Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Crystal Palace


  1. 12. During my military service, I had the pleasant experience of serving in West Berlin when it was a divided city, living and working within a mile of a huge wall, behind which were millions of people who would have loved the opportunity of voting for an elected government, but who were denied that right by the occupying forces. Visiting East Berlin showed me what happens when a puppet government is in charge, where human rights are ignored and the rules of law, trade, and commerce are selectively chosen by that puppet government. Failing, or refusing, to vote can only play into the hands of those who wish to install a puppet government in this country. If you don't use it, you may lose it.

  2. Sorry, entered on the wrong topic. Should have been on the "Don't vote" topic. No excuses, apart from apparent early onset dementia.


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