Friday, August 06, 2021

Friday [1 to 5]

Welcome to rainy Friday, the morning where we can't even see our computers.  Chance to start using my rain pictures.

5.  Ripper

This has to be a joke. Check out the earrings..

4.  Haiku

a.  "You'll never believe what I'm watching - Marc Bolan is playing a song with Adolf Hitler!" - attributed to John Lennon"

b.  Starting to win:

3.  Steve

a.  Arizona: Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers Launches Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election

b.  Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Slams Corrupt Election Officials for “Violating” State Law; Says America’s Audit is “Holding Them Accountable”

c.  Georgia: More Voter Frau Allegations in Several Georgia Counties Including: Gwinnett, DeKalb, Fulton, and Clayton Counties (VIDEO)

d.  Wisconsin: Wisconsin Election Officials Quietly Remove More Than 200,000 from Their Voter Rolls

e.  Michigan: Information from Code MonkeyZ Provides Additional Proof that Michigan Election Leaders Absolutely Destroyed Evidence When Changing Batteries in Voting Machines

f.  Colorado: Soros Backed Colorado Secretary of State Called Meeting to Steal Elections Into Perpetuity, Instead Massive Crowd Attends and Calls for Forensic Audit of 2020 Election

g.  Related: Captain Seth Keshel Speaks to Jordan Conradson – Discusses His Election Analysis Methods: “It’s The #1 Issue” (VIDEO)

2.  Rossa's mother 

... has the goods on the Krazy Krankie, arch Kriminal in Govan and her jailing of Craig Murray:

I need to do my reading on that today and post at OoL tomorrow first thing - it's a very OoL type issue.  Any input would help, thankee please etc.

1.  Andy has something

... Crusader Rabbit links to a site with a good idiot’s guide to what’s going on. These people appear to be serious about creating a news network challenging the official line. For example they have run articles by Dr Mercola. They link to various connected news sites below the article. I’m giving the Crusader Rabbit link because it was where I saw their link and because it’s a decent site in its own right.


  1. Coronahoax. Soda bread edition :)


    2. This has been my argument from the beginning DR - well, 8th of Oct last year, when Jon Rappaport and Dr Tom Cowan broke the news that the CDC had not isolated the virus due to having no sample 'available'. Instead, the 'virus' genome sequence was made up by computer modelling on 37 fragments of god knows what stewed in chemicals and monkey kidney cells.

      Two similar FOI requests to the HSE in Ireland were made in December with the same reply.

      I've never said that covid doesn't exist - I have only ever argued that it hasn't been *proven* to exist due to never being isolated. This is as far as I could go without being labelled as a loony tune. That stance works better with the normies anyway.

      Besides that, I've heard *none* of those top scientists - the American Frontline Doctors including Yeadon, Tenpenny, Cahill and countless others deny its existence. To do so would be to undermine their fight. Lately its also been discovered that Fauci and Gates have patents on it, dating back to 1998.

  2. "Rumble can't be embedded/ There are two reasons - first that it is java, second that it has no dimensions control, it comes out full width and I never run full width, only 560px and under."

    Won't it automatically scale if you stick it in an iframe?

    There is usually an embed button below the video on Rumble, lower right. That gives the choice between Javascript and iframe for the embed code. The iframe is the one to choose.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.