Thursday, December 02, 2021

Try these

  1. I am from the month of December.  I am the only month that has this. What am I? 
  2. Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days. How many have 28? 
  3. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? 
  4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday? 
  5. What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?

Wimmin on railway tracks #007

For bondage fans:

Thursday [10 and 11]

And onwards towards noon.

11.  Mate just told me

... that Russell Effing Brand, the commie, had woken up from Wokery, his four million loony followers are now getting a taste of what we've had to put up with.  If so, good sign, even Andrew Sachs might forgive him.  If more of these slow on the uptake cretins do actually wake up ... weeelll ... sky's the limit, eh?

10.  Just back, some tales

... once the shopping's unpacked and breklunch is had. Actually, not a lot to tell.  Have some mulled wine here as a spare but bought spices for a bottle I'll get in a fortnight, so that's done, mince pies etc.  Just separated the chicken into carcass and bits for soup and the breast for sandwiches tomorrow.

Morrisons, talk about incongruous - through the tannoys  was this 'do they know it's Christmas' saccharinity, real retching stuff but on the floor below, people were ramming trolleys into others quite brusquely I felt, plus big fat mamas blocking aisles and stopping there to jaw-jaw, swearing, masks, the usual pre-Xmas horror ... but at least they're calling it Christmas.  Yay.

Three songbirds

 Like ... er ... wow ... I hesitate to say three heavyweights of the music industry [firmament?] but ... er ... wow:

Blogging might be just a bit erratic for some hours, RL things to sort out, not health.

Thursday [3 to 9]

Brekky time.

9.  Steve

a.  Armored UN Vehicles in Australia; Forcing Vaccine on People!

b.  Crazy Austria, UK Government going Nuts Again And Good News From Australia?


8.  Andrew Torba

Leaving no one in any doubt.  Take it or leave it:

Thursday [1 and 2]


2.  On Ardern's record forever