Monday, April 07, 2008

[timmy on the train] let's not laugh at others' misfortunes

Andrew Haines, First Great Western Chief Operating Officer, having a bit of a giggle

Regarding First Great Western and their accessibility from abroad with their super-duper new system, Tim Worstall opines:


Using their online system, you cannot book a ticket from outside the country.

Which knuckle dragging mouth breather designed that system then?

Well done Mr. Haines. You’re a credit to British industry.

F---wit. [slightly abridged as this is a family blog]

Welcome to Nu-Britain.

[lizard queen] who needed the presidency anyway

"I adore you, Barack - you've got beautiful eyes. I'd be a great running mate."

Mrs Clinton's communications director, Howard Wolfson, and pollster Geoff Garin will take over co-ordinating her "strategic message team".

Strategic message? Have I missed something here?

[usury] underpinning the world

Under the title Banks, usury and slavery, Sackers asks a fair question:

This means that bank lending, as a proportion of GDP, doubles every 7 years. How long can this continue? How long before we are completely robbed and enslaved? Or am I asking a fool's question?

Not in the least - been going on a long time now. Will all collapse and start over again as usual.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

[thought for the day] sunday evening

Is it the sharp edges or the holes which actually grate the carrot?

[only after dark] have faith

Note - click pause on the lyrics whilst loading - it's faster.

Song lyrics | After Dark lyrics

[phonetic dictionary] third offerings

The idea is that this is a "phonetic" dictionary and so the definitions do not actually accord with the meaning of the words but with the sounds of those words.

So, take "antelope", definition "absconding insect". "Ant" - the little insect. "Elope" - to run away with one's lover. Similarly, with "badinage" - the phonetic meaning comes out as "bad in age" - memory, sex, teeth.

If you get the idea, you might like to try these below:

The first offerings were here.

The second offerings were here.

The third offerings are here:

20 Equilibrium...............Sedative for horses

21 Equivocal...................Duet

22 Farthing....................Distant object

24 Flatulent...................Borrowed apartment

25 Fodder.......................Male parent

26 Foolhardy..................Stan Laurel

27 Forensic.....................Migrants unwell

28 Foresight...................Saga

29 Forfeit........................Quadruped

30 Frigate!......................Angry exclamation

Can you state, in each case, why that particular phonetic meaning?