Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday [1 and 2]

2.  Torquaymada

1.  Steve

No Planet Covid stuff from me today, James - you sound over subscribed :) Anyway.. 

a.  Maricopa County: 8 Boxes Remain – Hand Recount Nearly Finished – Huge Discrepancies Expected – No Ballots = No Victory 

b.  Last Day Of Counting In Arizona: Huge Discrepancies Expected – 2 State Delegations Tour The Audit 

Project Fear

What we have here, in all the material contributors have sent over the moths and years, in what I've written - what we have is an unenviable situation.

We've become harbingers of bad news and so we come to the prime directive for any army - mental health and combat efficiency.

I've used the word "diabolical" and some of you think that fanciful, hyperbole, too much bible bashing ... but it certainly begins to look that way to me - diabolical - and here is one reason:

How do you get someone to lose his or her mind, how do you irreparably wreck trust?  How do you, if one of the global cultists, get people to fear absolutely everyone else, distrust, to the point we can no longer combine in any meaningful way?  

In fact, the Paul Temple series is all about that.  Was that a radio series for "the family" with all the bashings, murders etc. every few minutes, was it the BBC's idea of wholesome family entertainment? When you never knew who was friend, who was foe?  My long book Masquerade was about that.

I'd say there was agenda even back then - in fact at any time post-war in practical terms. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Saturday [10 to 15]

15.  Are Breitbart giving a subtle hint via its advertising?

14.  Steve

Saturday movie


 One of the reviews

"The Big Knife" caused a sensation when it came out. After all, no one in his right mind would dare to criticize the movie industry, after all, it was the studio and its ruthless executives that were exposed as the bad guys, even at the time where the old studio system was disappearing.

Dad jokes

One thing Chuckles inflicted on us was Dad jokes.  I suggested execution was the most humane way.  In memoriam:

  • What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? Sofishticated.
  • What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.
  • I asked my dog what's two minus two. He said nothing.
  • I have a joke about chemistry, but I don't think it will get a reaction.
  • I had a neck brace fitted years ago and I've never looked back since.
  • What's a robot's favorite snack? Computer chips.
  • It's inappropriate to make a 'dad joke' if you're not a dad. It's a faux pa.
There’s another which isn’t a dad joke per se, it was a meme. “I have to be careful taking my dog to the beach next time.  He’s called ‘Shark’.”

Marxism is a euphemism for something far worse

Great minds seem to think alike:

Many of us older than half a century no longer recognize the country we grew up in. We have a hard time reconciling that past America with what we see happening today. America, to our view, was predominantly a place of light, freedom, and joy. Now, as we witness a massing storm of iniquity, we either don’t understand what we’re seeing or we choke back the language to describe it because the words all sound too harsh or politically incorrect. We look for other demons to blame such as Socialism, and Marxism, and while they are definitely part of the problem, what now haunts us is even darker than those malignancies.

Quite uncanny that the words running through the mind here could also be running through the mind exactly that way across the pond.