Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday [7 to 10]


10.  Something more serious

Smallness of those wings … and look at those lines! Ailerons? Tail flap?

9.  Lead items in Wed [8]

Going to look at both in the next post.

8.  The three letter sites

7.  IYE to the rescue

Was going to add the NOWP link Reggid provided, thought 🤔 … maybe not here in the post.


  1. Your aeroplane pic reminds me of The Flying Flea craze which went on in the 1930s!

  2. Kermit Weeks' "Fantasy of Flight Museum is not at "Orlando-Tampa airport" but is instead on his private airport northeast of Lakeland, which is indeed between Orlando and Tampa:
    They used to have an airplane "crashed" into a tree just north of I-4, but have since removed that and placed a static aircraft display just off I-4 on their property. A very interesting place to visit if you like aircraft and ever get the chance!


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.