Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday [4 to 6]

(0556) Here come da cloud! The Gates cloud has snuffed out the sun out there … there’s a battle royal as it lowers itself and rolls across the skyscape to make it 8/8 cover of billowing black. (0743)

6.  Early roundup

5.  This may well sound insane …

… but there are two major, accurate recorders of the mixed physical and metaphysical history of Mankind imho … yep, the major one which somehow managed to get through the ages … the Bible, which is a collection of books … 

… and a 1960s comedy series which had a comment on every human folly … yep … Python. The latter never claimed to be inspired.

The trouble with the latter, which it never claimed for itself, was that the Left and Intellectual class, who were my colleagues, generally saw themselves as inspired in their thought processes above and beyond the ordinary mortal and were susceptible to all sorts of thought which tried to make sense of things beyond simple good v evil … 

Thus we got Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Hegel etc. etc. … all humble mortals trying to make sense of it all and yet also playing the three wise monkeys in dismissing the bleedin’ obvious …

… namely that there’s certainly something metaphysical going on and it always has done … including a very ancient war for the earth and for humanity. Men without huge egos and even some with huge egos, have occasionally seen that there’s certainly something of that nature affecting human affairs … 

TS Elliot put it like this:

… and less “religiously”, from Edmund Burke:

The stumbling block, the kicker, the deal breaker, is that The Intellectual Class through the ages have been fixated on Perfectable Man, equal of Heaven, even better (see the hunt for the Higgs boson, see the Bull and Kali, see communism, see the ancient Ziggurats, see M in the cave and what that spawned) and what none of them see is they’ve been had, hook, line and sinker.

Look at whom Jesus of Nazareth was aiming … publicans and sinners … ignoring the contemporary Intellectual Class and priesthood of the various cults and sects, inc. the Pharisees and Sadducees … going straight for the ordinary man, saying things roughly along the lines Edmund Burke took up much later.

To my mind, for the physical to ignore the metaphysical is a grave mistake (geddit? geddit? never mind, I’ll get me coat) while the converse is true as well … there really are physical laws as they pertain to earth … they only get iffy when looking at anti-matter near the outer reaches of the stellar system. 

Why is Man so incapable of seeing that? Why does he become so hardwired, inured … so encamped? Where street cred and respectability come into a simple discussion of what is … and what is not?

The “baddies” are constantly inventing wild ideas … Net Zero, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Codex Alimentarius, Marxism itself, CRT … and yoof lap it up, aided and abetted by globopsycho, inc. the masonic, the “illumined” in their temples, the red shoes … and so it goes on … lost souls.

There was a CS Lewis observation I saw last night but forgot to copy … basically that the worst baddies are those that … just because they themselves are lost … they want everyone else to go down with them.

Nuff for now.

4.  MftWC too

a.  Military overview: Ukrainian army grinded in fire pockets in Donbass |

b.  NATO will punish China for [The] Ukraine. Putin visits North Korea. BBC, Odessa is hiding. Schumer burger - Alex Christoforou |

c.  Russian offensive in Kharkiv region: Strategic goals and interim results |

d.  Russia Storms West, Villages Fall; Ukraine Plans Kharkov Attack; World Against West on [The] Ukraine; 20 F16 Pilots - Alexander Mercouris |

e.  Empty talks cannot stop Russian army |

f.  Russia wins Swiss summit. NYT resurrects Istanbul ceasefire - The Duran |

g.  Up to half a million NATO soldiers waiting to enter [The] Ukraine |

h. Ukraine's debt, Russian President in North Korea, Reshuffles in the Russian MoD, Stoltenberg - F-16 - Levan Gudadze |

i.  Trump slams Zelensky: “He’s maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that’s ever lived” |

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