Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Salami tactics

Many Brits of a certain age will remember the Yes Prime Minister episode on “salami tactics”, slice by slice, and if anyone would understand these tactics, it would be Mossad’s Gatestone in this mailing:
  • China's border actions against India have been described as a "salami tactic". China seems to be seeking to dominate territory through incremental operations too small to attract international attention and not large enough to spark an actual war with India -- but sufficient to accumulate real results over time in the form of gained territory. It is similar to the tactic China has been using in the South China Sea.

  • For this purpose, China uses gray-zone warfare, a maneuver at which the country has become expert, especially against Taiwan. The concept entails actions that fall just short of war -- others have termed it "indirect war" -- but the purpose is the same: to overcome resistance -- or a perceived enemy -- by inducing exhaustion.

  • "Overall, China's increasing ties to the Indian Ocean and beyond have expanded enormously over the past two decades.... Crucially... it appears that China does intend to develop some sort of Indian Ocean force." — Christopher Colley, Wilson Center, Washington D.C., April 2, 2021

  • "If India is weakened militarily and economically... its value as a counterweight to China and the broader U.S. goal of countering China's regional influence would also be undermined." — Daniel S. Markey, Council on Foreign Relations, April 19, 2021.

It’s the truth - various posts in the early days here back this up, plus the very name of this blog - nourishing obscurity - see here.

To add to this, haiku sends a link, saying “don’t f*** with Mossad”.  Thought had crossed my mind too.

The outgoing head of Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad has suggested that Stuxnet wasn't the only spanner in the works his agency put into Iran's nuclear programme.

In an interview last week, Yossi Cohen intimated that Iran's uranium-enrichment centrifuges at the Natanz facility had been physically destroyed in the past year, requiring a rebuild. Although Cohen did not explicitly take credit for the sabotage, he made it clear Israel was bent on stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Tuesday [4 to 8]

8.  DR latest

7.  Rossa's mother

Interesting viewpoint from someone who has experienced both sides ...

Famed North Korean defector Yeonmi Park offered a chilling account of her time at Columbia University, saying that not even North Korea went to the level of brainwashing that she witnessed.

Speaking with Fox News, Park became increasingly dismayed with the cost of an education that amounted to little more than what she described as indoctrination.
We'll come back to this theme.

6.  Distant Relative

a.  Bats were kept in cages at the Wuhan lab but Daszak denied that. Well of course he did ...

b.  Oh well, it's been fun ...

Tuesday [1 to 3]

3.  Delicious ironies for me

Chaps and chapesses, would you please drop banks of political links under posts with a “nameday” heading ... 

... e.g. Monday [8] or Tuesday [3], rather than any under “other topic” headings, stand alone posts?  Ta in advance.

Not sure if the lady in question in the post “Request” last evening will see the funny side - I’m sure she will, she has a keen sense of humour.  

First delicious irony is this - Ivan kept to the topic of that post, smartphones, thank you, Ivan, though the comment was blunt.  The two who didn’t keep to the topic appear in [1] and [2] below, providing valuable data drops, drops which we need and some of those points will be returned to later.

Second delicious irony is that the lady herself, the subject of the post "Request", had said days ago to me that these two - Steve and Ripper - are a blunt, unstoppable force.  And I replied thank bloody goodness for that - not much use to anyone if they weren't. And she replied that we're lucky to have them, plus DR and RM and others.

Third delicious irony - decades ago, a commanding officer did draw me aside and said: “Didn’t make yourself clear enough, did you, Lieutenant! The men need crisp, clear commands!”  

Fourth delicious irony - I was the one who posted yesterday about the ATC who lost her job for not being clear in her instructions … and here am I doing exactly the same

Fifth delicious irony is that while I've been typing this, DR, Rossa's mother and haiku have incoming, so I'd best not hang about rabbiting on here.  

DR's, haiku's and Rossa's mother's incoming will appear in Tuesday [4 to 8].

2.  Ripper

Monday, June 14, 2021


I really do have to zip off [Steve, shall do the links tomorrow morning] but request of readers.

Friend of the blog - her phone is almost on its last legs, needs a new one.  My suggestion was iPhone but I did read that not all of them are good now. Is it still the benchmark or what?  As she's not super-techie, she needs quality and internet connectivity - usual things.

One way is cheapo phone, as I do, and quality tablet but somehow I think it best the phone route for her.  I thought it would be crazy not to use the blog if it's here to put out the call for help - same if you have a question which needs asking - feel free, short of buying and selling.

https://www.theverge.com/22163811/best-phone [US]

https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/best-phone [UK]

On the run

 Running late, just some thoughts - Biden getting lost boring, so is Boris, these two though:

The very first covid autopsy [Ripper]



"Video From 2003 Shows Anthony Fauci Being Told to Step Down by a Physician in North Carolina" 


Conceited little twerp.

GB News - not much impressed by Neil, he's not anti-Woke at all. Expecting nothing much but we shall see, eh?

20:38:  DR has two new tweets up here:


Try these

  1. Which famous musician from another band was also a Ramone?
  2. The Seikilos Epitaph is notable for what record?
  3. Best selling solo singing artist in the world?
  4. Which orchestra almost boarded the Titanic?
  5. What famous singer drummed for band Breakfast Club?
  6. When did GB last win Eurovision?
  7. Which instrument did Voltaire detest?