Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday [2 to 6]

More as and when this morning.

6.  Debbie Dove [tweeter] last evening

Do any of you remember me telling you about my husband's aunt who had self isolated for a year then died two days after the 2nd jab? Funeral was today and spoke to her son. It was a blood clot in the brain!  Would have been alive today!

5.  Take this one as and how you will

Club des Cordeliers:

Gates Foundation collaborated with the Pentagon to develop "gene drives," genetic modifications designed to spread through a population at higher-than-normal rates of inheritance.

Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the U.S. military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field. The trove of emails, obtained via open records requests, also shed light on a $1.6 million dollar UN gene drive advocacy operation paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“Emerging Ag,” a private PR firm paid by the Gates Foundation, is working behind the scenes to stack key UN advisory processes with gene drive-friendly scientists, and has recruited ostensibly independent academics and public officials into a private collaboration to counteract proposed regulations and to resist calls by scientists and conservationists for an international moratorium. Some of those recruited entered into the UN discussions without divulging their conflicts of interest or the role that paid political consultants played in shaping their inputs.

Tuesday [1]

1.  More on the Great Reset

Not sure how to embed this type of video which Ripper here provides:


... but we’re at the stage where many people, e.g. Roger Hodgkinson, either knew for a long time and now go public or else people wake up and go into print for themselves.

So even though the message, with new insights as well, reiterates many things the reader already knows, the very process of various people now discovering and/or speaking is such an important one, and the good thing to my mind is the old adage about no one being more vehement than the new discoverer.

This lady is one of the decades old knowers, Kassie Troy: 

This angers a lot of people about the #COVID19 measures: intrinsic evil is presented as a good. Masks are good; distance is good; quarantine is good; hunkering indoors is good; abandoning the elderly is good; not educating the young is good...whereas in fact all of that is evil!

In Russia, it was called the Samizdat, as readers know - little voices like ours plugging away until falling away, new ones taking their place, until it becomes a counter-culture.


06:10: Have just watched the video and need now to go through it again, summarising in print the main points as a sort of Hodgkinson Declaration.  Idea is when someone outdoors quotes rubbish at you, you can take this out of your pocket and quote from it.  It will take me till late afternoon to write up.

Monday, April 19, 2021

And stay out !

Great to see the leader of the red division of the Uniparty thrown out of that pub in Bath by the publican. I’m hoping none of them were allowed in any pub in perpetuity, esp. Johnson.

Operation Cupcake notes:

Boris Johnson's great grandfather's government career was cut short when he was lynched by an angry mob whilst en-route to his trial on charges of treason.  Kidnapped from a barber shop!. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Kemal

Feeling the need to get down to Bath and buy that man a beer.

Quick note from 12 mins ago on the Chauvin trial:

Closing arguments and rebuttal over.  Now instructions to the jury to deliberate.

Monday [16 to 18]

18.  Men and women yet again, ad nauseam

The danger in watching one or two MGTOW is that one is then clobbered by the YTs and of course, their opposite - Feminazi YTs.  

One quote I thought interesting was that women are never interested in the progress of the battle, the cut and thrust, the pain along the way to the players. They gather near the finish line and make their own play for the winners. The rest of the losers can go jump.

Another was that there's no point men trying to analyse and understand wimmin - wimmin themselves understand wimmin far better and they hate each other, deep down.  Could not possibly comment, being a man.

The one characteristic of men forever quoted by both sides is our [men's] dumbness, how easily we're led around by our tadgers, by their eyes, the shape, the winning smile, the fluttering eyelashes, the soft husky voices, the personal attention.  Guilty I'm afraid.

I've cleared those YTs cluttering up the lists.

17.  Good ads

Try these

  • Name one of the two others who rode with Revere.
  • Name two of the Squad neither Cortez nor Omar.
  • Which officer allegedly gunned down Ashli Babbitt?
  • Which senior football manager was just fired?
  • Which MP was thrown out of an English pub today?
  • Who recently wished Muslims “divine blessings”?
  • Who’s just introduced a bill to break up Big Tech?


1. Doesn't matter to the DemRats, RINOs, Cabalists, CINOs [in churches], death cult, Zionists, Uniparty, global UN communists, MSM, soc-med trolls, the Wokerati, cancel culture, self-entitled, perma-victim SJWs, millennials and post-millennials etc. etc./2.

2. Doesn't matter to them where the conflict comes from or between whom, the only important thing now is to create a toxic, incendiary environment where wormtongues whisper oppression into sensitive ears.  Then kaboom! /3.

3. In the UK, it's more likely to be death cult versus the  indigenous; in the US, it's more likely to be black versus everyone else [guess who'll win that one].  They were really trying hard to make it vaxx/mask zombies versus the sane.  Fine weather got in the way. /4.

4. They'll have to fall back on the race card to get an inter-racial civil war up and running. One thing no one seems to be factoring in is - the moment the killings start, in come compromised FEMA and Nat Guard. /5.

5. They're in league with the military brass which the Donald found were rank treasonous, gallows quislings [Matis for example needs to swing] and of course the military move in to kill off, incarcerate and re-educate patriots. In a straight war, patriots would win. /6.