Monday, May 27, 2024

Bank Holiday and Memorial Monday [1 to 4]

(0509) Morning all. While going through, earlier, and resizing today’s first fayre, it “struck me like a smackeroo blurby right between the eyes” that I need to proceed afap one item at a time, rather than lump it all together.

Sounds logical, sayeth you? Aye but easier said than done … there’s just so much of the bleedin’ stuff and there’s also a thing called overkill.  I’ll try. (0602) 

Evets is up across the way. (0614)

4.  DAD at NOWP

a) Football fans are the same the world over. 

Paris Saint Germain ambush the Olympic Lyonnais coaches. One coach completely burned-out. 

[PSG won the cup final – what would they have done if they had lost?]

b) An anarchist bookshop whose windows were ransacked and adorned with tags calling them “Zionist” for refusing to sell Bouteldja’s books last weekend. 

During the night from Saturday to Sunday the windows of the ‘Arctic Flowers’ library were broken and the facade sprayed with “Sales faf Free Pales” and “NVM” (probably “fuck your mothers”).

The historical position of anti-nationalists and anti-authoritarians has always suffered this type of attack, since the Cold War and its camps which seek to prohibit any anti-national position, or by default, to discredit them as necessarily belonging to the other camp. Because for the defenders of nations, the State and war, there are only two camps.

c) On the eve of next week’s European elections, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is calling on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to join forces to form a right-wing supergroup that would constitute the second largest large bloc of parties in the European Parliament.

Ms Le Pen’s proposal to Mr Meloni is simple and could prove important. Speaking to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on Sunday, she Dec. “It’s time to unite, it would really help. If we succeed, we will become the second largest group in the European Parliament. I think we should not miss such an opportunity.”

3.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Severely vaccine-injured 21-year-old man: “This is a full-body assault” |

b.  More lies and stats fiddles prove yet again that you are presently governed by two-faced criminals who cannot be trusted |

c.  The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes |

d.  New human vaccines are already developed and stockpiled for a pandemic flu that doesn’t even exist yet |

e.  Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu ahead of the vote on WHO’s pandemic plans |

f.  The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor Is Larger Than Ever |

g.  Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within |

2.  Awwwthricketed

Wonderful expression from Vivian Stanshall from his younger days, in St Henry at Rawlinson End, a nice take on the landed gentry, similar to how Evelyn Waugh would have treated it … or even William Bealby Wright … it’s very much a leftist tradition I was part of with my yoof-ful face, wispy beard, Peterson of Doob-lyn briar, David Martin bowtie and all manner of pseudo-intellectualism.

One of the terms VS employed was “awwthricketed”, used to describe how the gardener in the stately grounds moved on uncertain pins, knee joints moving like plastic egg cartons … nice writing. The old gardener himself was named Old Scrotum, the wrinkled retainer … think on’t dot dot dot.

Would you say that that leftism with a dash of cruel humour still exists today or is it all from Hamas to the Sea, gluing yourself to outrageously expensive heat pumps to “save the planet”, whilst systematically destroying it?

Anyway, the old joints were awwwthricketing a bit this morning, though they’ve improved in the last twenty minutes.

1.  Ed Lamon

Ed’s a wonderful ole chap from the Bama tradition:

… with a penchant for quoting Old Testament in his sermon from the X pulpit and with an abiding love for Alabama Crimson Tide, Toodles’s football team over there. Had to smile at Toodles because in her opening remarks to me which had me hooked from that moment forward, she informed me about the Crimson Tide and that if I was going to start talking Auburn, the old enemy … to try supporting them … then we had nothing further to say.

Head Coach of Auburn at that time was Tubbs or Tommy Tuberville, a very good coach by all accounts, now a US Senator from Bama who has moved further and further right and is embracing All-American and MAGA positions on issues these days.

Anyway, I assured Toodles I’d be Bama grey elephant all the way and it’s had spin-offs. It atteacted Ed for a start (see avatar), a fine old Christian chap in that tradition but it also attracted Sally that Clemson Girl:

… who opened with an olive branch … that she had begrudging admiration for The Tide … then her team went on to beat “us” in the Final that year but that’s another story.  

Fascinating stuff and what I’m finding is just what thoroughly nice people they all are … that word again … civilised.

Anyway, back to Ed and his OT Christianity in that old, old bible belt wooden church way:

… and his long, long study of the OT, which you might notice is also currently being written about by IYE, Dgr and I, right at this moment.

More on that topic a bit later. Suffice it to say but there’s method in Ed’s mayhem which I’m starting to see.  Toodles knows of him too.


  1. One. Levi was cursed along with Simeon by Jacob

    "5 “Simeon and Levi are brothers—
    their swords[a] are weapons of violence.
    6 Let me not enter their council,
    let me not join their assembly,
    for they have killed men in their anger
    and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.
    7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce,
    and their fury, so cruel!
    I will scatter them in Jacob
    and disperse them in Israel."

    Gen 49 vvs 5-7

    If you want to know who went were after the deluge look at Gen 10 "The Table of Nations"
    Fascinating reading I always find. :) Digger

  2. Hiram Abith. Masonic source.

    1. What about it? Digger

    2. Just further background. :)

    3. Ah got ya! Digger (and that is probably the last of the three comments gargoyle allow me per day)


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