Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phantom => Dionichi => Laura Rowe

Storm in West Texas (pic)

[JH: IMHO, soc-med at its best.  Just on the pic, is it … er … my imagination about the lower left of the cloud?  Dionichi points out that this is colour-enhanced, I saw the orig, the enhanced is fine, it invents nothing new.]

Thursday [3 and 4]


4.  The Donald and some silly cow in NYC

And a comment:

3.  This might be duplication

During Trump’s presidency*, she was one of the Senators who consistently prevented core elements of President Trump’s America First agenda from being implemented.

Murkowski was one of fifteen Republicans to vote for the gun control bill that passed the Senate in June.
Murkowski also supported the confirmation of left-wing Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Now, a Project Veritas video has revealed that she quietly supported ranked-choice voting in Alaska because it would prevent her America First, Trump-backed opponent, Kelly Tshibaka, from winning.

Her Campaign Coordinator said that people who voted for her Democratic opponent, Pat Chesbro, would rank her 2nd, boosting her over her Trump-backed Republican opponent.

*. I think he means during part one, before the usurpation, this being part two now. 

Thursday [1 and 2]

Morning all. Hot day coming up here.  Already hot.

2.  DAD drops today

We have an interesting one in the ongoing issue of some platforms working for some but not for others.  Over at NOWP right now are two DAD drops which are pointless here, the links, as they don’t expand, at least for me … but over there they do.  Yesterday we had the film unseeable in some countries, seeable in others.

Why?  Why effing why?  It’s stoopid.  But it’s what we have.  This two-venue N.O. alleviates some of it.


Three Tweets this morning.

a) That padlock.

b) That warrant.

c) The soul of EU at stake !

1.  Evets 1 and 2

Clanet Povid (Phase II Edition):

Official Government Reports confirm we are witnessing Depopulation by COVID Vaccination

b.  The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest – Part 2

c.  Recently Released Emails Provide More Evidence of Big Tech-Government Collusion

d.  What Is Called ‘Science’ Today Is Nothing More Than Political Ideology Masquerading as Science

e.  [The] Ukraine

Crimean Airfield Explosions. HIMARS Gets Hacked. Zelensky Selling Off Ukraine To "Enrich Himself"

f.  Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

g.  Ukraine's military gone, rampant corruption leaked documents reveal | Redacted with Clayton Morris

h.  Related:

Why the US wants to destroy China & Russia: Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega explains

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday [20 till close of play]

Evening all.

22.  Ian J

Interesting piece from David Craig below - it seems our civil service has approx one manager for every productive worker! no wonder the canoe isn't moving! (ref a cartoon about chiefs and indians I saw long ago)

21.  The contents of DJT's safe

Watch out though for G men in drag.

20.  Dearieme

I enjoy the Americanism "Good enough for government work". Here's a fine example entitled "A Century Of UK/NI Rainfall". (He means GB/NI but it seems unkind to tease an Englishmen for his genetic incapacity to understand the geography and constitutional arrangements of these islands.)

It's worth reading to the end, honest!

Midweek movie

For those who can't access it, this is the opening:

Wednesday [15 to 19]

Lunch took longer than expected.

19.  NOWP

Evets 3:

Evets 4:

Watch this space.

18.  Bayard

17.  Andy

Our wonderful police force have attracted the attention of Breitbart:

16.  Ian J

“I've just spent an hour analysing the cookies listed on the DM website (after spending 1/2 hr de-selecting those tagged for 'legitimate interest'). There were 1500 sources of cookies, and 294 tagged for 'legitimate interest' (on just one site), each one of which had to be removed individually as I do not want my viewing to be sold (in this case, by the DM) to commercial interests. No wonder my laptop slows down at times, and it occurs to me to ask how much the website owners are making from these firms if they go to such lengths to make their removal difficult.

The spreadsheet did not download onto the ipad but did on the laptop, such that I can access it and am doing so.  That much is good, the predictable part is that it doesn't upload to Blgr.  There is a way I shall grapple with when there's time from the non-stop blogging, maybe on the weekend. For now it's in the too hard basket.”

15.  On what Ripper sent

There's an interesting philosophical question here, summed up best by Misanthrope Girl:
A court in Scotland has found Mark Meechan, aka Count Dankula, guilty of a ‘hate crime’ for teaching his girlfriend’s pug to respond to remarks such as “Gas the Jews” by raising a paw in an imitation of a Nazi salute. I shouldn’t have to say, but will anyway for the hard of thinking, that this was childish, tasteless and offensive of him, however funny he thought it might be at the time.
That old adage - you're not young for long but you can be immature for the rest of your life ... I did chuckle at the idiocy but hey, there you go.

My objection is primarily the trivialising of freedom at a critical point in society across the west where he was inviting plod to strike in order to make a martyr of himself himself himself me me me.

There are, in my book, two kinds of libertarianism ... the mindless licentious type which is all ego ... me me me gotta have total freedom at all times, no consideration for anyone ... and then the type we see in Carl Benjamin, who actually has something to say and does so.

He exposed the UKIP Achilles heel and so he should have. Dankula did not.

As for Waters, he's an idiot.

The comments of both our gentlemen can be found here: