deputies decided to resume consideration of this item at the latest at their 1043rd meeting (2-4 December 2008) (DH), in the light of the information already provided on general measures.

Latest development

By letter of 11/04/2008 the authorities provided information on general measures".

Actually, there are a couple of later developments. On 2-4/12/2008 the Committee of Ministers further visited the case of Hirst v UK (No2). And, Jack Straw sat right down and wrote himself a letter.

What the government called "The Action Plan" and the Committee of Ministers used the same language, in my view, amounts to nothing more than an inaction plan!

Under Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements:

“The Committee of Ministers shall be entitled to consider any communication from non-governmental organisations, as well as national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights, with regard to the execution of judgments under Article 46, paragraph 2, of the Convention”.

Both Gordon Brown and David Cameron have stated that a battleground for the next General Election will be the Human Rights Act 1998. As this is my territory, I am happy to do battle on this ground. Whilst they both try to woo the editors of the Sun and the Daily Mail, they have forgotten something. The US Secret Service responsible for bodyguarding the President and President Elect are not concerned with the editors of tabloids. What they fear most is the lone assassin.

One of the arguments the government put to the Grand Chamber, is that convicted prisoners should not have a say in politics and who should govern the country. However, irony of ironies, "Prisoners may hold the key to the legal validity of the next General Election, the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) concluded in its Annual Report published on 31 October 2008".

Today I was speaking on the phone to Duncan Campbell (Guardian journalist), and I said that Jack Straw is embarrassed and does not know which way to turn.

He agreed.

I then asked the question, "Would he be more embarrassed if he had to press to get a law passed by Parliament to allow convicted prisoners the vote, or if he had to explain to the taxpayers why thousands upon thousands of prisoners are to receive millions upon millions of their pounds as compensation for being denied the vote?

He said he felt that the latter would be more embarrassing.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Tuesday [6 to 11]

Morning all!

11.  EH no poster girl for females in business

10.  Fredo's bird

Friday, August 28, 2009

[islamic agenda] in the steps of the prophet, peace be upon him

How would Mr. Ahmad explain this?

Never, I feel, has a post's conclusions been so inevitable. This is my last, for the moment, on the issue.

To be fair to Iftikhar Ahmad, of the London School of Islamics, from the Islamic point of view, it's more than reasonable that he defends his own community and their needs. He's hardly going to under-represent them and thus he's not doing any particular evil himself. If my job were to defend and promote British interests in Cairo, then it would be dereliction not to do that to the best of my ability and thus I'd need to find good arguments to support what I was doing.

The problem is that my little poll [with the limited sample size], the blog comments and the wider debate in the community does not support Mr. Ahmad's conclusions in the least and anomalies were pointed out in his claims by readers. He stated:

The Muslim schools follow National Curriculum along with Islamic studies and Islamic History based on The Holly Quran and Sunnah. There is no place for Comparative Religion and European Languages.

as against:

My suggestion is that in all state, independent and Christian based school special attention should be given to the teaching of Comparative Religion and Islam should be taught by qualified Muslim Teachers.

... and:

Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities.

as against:

There is no place for Comparative Religion and European Languages.

I don't know any indigenous Brit or American who swallows that line from the Muslims and the commenter added: "ROFL". As for:

State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children

... a commenter says:

Why do you expect english speaking indigenes to fund the teaching of other languages, when you already admit English will be the medium of instruction because it is an economic and social language for communication in the global village.

And by implication therefore, the languages you wish indigenes to pay for will never be of any practical use in a modern world, or, what did you call it..., oh yes, ...a world that has become a global village.

Surely you must realise that incompatible languages
CREATE incompatible communities unable to communicate.

... and Mad Piper says:

If Iftikhar Ahmad is an example of a qualified Mohammedan teacher the students are in an even worse situation. His atrocious spelling, grammar, and logic make even my public schools look brilliant.

It's not the purpose of this post to bash Mr. Ahmad who had the decency to come in and put the Muslim point of view but even he must see the hostility from the indigenous population at the hidden agenda he represents and the lack of logic in the arguments for it being benign in terms of the indigenous culture.

was more forthright about this:

With all due respect, this is the typical Islamic propoganda one would expect in rationalizing YOUR culture ISOLATING your children to prevent western assimilation, and you know it.

Young Muslim children influenced by the western culture do not want to follow your culture and this is indicated by the many young girls who run away [not due to inadequate western schools] but to evade enforced,arranged Muslim teenage marriages.

You do NOT accept non Muslims to even teach in your schools so as to not 'tempt' and 'taint' your children with any western influences because the agenda is, as you admit, inflicting the laws and religion of Islam onto the whole unsuspecting planet.

How do YOU justify claiming your people are entitled to a Muslim education[state paid,no less] and cultural,religious identity protection[recognizing the value in all what that entails] when the Islam long term agenda is to deny us ours, GLOBALLY?

Dearieme added an anecdote:

A young acquaintance of mine chose an Islam option in his final year at Oxford. His tutor started by explaining that the Koran is the inerrant word of God and was not to be criticised. My young chum realised that "education" was not the mot juste for such tutorials.

Xlbrl concluded, quite rightly:

The Muslim bridge is not a device to connect two cultures, it is a device to invade it. What is more pathetic, were they to succeed, they would discover they had not even stolen a wealthy land, but only established their pauperized civilization in a different climate. Wealth is not a function of geography. And science has no place in Islam.

Winfred Mann comments on one of the Muslim claims:

“It will help them to develop Islamic Identity crucial for mental, emotional and personality development.”

Why do they need an Islamic Identity to live in Western Culture, which obviously allows for greater freedom?

Tiberius Gracchus, who usually takes a contrary position to whatever is stated in a post, at least conceded:

I think the comments from Mr Ahmad are pretty self refuting- I'm not sure I need to comment on those.

He does say, in defence of Muslim culture in general, which was not the point of the post, incidentally:

You should not caricature all Muslims as having the same view no more than anyone should caricature all Christians as David Duke. As to Muslims- I think we owe them rather a lot from mathematics and the preservation of Greek philosophy, to architecture and art.

If I could come in here and say that my greatest fear is that the agenda of the Muslim leadership who must feel all their birthdays have come at once, the way the Labour government has welcomed their separate community with open arms, this agenda is placing at risk the lives and wellbeing of the ordinary Muslim, e.g. the Pakistani shopkeepers who want no part of the politics and degradation they've escaped from and whose younger generation knows nothing and wants nothing of the oppressive Sharia Law. They need the protection of the government from:

1. the malcontents in the mosques;

2. the backlash of which even the educated commenters on this blog are a part. If these commenters feel this way, then how will all the ASBOs out there feel? How do the thugs on the streets feel?

I don't blame the Muslim leadership themselves - they are the enemy, after all and they're only being loyal to their agenda.


I blame this treasonous government, so untouched by any feeling of loyalty to its own country that it would allow an EU monster to both subsume the very identity of the nation but also allow minority groups of proven socially aggressive and savage habits, as shown in this post, to dictate to it, the government ... which is, after all, only the servant of us, the people. The Muslim leadership dictate to the government who then dictate to us what should and shouldn't be in this country.

To hell with you both, I say and I use the word hell advisedly because that is the final resting place for this pernicious scheme for world domination and the Westminster Fifth Column which facilitates this. People who cry G-d is Great while murdering innocents are certainly not going to Heaven anyway, especially one with 72 virgins waiting and we all know where the Westminster pollies are going to end up.

Even enlightened Muslims can see what's going on. Nonie Darwish wrote in the Sunday Telegraph some time back [sorry there's no link]:

Is it any surprise that after decades of indoctrination in a culture of hate, people actually do hate? Arab society has created a system of relying on fear of a common enemy. It's a system that has brought them much-needed unity, cohesion and compliance in a region ravaged by tribal feuds, instability, violence, and selfish corruption.

So Arab leaders blame Jews and Christians rather than provide good schools, roads, hospitals, housing, jobs, or hope to their people.

For 30 years I lived inside this war zone of oppressive dictatorships and police states. Citizens competed to appease and glorify their dictators, but they looked the other way when Muslims tortured and terrorised other Muslims. I witnessed honour killings of girls, oppression of women, female genital mutilation, polygamy and its devastating effect on family relations.

All of this is destroying the Muslim faith from within.
It's time for Arabs and Muslims to stand up for their families. We must stop allowing our leaders to use the West and Israel as an excuse to distract from their own failed leadership and their citizens' lack of freedoms. I

t's time to stop allowing Arab leaders to complain about cartoons while turning a blind eye to people who defame Islam by holding Korans in one hand while murdering innocent people with the other.

Muslims need jobs - not jihad.

To say that Islam is not Arabic in its very nature is to never have been at a Muslim prayer session. I have been and I'm not about to explain how. Arabic was the language used though the indigenous language was different. Therefore, all this talk of assimilation and crossing bridges is so much hogwash.

And exposing the scam is not hatred in the least but just as stated - exposure.

This country needs to protect the Muslim and any other citizen equally, as Mr. Ahmad intimated but to do that, the Muslim leadership needs to be identified and sent packing from this country or if that's not possible, it needs to be incarcerated because whether it falls within the race hatred category or it's said ever so nicely, the agenda is as clear as day and that agenda is both anathema and inimicable to western society.

Stephen Pollard, in the Sunday Telegraph, on February 19th, 2006, wrote:

The Sunday Telegraph's poll today, which shows that 40% of British Muslims want Sharia law to replace common law and statutes in parts of the country, is bad enough. But for the full impact, it should be read with the paper's interview with one of the leading experts on the subject, Patrick Sookhdeo.

Sookhdeo said:

“It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call 'adverse consequences' - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in. I think it is a very dangerous precedent.” “...

Look at what happened in the 1990s. The security services knew about Abu Hamza and the preachers like him. They knew that London was becoming the centre for Islamic terrorists. The police knew. The Government knew. Yet nothing was done.
The whole approach towards Muslim militants was based on appeasement. 7/7 proved that that approach does not work - yet it is still being followed.

For example, there is a book, The Noble Koran: a New Rendering of its Meaning in English, which is openly available in Muslim bookshops.
It calls for the killing of Jews and Christians, and it sets out a strategy for killing the infidels and for warfare against them.

The Government has done nothing whatever to interfere with the sale of that book.
Why not? Government ministers have promised to punish religious hatred, to criminalise the glorification of terrorism, yet they do nothing about this book, which blatantly does both.”

It's more precisely zeroed in on in his next comment:

“...The trouble is that Tony Blair and other ministers see Islam through the prism of their own secular outlook. They simply do not realise how seriously Muslims take their religion. Islamic clerics regard themselves as locked in mortal combat with secularism.

He misses a certain point here and makes the same fundamental mistake most people do - Blair and Brown were and are tools for another power. Cameron has not shown himself to be any different. He's not a Bilderberger but Osborne sure was. Westminster is riddled with them.

When a journalist noted, to Etienne Davignon, "all the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed." Davignon's response [was that] he and his colleagues were "excellent talent spotters."

Blair and Brown were not so much groomed but were seen as unprincipled, lying, weak-willed people, given to vague blandishments and who would adopt and advance the globalist stance without objection, this stance requiring the breakdown of societies and of patriotism to a national identity.

Thus Blair and Brown were perfect Westminster material.

Therefore they are/were to be promoted, aided and abetted.

These are the men who have allowed the Muslim leadership unfettered right to dictate to this nation what will be and what will not be. So when the backlash comes, rather than beat down doors and slaughter Muslim families who go about their business just as the Jews were trying to do before Kristallnacht, better to target the real villains - the traitorous Them, the mob at Westminster and the Muslim leadership in the Mosques.

The Mosques should never be vandalized and if that is done, then we're no better than those we attack. No, it is the malcontented plot hatchers inside those mosques, whose bemused smiles at the acquiescence of the lily-livered Labour government has enabled their agenda to accelerate beyond their wildest dreams - they are the ones to be rounded up and put on trial. Not with Sharia Law justice or justice the way it currently stands in these devalued times but through the old concept of British justice in a new form which actually represents justice in most people's minds, universal, particular to our nation and one which our people would accept as just.

At that trial, the MCB will be asked to comment on this, for example:

In 1980, the Islamic Council of Europe laid out their strategy for the future - and the fundamental rule was never dilute your presence. That is to say, do not integrate.

No, we're not doing it, we're really not

Iftekhar A. Hai, director of interfaith relations for United Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance, defended Islamic intrusion into the west thus:

“It is true that Mohammed used the concept of just wars as a last resort to establishing peace among the various tribes of Arabia. But the concept of just war (jihad) was backed up with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation. Citing examples from the Koran to say that Mohammed was either more or less violent than other Biblical figures is meaningless and anachronistic. We live today by the standards of a modern civilized world; it is not fair to judge Mohammed, who lived 1420 years ago, by today's standards.”

Meaningless and anachronistic? Judge for yourself. Read through that and see how anachronistic it is.

Muslims point to Surah 2:190-193 as proof that Islam teaches only defensive warfare but eschews offense. These verses admonish Muslims only to fight against those who oppress or persecute them and only until the offenders have stopped oppressing them.

However, the Qur'an also teaches Muslims to enter into exile in lands where Islam is not the dominant force, to pursue the adoption of Islam and to view any indigenous reaction to that as oppression and persecution against Islam, thereby requiring Jihad against these infidels:

"Those who believed, and adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave them asylum and aid- these are all friends and protectors, one of another.

As to those who believed but came not into exile, ye owe no duty of protection to them until they come into exile; but if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance.

And remember Allah seeth all that ye do. The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, protect each other, there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief." (Surah 8:72-73)

In this passage, “adopted exile” is translated from the root form hjr, which has, as its primary meaning, the ideas of containment or confinement, and can carry the connotation of being quarantined or compartmentalised. The idea garnered from this verse seems to be as follows:

Adopt exile in a foreign land, voluntarily confining yourself in a non-Muslim society. Eschew assimilation into the culture and way of life of the host country, and instead agitate for Islam. When opposition arises, join together and give aid and fight for Allah against the unbelievers, since unrighteous persecution has now arisen! Thus, defense changes to offense.

The Islamic philosopher and historian, Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406 AD), stated:
“In the Muslim community, the Holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united in (Islam), so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them at the same.”

The standard defence is that these verses are now outdated and that Ibn Khaldun was a bit of a strange person. Therefore, the west has nothing to fear. Oh really? Where shall I start? Let's try this:

Al-Buti, a modern Muslim scholar, explains:

“The verse (9:5) does not leave any room in the mind to conjecture about what is called defensive war. This verse asserts that Holy War, which is demanded in Islamic law, is not defensive war (as the Western students of Islam understand it) because it could legitimately be an offensive war. That is the apex and most honorable of all Holy wars.”

Horse's mouth. Al Buti again:

“This is the concept which professional experts of thought attempt to conceal from the eyes of Muslims by claiming that anything that is related to a Holy war in Islamic law is only based on defensive warfare to repel an attack ...

It is no secret that the reason behind this deception is the great fear which dominates foreign countries (East and West alike) that the idea of Holy War for the cause of God would be revived in the hearts of Muslims, then certainly, the collapse of European culture will be accomplished.

The mindset of the European man has matured to embrace Islam as soon as he hears an honest message presented. How much more will it be accepted if this message is followed by a Holy War?”

Al-Amin likewise points to the Qur’an for the justification of offensive holy war:

"God had made it clear to us that (we should) call for acceptance of Islam first, then wage war. It is not admissible to wage war before extending the invitation to embrace Islam first, as the Qur’an says.

‘We verily sent our messenger with clear proofs and revealed to them the scripture and the balance, that mankind may observe right measure, and he revealed iron, wherein is mighty power and uses for mankind and that Allah (God) may know him who helps Him and his messengers—Allah is strong, Almighty"’ (Surah Iron 57:25).”

Need I go on for the full 72 pages of research?

There is a clear clash of cultures here, a clash of civilizations in which a solution cannot be found. Those in our own community who preach tolerance of all things, no matter how bad they are, have glossed over this issue, nay, have misunderstood it and have been taken in by the softly-softly approach of the Islamic vanguard in western nations which even now is revealing itself in its open demands on the government.


There is no one enemy. It is Them, it is the Muslim leadership, it is our own ASBOs and the new youth sub-culture, which in the 60s was for peace, man, turn on, tune in, drop out but now is considerably nastier but that is another post.

Anyone ever read any William Burroughs? Try The Wild Boys.

The enemy is coming from different directions. This post is about one particular section of the inimicable forces arrayed against us. To wind up, Douglas Adams was quite apt when describing the planet of Krikkit and I think it is not irrelevant in the context of this discussion:

The people of Krikkit believed in "peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms."

Jihad is love? Possibly but love for whom? For our nation and our way of life?

Monday, May 25, 2009

[poll results] new poll up now

Without going overboard, should Brown ...

Be had up on High Treason 17%
Be prosecuted for his crimes 9%
Be summarily hung at Tyburn 17%
Be made to live on the dole 11%
Be forced to live in Bradford 6%
All of the above 14%
Be allowed to retire now 0%
Be rewarded 6%
Something else 20%

35 votes total free polls

From Mark Wadsworth on May 18, 2009 at 4:36 pm.
Oops, I didn't realise there was an 'all of the above' option, please transfer my vote from 'be prosecuted'.

From North Northwester on May 17, 2009 at 2:26 am.
Everything's too good for him, but seeing his simpering clone David Cameron in Number Ten should do it.

From James on May 15, 2009 at 10:04 am.
And it should be done now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday [11]

11.  Child deaths

Is it just the globocabal which needs bringing to justice or is it also naive parents who believe what they're told to ... and some then go full karen on those who woke up?  And this is what they do to their kids.

The last major worldwide plague of such behaviour was in the 50s - the parents who went Dr. Spock.  Note his first name too.  And once you finish there, try Dr. Ewen Cameron or Dr. Selwyn Leeks ... except Wiki won't tell you their crimes.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Saturday [12 to 17]


17.  Evets on Saturday

NOWP 518:2.

16.  In which Laura tries to come the “posh” femme fatale

Laura darling, a word in the shell-like if I may … first thing is that we’re caught out the moment we speak or put fingers to keys. Dodsworth is a nice English name, unassuming, no airs and graces like Audrey in Tiffany’s.

But from childhood, little gal or big … you girls all love dressing up “posh” and the way you write, the preoccupations … you are all gal … meaning that no gay or tranny would write in exactly that way … it lacks the “scratch yer little eyes out, burst into tears” viciousness of the Camp.

And Steve Harley, in his furs and attitude, also lacked the Campness … he was playacting … I have him pegged as masculine hetero in all those small ways and so it turned out … eventually. 

So is Laura the female equivalent, but she gives herself away a second time … using the word “posh”. It’s a given that anyone using the port out starboard home acronym is anything but posh … in England, it places you exactly, not unlike someone saying “private school” rather than “independent”, as we called them. And not unlike someone using the word “religion” or “religious” to conflate the Christian faith with any of the others … it’s a dead giveaway.

Every time we put out, like David Martin’s pretty little bowie (which I used to wear once, by the way) … we do give ourselves away. No crime in that, juss sayin’ like. (Wonder if it’s elasticised or if he ties it.)

15.  Nice gal, nice meme

14.  TDS

That item is on health and other matters but not on the Israel recognition.

13.  TCW Kathy

The instant I saw one name in there, I stopped reading … can you guess who the charlatan is, in his bow tie?

12.  Ian J

Who needs 'friends' like these ?

"Kiev needs to understand that Washington earns billions on the war in Ukraine while ordinary Ukrainians die," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointed out at a press conference on Friday, a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that:

“90% of the security assistance we’ve provided has actually been spent here in the United States with our manufacturers,” he said at a briefing alongside UK Foreign Minister David Cameron. “So this has also been a win-win that we need to continue.”

Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday [6]

A history

Whether firms run the State or the State runs firms or if the distinction is blurred - always there is corruption and under the table, plus international dealings - they will always be and they will always have an agenda, firstly to dominating and then to profits to enable this.

Socialist notions of eliminating nasty monopolists are naive in the extreme and free enterprise notions of a clean, competitive market are also naive.  When you add to that a guiding hand which organises, as so many from Wilson to Jenner to Clinton's mentor, to others have said, then you have problems.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

M’aidez [4 and 5]

(0804) Bright but essentially Gates full poison cloud cover bleah out there. (0849)

5.  Back to M’aidez 3 again

The first 4 mins of Melanie King’s narration sums it up … the whole issue is contained within those first 4 mins in the clip (even to 5:03).

That hostess gal, being a gal, can be a bit shrill, yes, but she’s the goods, a heat-seeking missile, takes no prisoners, plus she has a sense of humour … she’d just been castigating those WNBA leftwing hater chicks and then added “just as I’m doing now”. Full marks, gal.

Now my turn … look at Ms King’s avatar … it’s doctored to produce a more highlighted woman’s body form. Good women really are the same on their appearance … thank goodness for us.

And the contention is essentially this, from yet another “take no prisoner’s” warrior …

Women (supposedly friends) are more often rivals, highly critical of other women … we men need only sit back and leave ’em to it, noting what they say.  But as Candace Owens said in another vlog on another matter … just why would you appoint a woman to be in charge of anything, with those behavioural traits?

Naturally, various women commented, defending women, good friends of the commenter’s, being loving friends and so on … sisterhood closes ranks … for a time. 

My question is … how do they know that? How do they know their lives are not being dissected with some third party?

Now the caveats … I find women easy to get along with … every difficult real life, rather than online, moment I’ve personally had in the past month, inc. Evri deliveries, was sorted by a woman … quickly, efficiently, minus ego and minus the need to interfere with process and system as, say, Macron and Soy Boy in Canada are doing.  

Gordon Brown just had to interfere with the pension pot, Cameron just has to interfere now, Humza Clown World just had to interfere … Schultz, Gates, Bliar, Obama and his ongoing damage to a nation.

Women such as von Leyen or whatever she’s called are bad news too but they’re essentially operatives for a narrative devised by Woke men long before … vicious bstds who went wrong early.  

This pushback right now against all that is wrong is being led by women, the nurturers of the world. They stopped the Sinn Fein and IRA murderers in NI, they’re highly active in this pushback now. Women just won’t shut up, ha ha, and when it’s for right … then the writing’s on the wall for the baddies, inc. the Woke left of the same sex.

Me big rap for good women? Certainly … for sure. But in turn, those ladies also need support. That’s how this thing works.

Now back to the theatrics of all current “issues”

All theatre. That Caitlin Clark a “goodie”? Rapping to Taylor Swift, the satanist (look at that first graphic in item 3 again)? Mega Nike contract?  Suggest we be circumspect before according her Joan of Arc status against the gaggle of WNBA beeches.

It’s all theatre … just what are we being distracted from? Item 2a or 1d below for example? 4g?

Today of all days … how many kids hostage to monsters are going to be abused on this High Day of the satanist calendar tonight?  Why did that Masonic toolkit make an appearance out of nowhere last night?

4.  MftWC too

a.  Military situation on Ukrainian frontlines on April 30, 2024 (Map Update) |

b.  Italy demands Russia unfreeze. No NATO for you. GPS jamming. Sanchez avoids Elensky curse - Alex Christiforou |

c.  Russian flag raised in Rabotino, Zaporozhie region |

d.  [The] Ukraine lost Rabotino, Ukrainian refugees in Europe, NATO vs Russia, China - India - Levan Gudadze |

e. NATO soldiers already in [The] Ukraine |

f.  Donbass falling. Crimean Bridge obsession. $320B Reparations Loan - The Duran |

g.  Kiev regime losing more than a thousand soldiers per day on the frontlines |

(JH: Quick note for MftWC … grand job, kudos, thx as always … you notice 4b above … it did throw the formatting out for some crazy reason, not using the “1” for “I” strategy.  No big deal, just mentioning, like.)

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Tuesday [1 to 5]

Pensive edition.

5.  Steve

a.  J6:

Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests

b.  Braincell update:

National Guard Facilitating Invasion, Human Smuggling As Biden Erases Southern Border (video)

c.  TR:

Tommy Robinson’s Car Firebombed After Release of Documentary Trailer on Grooming Gangs (VIDEO)

e.  Woman Attacked With Baseball Bat While Parked Outside House Tommy Robinson Was Protecting