Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday [11 to 15]

(0900) Evets is up across the way. (1005)

15.  To Andy and anyone else, from IYE

14.  Nige and Christianity

Hmmmm, not too sure Nige is one, Julian.  Not sure that that’s his thang. However, this is interesting:

13.  Moosh corner

12.  The don’t-vote notion

I need to state up front I’m dead-centre on this, though inclining to think we do need to vote when the chips are down.

Firstly, when a whole lot of young and/or disgruntled people (inc. us) suddenly take to the streets with a professionally provided banner:

… I want to know whose money provided them. 

Coz it looks like another globopsycho stunt by pretend “righties” to me, seeking to combine both left and right, student and worker (1968 Paris), in a single thrust to get rid of the debunked midwit crims in parlmt … charge em, jail em and suddenly, there is a new set of “leaders” with not very well known histories … saying things, like a Thomas Massie … champions of the people … but just delve a bit.

And the full extent of the egregious behaviour of the One Nation Unipartiers … midwits … says to me that they were egged on, coerced, threatened, promised their greed and ambition would be satiated. People like Joyce Thacker, Wee Krankie in Scotland etc.

Why? So that “the people” would utterly reject them and usher in the new lot, worse than the old lot (with apologies to The Who).

Now I saw this in Oz with my own eyes in 1975 the night of the coup d’etat.  I’ll preface this by mentioning that I had a phone chat with Malcolm Fraser one afternoon, he’d called up my employer, so I was then, as now, watchful, cautious about “rallying around” calls … just as when UKIP Nige started that People’s Army guff.

Anyway, we were in the Melbourne centre square and were watching the soapbox jumped upon, then that person pushed off and another jumped on … it was comical. Naturally, they were all far left. My companion was a slightly older gal, an out-and-out student Trot. As one pushed another off and jumped up on the real, actual box, Marg said to me, “Stalinist.”

I asked what she was … Trotskyist I think it was and to say Trotskyite seemed was an insult. “That’s what the Stalinists call us.”  Uh huh … some years later, The Stranglers sang of Da Trot getting an icepick which made his ears burn.

They were all in cloud cuckoo land that evening and we went home … respective homes.

So this sort of constant ideological frenzy was going on 24/7, with breaks for sleep … the Frankfurt School lived on, thx to the professors.

Meanwhile, the actual people … er … who?

11.  Time to steal AKH’s post, lock, stock and barrel

Luv it. Plenty more where that came from too.


  1. 13. We had milk delivered by horse and car right into the 1960s when we moved from Barnet (Hertfordshire - as it was then) to western London. But we had a real cart with wooden wheels and iron tires, not the 'new fangeled' pneumatic tyres of the photograph.

  2. 15. Thanks for that, I'll get up to speed.
    14. Yet Soviet Russia made homosexuality a serious crime, many were executed. It was a crime difficult to prove one's innocence when denounced, plenty of that going on. Emphasis was given to prodigious breeding to replace those being lost and those lost in the Great Patriotic War. The children then becoming property of the state, poor mites.


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