Monday, February 12, 2007

[obama] john howard sticks his oar in

Australia's prime minister is in hot water for suggesting that Barack Obama would be popular among terrorist leaders because of his promise to recall troops from Iraq if he wins.

Howard says his remarks were appropriate.

Obama challenged John Howard to send another 20,000 Australian troops. "Otherwise, it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric," he said in Iowa.

Republicans and Democrats have both told John Howard to butt out and not to interfere in another country’s politics, which is quite delicious, coming as it does from the U.S.

I'd like to know how you can have a 'bunch' of rhetoric. Just asking. Seems to this blogger that as long as the Americans keep out the Lizard Queen, the rest hardly matters.

UPDATE: John Howard has reiterated his stance: "I hold the strongest possible view that it is contrary to the security interests of this country for America to be defeated in Iraq."


  1. I'm an American living in Australia, and I am incensed that the PM here can make such a comment. If the war is so vital for Australian interests, then send more Aussie troops, or send the 1400 already there into Bagdhad. Do you think that will happen??? No way. Australia is there in a token jesture, and want the US to do all the heavy lifting. Almost all of Aussie tropps are in non combat zones. They act like they're part of the "fight". If they want to talk the talk, then they should get their hands dirty. US spent almost half a TRILLION dollars, and lost more than 3000 good people. Australia lost 1 guy, who by the way accidently shot HIMSELF in the head. Like the saying goes.... "put up, or shut up."

  2. Anonymous has a good point. Obama will clearly campaign on this line as it is in direct opposition to Clinton. Did you know she has been accused of dishing the dirt on Obama's drug past about when he used to take cocaine as a teenager?

  3. I quite like John Howard and his stance on the war, however he should just but out of America's electoral business.

  4. I find John Howard's resolve most refreshing. PLUS, he's right about the enemy's hope that the Democrats win the White House and then cut and run. PLUS Obama is trying to have it both ways. He uses our troop numbers -- which he objects to -- to try to tell Howard his own numbers are too small. I ain't buyin'.

  5. I feel Americans have to realize that the election of their president is very much world business, especially in anglo countries. The policies of Britain and Australia are affected by the outcome.

    Americans have gone out into the world and thus their own affairs are under world scrutiny. they can't just turn around and say: 'Butt out,' especially to close allies.


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