Saturday, April 05, 2008

[phonetic dictionary] second offerings

The idea is that this is only a phonetic dictionary and so the definitions do not actually accord with the meaning of the words but with the parts of the words, as sounded.

So, take "antelope", definition "absconding insect". "Ant" - the little insect. "Elope" - to run away with one's lover.

Similarly, with "badinage" - the phonetic meaning comes out as "bad in age" - memory, sex, teeth.

If you get the idea, try these below:

The first offerings were here.

Here are the second:
3 Adenoid..................Irritated by adverts

4 Alimony..................Arab coins

7 Aphrodisiac............Trapeze artists from Zaire

9 Barbecue................Awaiting haircut

12 Capsize................Seven and three-quarters

13 Carrion......................Continue

14 Castanet....................Go fishing

15 Chinchilla...................Aftershave

17 Counter-culture.........Retailing

19 Emulate.....................Dead bird
Can you state, in each case, why that particular phonetic meaning?


  1. You must have insomnia tonight.
    I do like counter culture and capsize. Don't understand the question. All make a kind of sense, were there alternatives?

  2. You clearly have too much time on your hands. Why don't you take advantage of that fact and do another novel. This time with space ships. We need some baddies as well. if you don't believe in aliens then human baddies will do fine. Don't do time travel though, it makes my head hurt.

  3. Wow, you have a big head, James. I mean compared to my cap's size. :)

    Best I liked 4 :) and 14.

    Are you sure Afro-disiac are Trapeze artists from Zaire?

  4. These are fun :-) I noticed you posted one twice ;-)


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