Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wednesday [1 to 3]

(0228) Despite the time, this post follows a longish sleep, clearly there'll be another in a while. (0351)

3.  A rant ... not only with IYE at NOWP

If you watch the IYE piece at 623:1, what thoughts first come to mind? If it's to mutter: "Conspiracy theory," then you've fallen into the classic trap, one of the first principles to stop or inhibit an investigation ... to shame the investigator. In almost every whodunnit film, show, book ... the classic comeback is: "You're imagining it."

At the same time, the classic investigative principles are: "Motive, means, opportunity," and as part of that, one of the first aspects you look at is:

The handbook to investigating says you need a large, coordinated database ... have you heard of Interpol? Also globo-psycho ... but for far more nefarious 1984 ends ... digital ID, SDRs instead of cash or card etc. etc.  Every cyber handbook says make a backup, if possible on dead tree, spread far and wide.

Sherlock Holmes's principle was adopted by real investigators, e.g. insurance fraud delvers whose tenure depends on finding out, rather than just denying claims ... who decides that? The Holmes maxims included:

... and:

Trace of annoyance, you'll note. To that, I'll add the old Perry Mason quote I call the Sergeant Holcombe Syndrome:

To my mind, Holmes is not necessarily more intelligent but he is more methodical than most.

And "methodical" involves not accepting anything on the face of it but to start applying the various classic methods.  What was my first reaction to the young man who presented such a good hypothesis at NOWP 623:1?

Is he Chinese? Asian?  Nope ... Kim ... Korean.

Second question ... how come he has it so accurately?  Does he actually know? How?

Another pundit always with the lowdown ... Andy Ngo ... where from?

Now this girl ... and she is a girl, not some seasoned, mature operator of many decades:

I'll not even say who she is ... if you've been up with the news, you'd know ... this is live news right now ... but there's Asian in her features, despite the western name. Why her?

And in advertising ... who are we thoroughly sick of in every bleedin' advert? Blacks, right? Esp. black men on white girls. Why so few deathculters in beards and garb? Coz advertisers know what a turn-off they are.

Are advertisers racist? Or are they realistic about what washes and what doesn't? Unless they're Woke of course ... then they go like Tysons in the States. Like Bud Light etc. etc.

To investigate, your whole persona needs to be awake to anomalies ... even in your own methods ... plus you can't afford to be be lazy ... assertion without evidence is just that ... baseless assertion. Let me repeat that:

You can't afford to be lazy. Especially as you get older. Especially in these current times.

And part of laziness is lack of self-discipline. Another is smug self-satisfaction.

2.  Man from the West Country one

a.  The more vaccines an infant receives, the greater the risk of hospitalisation and death |

b.  Study identifies issues with mRNA vaccines “that could have fatal consequences” |

c.  UK’s Nudge Unit should be held to account for its involvement during the C**id debacle |

d.  Documents from Germany’s public health agency reveal the decision to “lockdown” was political |

e.  Pew Research: More Than Half Of Insane Leftist Women Are ‘Literally Insane’ |

f.  UK needs to spend additional $73 billion on power grid to meet net-zero targets for 2035 |

g.  The Death Throes of Empire? Beware the thrashing tail! |

1.  Ladies first today ... Isilme from yesterday

JH: Yep. 🍿🍿🍿

1 comment:

  1. 3. Struck me as being a robot.

    Re your ads - you should be so lucky! I'm constantly swamped with that certain demographic begging for contributions to a building project - you know, the one with the domes and turrets? And then a new range of specially slaughtered meat and pizza products. The inclusion of meatless pizzas in that range puzzles me somewhat. But anyway - frigging annoying!



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