Monday, February 12, 2007

[france] ségolène’s proposals

# 500,000 subsidized jobs for young people;
# the streamlining of presidential ministries;
# free medical care for children younger than 16;
# reduced class sizes;
# better unemployment benefits;
# interest-free government loans to graduates to start businesses.

Royal did not detail Sunday how the country would pay for the new entitlements. So she’s consistently leftist.

Her supporters drifted to other candidates, experts say, after she blundered on trips abroad and refused to be specific about how she'd run the country.

Also consistently left, she has said she’s a victim of "a hard right, without principles, without virtue" that had her "vilified in seedy publications and on the cover of weekly magazines linked to the government."

Currently it stands Sarkozy 53% and Royal 47% but both acknowledge that under the French system, that is far from certain.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, James. I see that seizing the victim-ground is, once again, to the fore.


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