Saturday, April 05, 2008

[thought for the day] saturday evening

Never go back to a place where you have been happy. Until you do, it remains alive for you. If you go back there, it will be destroyed.

[Agatha Christie]

[saturday quiz] odd one out

Who is the odd one out? Well of course you can select any and say the others are different but the idea is to guess what my criterion was [and there is only one]. So it's not enough to get the correct character but you also need to say why.

Hint - it was the reason I selected the rabbit, of all animals.

Answer is below here so don't look until you've tried - you need to highlight the next line as it's written in white :)

Ingrid Bergman - the only one from a non-large family.

[duet dudes] see them at cherie's

[st george] stirring himself for april 23rd

Wonko points out:

When the Conservatives took control of Telford & Wrekin Council they replaced the flag of the EU with the English flag. I hope they take advantage of the new relaxed flag flying rules to remove the British flag and replace it with our own national flag, the Cross of St George.

April 23rd coming up, folks. Don't forget it. The dragon will be festooned with his coat of blue and 12 stars in a circle.

[phonetic dictionary] second offerings

The idea is that this is only a phonetic dictionary and so the definitions do not actually accord with the meaning of the words but with the parts of the words, as sounded.

So, take "antelope", definition "absconding insect". "Ant" - the little insect. "Elope" - to run away with one's lover.

Similarly, with "badinage" - the phonetic meaning comes out as "bad in age" - memory, sex, teeth.

If you get the idea, try these below:

The first offerings were here.

Here are the second:
3 Adenoid..................Irritated by adverts

4 Alimony..................Arab coins

7 Aphrodisiac............Trapeze artists from Zaire

9 Barbecue................Awaiting haircut

12 Capsize................Seven and three-quarters

13 Carrion......................Continue

14 Castanet....................Go fishing

15 Chinchilla...................Aftershave

17 Counter-culture.........Retailing

19 Emulate.....................Dead bird
Can you state, in each case, why that particular phonetic meaning?

Friday, April 04, 2008

[thought for the day] friday evening

There's only one way to find out if a man is honest...ask him.

If he says 'yes,' you know he's a crook.
