Wednesday, April 11, 2007

[guido fawkes] egg on my face, it appears

I'm glad it happened. I was getting a bit too holier-than-thou.

I wrote this update to the blog regulation post below:

Interestingly I just saw an example of blog regulation. I posted a comment earlier on Guido Fawkes' blog and he's removed it. It was in no way rude or attacking, nor did it use bad language. He just doesn't like me, apparently.

And there it is. He has the right, even though I'd never do it to him.
Guido has asked, in the comments section, whether I'm not mistaken. The url he supplies does indeed lead to my comment, which was on a different post to the one I thought I was commenting on.

Though it's puzzling, I have to concede he appears to be right and I hope that all who read that update yesterday now read this post. As my readers are mainly regular, that will probably happen.

A much chastened Higham writes a sincere apology to Guido now and concedes that the said Higham needs to be a bit more careful before he goes throwing accusations around like that again.

Just quietly, between us, Guido could have taken this thing further, had he wanted. He didn't. Read into this what should be read.


  1. It's easily done, James - writing a comment on a different post to the one you think you are writing it on.

  2. Good of you to own up to it, a man of honour.

    I like Guido's Newsnight does Recess Monkey- I'd quite like to see the Paxman does Guido one but he hasn't posted that up.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.