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Showing posts sorted by date for query bilderberg. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday [1 to 5]

New week, bank holiday here.

5.  Ed Yong of Discover, Aug 16, 2010
Earlier this year, I described how the normally harmless nose bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia becomes infectious when it battles against another species called Haemophilius influenzae. This competitor summons white blood cells to do away with Streptococcus, which can defend itself by producing a thicker coat. But this armour also allows Streptococcus to evade our own immune system, resulting in pneumonia, meningitis and other diseases. As I wrote back then, “many human diseases really have nothing to do with us at all.”

4.  Via Rossa's mother

Monday, May 24, 2021

Interim post

8.  Here's what we're up against

I went through so many links and every time it took us to the point of some science, we were directed to a bitchute or similar. A Tube is not science in black and white - it's some guy waffling.  Bitchutes are not going to be watched by the other side, just on our say-so.  It must be in black and white.  Unless there are charts in the tube which we can screenshot.

This was better than some:

In there was a link to this:

Now, embedded in there was this:

“The primers are what you know. We already know the strings of RNA for the Corona family, the regions that are stable. That’s at one end. Then you look at the other end of the region, for all Corona viruses. The Chinese decided that there was a region in those stable areas that was unique to their Corona virus. You do PCR to see if that is true. If it is truly unique it would work. But they’re using the SARS test because they don’t really have one for the new virus.”

“SARS isn’t the virus that stopped the world,” I offer.

“That’s right.”

We have to play devil's advocate here because that is what opponents will immediately do. That article does have science in there but it's surrounded by a young woman journos' guff, her padding which is entirely unnecessary - it's frustrating. And the man saying it has a degree in biology but can still be attacked for not being an "epidemiologist" per se.  Like us, he's an "investigator".

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Examining some of the gobbledegook

Firstly, when I say 'examining', it's not in any depth as I could nae be bothered, purpose of the exercise is to provide a starting point for those interested.

Secondly, there's most certainly a connection or theme which is Egyptian/Mesopotamian etc. and whether that is due to some ancient lineage or whether it's mystery religion, it still results in expressions such as The Great Reset. Whenever you see that Great in there, or Grand, you can be sure you're dealing with this lot.

My father was a Mason but of the blue orders from what I can gather.  I saw his regalia a few times, he was not, according to my mother, much into it and I think finally left it.  He had no friends after that, just the two of us, poor sod.  Whether or not I'm supposed to have been some sort of star child, who knows?  Something went off the rails if that is so.

Into that, this is an abridged amalgam of some of the things I have, not specifically on Memphis:

It is because of this society's emphasis on illumination that the AISB became known by its more common title.

Note - it's essentially Luciferian and that means lightbearing or lightbringing, rather than the evil which is associated with it now.  The idea is that all these people, e.g. the current US admin, are taking over to ensure that nothing gets in the way of the Great Reset.  This also applies in the UK - you only need explore the blancmange himself, plus his psycho offsiders to see where this thing is.  Back to the text.

All of these paths eventually lead the initiate into a belief system that he is privileged and chosen to carry on the 'Great Work' or The Plan, that he is above the rest of humanity ... Therefore imposed rule is a 'right'. The ONLY allegiance is to the 'Light'.  'Angel of light'. 

Friday, August 28, 2009

[islamic agenda] in the steps of the prophet, peace be upon him

How would Mr. Ahmad explain this?

Never, I feel, has a post's conclusions been so inevitable. This is my last, for the moment, on the issue.

To be fair to Iftikhar Ahmad, of the London School of Islamics, from the Islamic point of view, it's more than reasonable that he defends his own community and their needs. He's hardly going to under-represent them and thus he's not doing any particular evil himself. If my job were to defend and promote British interests in Cairo, then it would be dereliction not to do that to the best of my ability and thus I'd need to find good arguments to support what I was doing.

The problem is that my little poll [with the limited sample size], the blog comments and the wider debate in the community does not support Mr. Ahmad's conclusions in the least and anomalies were pointed out in his claims by readers. He stated:

The Muslim schools follow National Curriculum along with Islamic studies and Islamic History based on The Holly Quran and Sunnah. There is no place for Comparative Religion and European Languages.

as against:

My suggestion is that in all state, independent and Christian based school special attention should be given to the teaching of Comparative Religion and Islam should be taught by qualified Muslim Teachers.

... and:

Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities.

as against:

There is no place for Comparative Religion and European Languages.

I don't know any indigenous Brit or American who swallows that line from the Muslims and the commenter added: "ROFL". As for:

State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children

... a commenter says:

Why do you expect english speaking indigenes to fund the teaching of other languages, when you already admit English will be the medium of instruction because it is an economic and social language for communication in the global village.

And by implication therefore, the languages you wish indigenes to pay for will never be of any practical use in a modern world, or, what did you call it..., oh yes, ...a world that has become a global village.

Surely you must realise that incompatible languages
CREATE incompatible communities unable to communicate.

... and Mad Piper says:

If Iftikhar Ahmad is an example of a qualified Mohammedan teacher the students are in an even worse situation. His atrocious spelling, grammar, and logic make even my public schools look brilliant.

It's not the purpose of this post to bash Mr. Ahmad who had the decency to come in and put the Muslim point of view but even he must see the hostility from the indigenous population at the hidden agenda he represents and the lack of logic in the arguments for it being benign in terms of the indigenous culture.

was more forthright about this:

With all due respect, this is the typical Islamic propoganda one would expect in rationalizing YOUR culture ISOLATING your children to prevent western assimilation, and you know it.

Young Muslim children influenced by the western culture do not want to follow your culture and this is indicated by the many young girls who run away [not due to inadequate western schools] but to evade enforced,arranged Muslim teenage marriages.

You do NOT accept non Muslims to even teach in your schools so as to not 'tempt' and 'taint' your children with any western influences because the agenda is, as you admit, inflicting the laws and religion of Islam onto the whole unsuspecting planet.

How do YOU justify claiming your people are entitled to a Muslim education[state paid,no less] and cultural,religious identity protection[recognizing the value in all what that entails] when the Islam long term agenda is to deny us ours, GLOBALLY?

Dearieme added an anecdote:

A young acquaintance of mine chose an Islam option in his final year at Oxford. His tutor started by explaining that the Koran is the inerrant word of God and was not to be criticised. My young chum realised that "education" was not the mot juste for such tutorials.

Xlbrl concluded, quite rightly:

The Muslim bridge is not a device to connect two cultures, it is a device to invade it. What is more pathetic, were they to succeed, they would discover they had not even stolen a wealthy land, but only established their pauperized civilization in a different climate. Wealth is not a function of geography. And science has no place in Islam.

Winfred Mann comments on one of the Muslim claims:

“It will help them to develop Islamic Identity crucial for mental, emotional and personality development.”

Why do they need an Islamic Identity to live in Western Culture, which obviously allows for greater freedom?

Tiberius Gracchus, who usually takes a contrary position to whatever is stated in a post, at least conceded:

I think the comments from Mr Ahmad are pretty self refuting- I'm not sure I need to comment on those.

He does say, in defence of Muslim culture in general, which was not the point of the post, incidentally:

You should not caricature all Muslims as having the same view no more than anyone should caricature all Christians as David Duke. As to Muslims- I think we owe them rather a lot from mathematics and the preservation of Greek philosophy, to architecture and art.

If I could come in here and say that my greatest fear is that the agenda of the Muslim leadership who must feel all their birthdays have come at once, the way the Labour government has welcomed their separate community with open arms, this agenda is placing at risk the lives and wellbeing of the ordinary Muslim, e.g. the Pakistani shopkeepers who want no part of the politics and degradation they've escaped from and whose younger generation knows nothing and wants nothing of the oppressive Sharia Law. They need the protection of the government from:

1. the malcontents in the mosques;

2. the backlash of which even the educated commenters on this blog are a part. If these commenters feel this way, then how will all the ASBOs out there feel? How do the thugs on the streets feel?

I don't blame the Muslim leadership themselves - they are the enemy, after all and they're only being loyal to their agenda.


I blame this treasonous government, so untouched by any feeling of loyalty to its own country that it would allow an EU monster to both subsume the very identity of the nation but also allow minority groups of proven socially aggressive and savage habits, as shown in this post, to dictate to it, the government ... which is, after all, only the servant of us, the people. The Muslim leadership dictate to the government who then dictate to us what should and shouldn't be in this country.

To hell with you both, I say and I use the word hell advisedly because that is the final resting place for this pernicious scheme for world domination and the Westminster Fifth Column which facilitates this. People who cry G-d is Great while murdering innocents are certainly not going to Heaven anyway, especially one with 72 virgins waiting and we all know where the Westminster pollies are going to end up.

Even enlightened Muslims can see what's going on. Nonie Darwish wrote in the Sunday Telegraph some time back [sorry there's no link]:

Is it any surprise that after decades of indoctrination in a culture of hate, people actually do hate? Arab society has created a system of relying on fear of a common enemy. It's a system that has brought them much-needed unity, cohesion and compliance in a region ravaged by tribal feuds, instability, violence, and selfish corruption.

So Arab leaders blame Jews and Christians rather than provide good schools, roads, hospitals, housing, jobs, or hope to their people.

For 30 years I lived inside this war zone of oppressive dictatorships and police states. Citizens competed to appease and glorify their dictators, but they looked the other way when Muslims tortured and terrorised other Muslims. I witnessed honour killings of girls, oppression of women, female genital mutilation, polygamy and its devastating effect on family relations.

All of this is destroying the Muslim faith from within.
It's time for Arabs and Muslims to stand up for their families. We must stop allowing our leaders to use the West and Israel as an excuse to distract from their own failed leadership and their citizens' lack of freedoms. I

t's time to stop allowing Arab leaders to complain about cartoons while turning a blind eye to people who defame Islam by holding Korans in one hand while murdering innocent people with the other.

Muslims need jobs - not jihad.

To say that Islam is not Arabic in its very nature is to never have been at a Muslim prayer session. I have been and I'm not about to explain how. Arabic was the language used though the indigenous language was different. Therefore, all this talk of assimilation and crossing bridges is so much hogwash.

And exposing the scam is not hatred in the least but just as stated - exposure.

This country needs to protect the Muslim and any other citizen equally, as Mr. Ahmad intimated but to do that, the Muslim leadership needs to be identified and sent packing from this country or if that's not possible, it needs to be incarcerated because whether it falls within the race hatred category or it's said ever so nicely, the agenda is as clear as day and that agenda is both anathema and inimicable to western society.

Stephen Pollard, in the Sunday Telegraph, on February 19th, 2006, wrote:

The Sunday Telegraph's poll today, which shows that 40% of British Muslims want Sharia law to replace common law and statutes in parts of the country, is bad enough. But for the full impact, it should be read with the paper's interview with one of the leading experts on the subject, Patrick Sookhdeo.

Sookhdeo said:

“It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call 'adverse consequences' - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in. I think it is a very dangerous precedent.” “...

Look at what happened in the 1990s. The security services knew about Abu Hamza and the preachers like him. They knew that London was becoming the centre for Islamic terrorists. The police knew. The Government knew. Yet nothing was done.
The whole approach towards Muslim militants was based on appeasement. 7/7 proved that that approach does not work - yet it is still being followed.

For example, there is a book, The Noble Koran: a New Rendering of its Meaning in English, which is openly available in Muslim bookshops.
It calls for the killing of Jews and Christians, and it sets out a strategy for killing the infidels and for warfare against them.

The Government has done nothing whatever to interfere with the sale of that book.
Why not? Government ministers have promised to punish religious hatred, to criminalise the glorification of terrorism, yet they do nothing about this book, which blatantly does both.”

It's more precisely zeroed in on in his next comment:

“...The trouble is that Tony Blair and other ministers see Islam through the prism of their own secular outlook. They simply do not realise how seriously Muslims take their religion. Islamic clerics regard themselves as locked in mortal combat with secularism.

He misses a certain point here and makes the same fundamental mistake most people do - Blair and Brown were and are tools for another power. Cameron has not shown himself to be any different. He's not a Bilderberger but Osborne sure was. Westminster is riddled with them.

When a journalist noted, to Etienne Davignon, "all the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed." Davignon's response [was that] he and his colleagues were "excellent talent spotters."

Blair and Brown were not so much groomed but were seen as unprincipled, lying, weak-willed people, given to vague blandishments and who would adopt and advance the globalist stance without objection, this stance requiring the breakdown of societies and of patriotism to a national identity.

Thus Blair and Brown were perfect Westminster material.

Therefore they are/were to be promoted, aided and abetted.

These are the men who have allowed the Muslim leadership unfettered right to dictate to this nation what will be and what will not be. So when the backlash comes, rather than beat down doors and slaughter Muslim families who go about their business just as the Jews were trying to do before Kristallnacht, better to target the real villains - the traitorous Them, the mob at Westminster and the Muslim leadership in the Mosques.

The Mosques should never be vandalized and if that is done, then we're no better than those we attack. No, it is the malcontented plot hatchers inside those mosques, whose bemused smiles at the acquiescence of the lily-livered Labour government has enabled their agenda to accelerate beyond their wildest dreams - they are the ones to be rounded up and put on trial. Not with Sharia Law justice or justice the way it currently stands in these devalued times but through the old concept of British justice in a new form which actually represents justice in most people's minds, universal, particular to our nation and one which our people would accept as just.

At that trial, the MCB will be asked to comment on this, for example:

In 1980, the Islamic Council of Europe laid out their strategy for the future - and the fundamental rule was never dilute your presence. That is to say, do not integrate.

No, we're not doing it, we're really not

Iftekhar A. Hai, director of interfaith relations for United Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance, defended Islamic intrusion into the west thus:

“It is true that Mohammed used the concept of just wars as a last resort to establishing peace among the various tribes of Arabia. But the concept of just war (jihad) was backed up with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation. Citing examples from the Koran to say that Mohammed was either more or less violent than other Biblical figures is meaningless and anachronistic. We live today by the standards of a modern civilized world; it is not fair to judge Mohammed, who lived 1420 years ago, by today's standards.”

Meaningless and anachronistic? Judge for yourself. Read through that and see how anachronistic it is.

Muslims point to Surah 2:190-193 as proof that Islam teaches only defensive warfare but eschews offense. These verses admonish Muslims only to fight against those who oppress or persecute them and only until the offenders have stopped oppressing them.

However, the Qur'an also teaches Muslims to enter into exile in lands where Islam is not the dominant force, to pursue the adoption of Islam and to view any indigenous reaction to that as oppression and persecution against Islam, thereby requiring Jihad against these infidels:

"Those who believed, and adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave them asylum and aid- these are all friends and protectors, one of another.

As to those who believed but came not into exile, ye owe no duty of protection to them until they come into exile; but if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance.

And remember Allah seeth all that ye do. The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, protect each other, there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief." (Surah 8:72-73)

In this passage, “adopted exile” is translated from the root form hjr, which has, as its primary meaning, the ideas of containment or confinement, and can carry the connotation of being quarantined or compartmentalised. The idea garnered from this verse seems to be as follows:

Adopt exile in a foreign land, voluntarily confining yourself in a non-Muslim society. Eschew assimilation into the culture and way of life of the host country, and instead agitate for Islam. When opposition arises, join together and give aid and fight for Allah against the unbelievers, since unrighteous persecution has now arisen! Thus, defense changes to offense.

The Islamic philosopher and historian, Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406 AD), stated:
“In the Muslim community, the Holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united in (Islam), so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them at the same.”

The standard defence is that these verses are now outdated and that Ibn Khaldun was a bit of a strange person. Therefore, the west has nothing to fear. Oh really? Where shall I start? Let's try this:

Al-Buti, a modern Muslim scholar, explains:

“The verse (9:5) does not leave any room in the mind to conjecture about what is called defensive war. This verse asserts that Holy War, which is demanded in Islamic law, is not defensive war (as the Western students of Islam understand it) because it could legitimately be an offensive war. That is the apex and most honorable of all Holy wars.”

Horse's mouth. Al Buti again:

“This is the concept which professional experts of thought attempt to conceal from the eyes of Muslims by claiming that anything that is related to a Holy war in Islamic law is only based on defensive warfare to repel an attack ...

It is no secret that the reason behind this deception is the great fear which dominates foreign countries (East and West alike) that the idea of Holy War for the cause of God would be revived in the hearts of Muslims, then certainly, the collapse of European culture will be accomplished.

The mindset of the European man has matured to embrace Islam as soon as he hears an honest message presented. How much more will it be accepted if this message is followed by a Holy War?”

Al-Amin likewise points to the Qur’an for the justification of offensive holy war:

"God had made it clear to us that (we should) call for acceptance of Islam first, then wage war. It is not admissible to wage war before extending the invitation to embrace Islam first, as the Qur’an says.

‘We verily sent our messenger with clear proofs and revealed to them the scripture and the balance, that mankind may observe right measure, and he revealed iron, wherein is mighty power and uses for mankind and that Allah (God) may know him who helps Him and his messengers—Allah is strong, Almighty"’ (Surah Iron 57:25).”

Need I go on for the full 72 pages of research?

There is a clear clash of cultures here, a clash of civilizations in which a solution cannot be found. Those in our own community who preach tolerance of all things, no matter how bad they are, have glossed over this issue, nay, have misunderstood it and have been taken in by the softly-softly approach of the Islamic vanguard in western nations which even now is revealing itself in its open demands on the government.


There is no one enemy. It is Them, it is the Muslim leadership, it is our own ASBOs and the new youth sub-culture, which in the 60s was for peace, man, turn on, tune in, drop out but now is considerably nastier but that is another post.

Anyone ever read any William Burroughs? Try The Wild Boys.

The enemy is coming from different directions. This post is about one particular section of the inimicable forces arrayed against us. To wind up, Douglas Adams was quite apt when describing the planet of Krikkit and I think it is not irrelevant in the context of this discussion:

The people of Krikkit believed in "peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms."

Jihad is love? Possibly but love for whom? For our nation and our way of life?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

[common purpose] meanwhile, in america

Head honcho UK - "leading" without our authority

Here we go again [Hat Tip Cassandra]:

The latest in a series of new, low-profile efforts to coordinate the unusually focused progressive coalition backing the White House’s goals is a quiet weekly meeting run by a new group called the Common Purpose Project.

The Common Purpose meeting every Tuesday afternoon at the Capitol Hilton brings together the top officials from a range of left-leaning organizations, from labor groups like Change to Win to activists like, all in support of the White House’s agenda. The group has an overlapping membership with a daily 8:45 a.m. call run by the Center for American Progress’ and Media Matters’ political arms; with the new field-oriented coalition Unity ‘09; and with the groups that allied to back the budget as the Campaign to Rebuild and Renew America Now.

Unlike those other groups, however, the Common Purpose meeting has involved a White House official, communications director Ellen Moran, two sources familiar with the meeting said. It’s aimed, said one, at “providing a way for the White House to manage its relationships with some of these independent groups.”

The group’s founder, political consultant and former Gephardt aide Erik Smith, described it in general terms after others had confirmed its existence. (Emphasis added.)

However, Jane Hamsher let slip who is really behind Common Purpose, calling it “one of the many groups Rahm Emanuel has set up to coordinate messaging among liberal interest groups”:

There are a variety of vehicles through which this is done — the 8:45 am call, Unity 09, Campaign to Rebuild and Renew America — and they’ve been extremely successful. When the banks told the White House they wouldn’t cooperate with the PPIP plan unless they got their bonuses, and the administration made the decision to “ratchet down their rhetoric,” the call went out to the liberal interest groups to stay silent too…and silent they remain.


There’s a big problem right now with the traditional liberal interest groups sitting on the sidelines around major issues because they don’t want to buck the White House for fear of getting cut out of the dialogue, or having their funding slashed. Someone picks up a phone, calls a big donor, and the next thing you know…the money is gone. It’s already happened. Because that’s the way Rahm plays.
Of course, the names are different, the backers different but the purpose "common".

[Addition at 20:22: Please do follow the links because below the links are the comments and in many of the comments is a wealth of added information ... plus you can see the concern of so many people ...

Here is the European model explained:

1. From Ian Parker-Joseph - so many articles here
[click this line]

2. Tavistock and Common Purpose

With its purposes now subsumed into Common Purpose, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London was funded into existence in 1946 with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

One of the Tavistock founders, Dr. John Rawlings Rees
, who also became co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, talked of infiltrating all professions and areas of society:

‘Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence ... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!

We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.’

Common Purpose comes into its own in the post-democracy phase of the EU from 2012.

3. Common Purpose first noted and wondered about - read the comments section

4. Common Purpose training methods [also - Groupthink]

5. Service transformation and Common Purpose

6. Psychological profile of a Common Purpose graduate and Julia Middleton's famous Jerk comment

7. From Sonus, on who Common Purpose actually are:




[Note: it is Higham's red highlighting below]

So what organisation, among many, works according to Chatham House rules, has advised the UK Government, well nulab, since they were elected, and which is openly working towards a “post democratic” organised society?

Common Purpose!, and who was involved with Common Purpose at its inception? Geoff Mulgan. And which organisation did he represent at that point? Demos!

Who, or what was/is Demos? Demos is a creation of the Fabian Society, and Mulgan, via Demos was special advisor to T Blair. Yes him again, he who currently is employed by J P Morgan! (CFR represented)

And who is Mulgan? Ex LSE lecturer. And who were the original founders of LSE? The Fabian Society.

Who funded Demos, and Common Purpose? The Office of Deputy Prime Minister, ODPM, bruiser, and secretary shagger, Prescott. The ODPM also set up Regional Assemblies in line with EU prescribed geographical organisation structures, their links with local business that reek of moral hazard, and the local slush funds ermm, Regional Development Agencies, to guide finance into local projects, which once again reek of moral hazard. (Split 'em up in separate hierarchies so they can't organise resistance, then bribe 'em so they won't. Classic moves! Tried and tested.)

And all to comply with the EU, and the greater plan for the world and the new self anointed leaders.

And remember the link given previously.

It all becomes one great global organisation, consolidating power on its own terms.

And so we go full circle. Demos is now quietly advising Labour, Conservatives, and LibDems, - there is no difference between them, and no point in voting for them, and that is why they hate the BNP and the Libertarian party.

Mulgan wrote a book “The Invisible Hand Remaking Charities in the 21st Century”, and recently Miliband introduced legislation into the house that would allow charities to become politically active. There are 170,000 charities in the UK, turning over £44B pa. Clearly a problem. Thankfully the attempt failed, but you can see the direction of pressure! .......

[Higham interrupts to insert these on fake charities [read to get a feel for our situation]:

Mark Wadsworth 1
Mark Wadsworth 2]

... Sonus continues ...The Media Standards Trust adjudicates on reports and complaints about media bias.

Look at the list of trustees. Sir David Bell (Chairman, Financial Times Group) is also Common Purpose, -( link below). Robert Peston is also Common Purpose, but he wouldn't want you to know;) The best part is that they share premises with Common Purpose, same rooms, and Common Purpose provides their IT functions.

Represented are, Anthony Salz (Executive Vice Chairman, NM Rothschild) , and Charles Manby (Goldman Sachs) , and best of all, Deputy Chair Julia Middleton (CEO, Common Purpose) .

Common Purpose have clearly got the Media Standards Trust sown up! So when you make a complaint about the BBC bias, who do you think gets to know? They compile lists. Common Purpose graduates in local authorities and other state bodies are also building lists of enquirers under the Freedom of Information Act! What an excellent way to acquire schedules of dissenters!

And Given the CP overwhelming representation, will the adjudication be impartial? Think of the banal justifications presented by the BBC in their answers!

Then look at Common Purpose details.

Common Purpose have progressed since I last looked. Notice the international banks there, Stock Exchanges, Bundesbank, Goldman Sachs, Irish Banks, Dutch Bank, AIG, National Treasury South Africa,

So we go full circle again. Goldman Sachs, (on both), AIG, Anthony Salz (Executive Vice Chairman, NM Rothschild)

This is really interesting.

There are a smattering of CFR names there too, and Bilderberg names too.

The net closes. - - - On us.

This blogsite is a mine of information.

8. Origins and connections of Common Purpose

9. Common Purpose operations in Britain:

Common Purpose’s failure to explain “what common purpose?”, only to say it is “beyond authority” and when pressed as to what that means, answers that it’s to open up leadership opportunities to those not actually in positions of authority. Again, for what common purpose? They are silent.

The new DTI website now has Regulation in the title and deals with regional administration. CP lists these, concerning all their programmes:
  • develop outward-facing leadership, as people who can lead beyond their authority can produce change beyond their direct circle of control
  • are highly interactive and experiential, through their real-life settings
  • are committed to diversity as working with new and different groups of people delivers greater insight, problem-solving and creativity
  • operate under a set of international conventions that create an environment in which real challenge can thrive
  • are demanding and fun.
Set of international conventions? In an English region? Change beyond their direct circle of control?

So the investigator either becomes a conspiracy theorist and joins the dots himself or else he is left with a fragmented database, no one snippet actually proving anything but tantalizing nonetheless.

Such as Ben Shepherd’s CP recruiting drive page [read the article] showing a young man in isolation and a blurb inviting young people to join. Notice it's supported by supported by Deutsche Bank and you can check out their history. H/T Cassandra

Again, not particularly nefarious although I thought it was British money supporting CP, not Euro.

And check the Julia Middleton video op. cit.: How To Lead When you haven't any authority and her explanation of recruiting procedure [read the article]:

Participants are selected by a local Common Purpose advisory group, consisting of senior leaders in the area covered by the programme.

But leadership for what? Well, clearly for local and regional CP graduates to occupy top places in government, semi-governmental and industry instrumentalities.

But for what and with what common purpose?

That question has been much on MPs’ minds too as they’ve asked many questions in parliament [read the article].

John Trenchard mentions [read the article], for example, Phil Woolas, Minister of State, Department for Communities and Local Government replied to one question about the PEU or riot police:

Since the formation of the Preventing Extremism Unit in October 2006, the unit has made grants of less than £100,000 to: Common Purpose - Muslim Leadership Development Project.


Or what of the 4.8 MB pdf on CP in Bradford, whose Page 1 Google fragment says:


You can find a partial list of CP controlled organizations here [read the article] .

Indimedia says the organisation now has training programmes in every major town and city in Britain and since 1989 more than 60,000 people have been involved with 20,000 'leaders' completing one or more programmes. These are:

Leaders: Matrix and Focus
Emerging leaders: Navigator
Very young leaders: Your Turn
Leaders who need a local briefing: Profile
National leaders: 20:20


They themselves seem quite proud of it [read the article]:

We run a Common Purpose programme in every major city and town in the UK and in an increasing number of European cities. 12,000 leaders from all sectors and backgrounds have become Common Purpose 'graduates'.

As CP aren’t making their methods available or filing their curricula online, Indimedia believes it is to do with NLP:

NLP is a technique of using words to re-programme the body computer to accept another perception of reality - in this case the consensus agreed by the manipulators before their victims even register for the 'course'. Apparently the CIA refers to these pre-agreed 'opinions' as 'slides'.

Anyone who resists the programming is isolated and the group turned against them until they either conform or lose credibility to be a 'leader'.

Well there’s not a lot new in that – it was the basis of much of our military leadership training – the need to have all think as one.

Winston Leonard got down to it on 15 October 2007, at my site, when he cited Derek Twigg, [Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Veterans), Ministry of Defence) Hansard source] in answer to parliamentary questions:

Sums paid to Common Purpose UK in each of the last complete five financial years, inclusive of VAT, are as follows:

Amount (£)
2002-03 56,576.25
2003-04 66,716.50
2004-05 42,958.00
2005-06 58,456.27
2006-07 83,817.89

"These payments covered the cost of participation by MOD staff in Common Purpose UK's training and education programmes. Programmes of this nature help to develop leadership skills, to gain understanding about broader aspects of government and to share experience with and learn from participants from both the private and public sectors."

One moment please. CP are connected with MOD training? Winston Leonard adds that, with that in mind, consider these two links:

SWRDA who bought delisted MOD territory [read the article]:

The site is being redeveloped by the South West Regional Development Agency and English Partnerships, who purchased it for £10m. Some form of mixed commercial, retail and housing development is planned, but no details are yet concrete.

Norfolk Action Plan [read the article]:

6.2 It was noted that the Unit would be using the services of a Graduate Placement to help drive the Action Plan forward. Members welcomed the report and emphasised the need for a sound regeneration policy and for this to be high priority particularly in the light of recent closures e.g. Crane Fruehauf, Heinz Foods, RAF Coltishall and RAF Neatishead.

It was also highlighted that regeneration could not take place without partnership working across the county including District Councils. Furthermore it was important to remember that the county contained many areas of hidden deprivation.

As to what action plan, read the article. And as for English Partnerships, Wiki is sketchy:

English Partnerships (EP) is the national regeneration agency for England, performing a similar role on a national level to that fulfilled by Regional Development Agencies on a regional level. It is responsible for land acquisition and assembly and major development projects, alone or in joint partnership with private sector developers.

Do you know anything about them? I didn’t before this week.

It’s often difficult to see the forest for the trees. What we have so far is a lot of acitivity on leadership training programmes for vaguely stated purposes, the buying up of property and some connection with the security forces [along with similar moves to EU militias in Europe].

10. Common Purpose disguising themselves behind Citizen's Juries

Hat Tip: James Barlow.

These people are bad news and now they are in America. Founder? Hardly, unless you consider Weishaupt a "founder". It's Twilight's Last Gleaming, America, unless you can unblinker your eyes and make grassroots moves to keep America constitutional.

Good material on Common Purpose

UK Column
CP Exposed
Stop CP
Ken Craggs

Some of my own, based on material supplied

Common Purpose - more evidence
Common Purpose dishonesty
An oppressor by any other name
CP - the cancer spreads
OFSTED - the fish rots at the head

Common Purpose at work and play
More than corrupt
Groupthink spreads like a cancer through the UK
Is this how to run a country?
One ring to rule them all
Paradiso and the future of the internet
Demos, Common Purpose, Labour, Tories, security companies
Common Purpose - the disease spreads to the Netherlands
Common Purpose - meanwhile, in America
Groupthink - gentle art of persuasion
Common Purpose - initially to have a coffee
Common Purpose - just the facts, ma'am
Common Purpose - rhetoric of the quisling
References to Common Purpose appear in many other posts.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

[constitutional reform] the eu quietly waits to pounce

The monstrous regiment of women - not looking so good today

When the demographics of power were so summarily destabilized in the form of the construct of Blair's babes, all he was doing was following the Euro-pattern already well underway, e.g. in Switzerland. Though the date is later, the process was begun long before that.

By doing so, it has come back to bite his deposer on the bum - the naked greed and opportunistic ambition of Blears/Flint is an eye-opener for those not closely watching these suddenly promoted people of a bygone era whose cause has now served its destabilizing purpose.

Everyone and his dog has his opinion on the ills of this country and its tottering government but you cannot view the British scene without taking into account the machinations of the EU Monster, a slavering, wasteful but greedy entity breathing down the indigenous people's necks.

The current call for 'constitutional reform' is music to the EU's ears because they already have the alternative in place - this is an old word of warning and this a more recent. Funding is the method for bending the agenda one's way. The nitty gritty of the regions is already a reality in the dismantling of England and implementation of the EU regions.

On his website, Peter Davidson who sat on the governing body of Unlock Democracy explained:

I would also endorse the proposal that the Committee of the Regions should be elevated in stature from the toothless body it currently represents to become the second legislative chamber of Europe.

When will the UK awake from its slumber, especially the political bloggers, including people like Iain Dale and realize that Westminster is not a chamber of power but the penultimate albeit temporary chamber for the appearance of democracy in the eyes of the populace?

When will the UK pundits start taking into account, in their blogposts, the things EU Serf used to warn of? Why do UK pundits insist on narrowly focusing on internal party politics to the exclusion of the big picture? Surely they're aware of Common Purpose and the infrastructure being in place and ready to go? Even DK, when quizzed about his silence on CP, said he was aware of it. Just that?

The promulgated year for this thing to happen was 2009. It's already started in America in a different form, where Obama has let the NAAC dictate to him on policy, Blair and Brown gave certain undertakings at Bilderberg conferences in 1991 and 1993 and then Blair lied about having even attended, Millipede and Balls are two others involved.

The short answer is that a Flint resigning is immediate and visible. The EU moves have all been by stealth and require a certain degree of ferreting to pin anything down to them. But it is there if you look.

The long and the short of it and it sticks out a mile is that this EU agenda is currently in mid-stream:

1. Nationalism and adherence to the Judaeo-Christian ethic are obstacles to progress. Education and the Church are easy to nobble but the others take time. The other thing necessary is a climate of change which the people will see as necessary. To do that, one needs a stool pigeon - Brown.

2. One of the major barriers to an EU state is England. Solution? Secure for yourself a tame legislature, executive and judiciary by grooming certain ambitious up-and-comers who are prepared to make a Faustian bargain with us in return for kudos and a bunk-up in the preselection battles.

3. Fill every part of British public life with agents of your own, people who believe in the concept of Beyond Authority or the extremely dangerous idea that the people can seize power themselves in some sort of ochlocracy, then add the authority and legitimacy of the ODPM to quieten their concerns about treason to their nation. This was the bolshevist lie - that the dictatorship of the proletariat meant that people would actually have a say.

4. Wait for the banking collapse which our brothers in New York are working hard on [we'll blame them for everything], count on our tame kitty's total criminal ineptitude in Britain and let the whole thing fester. Meanwhile, continue the surveillance society and the development of vast, insecure databases.

5. The Brit is a patient creature but one day he'll rebel and savage the ruling party at irrelevant council elections [remember the regional govenments ready to take over] and feel that in so doing, he has spoken and democracy is alive and well.

6. Allow the outrage to foment across the country as the nation collapses, with learned people and bloggers crying out for constitutional reform, allow our groomed man to arise and concede that all this could have been avoided - the debt, the ineptitude and so on - by passing Lisbon and letting us get on with the good work.

7. Hey presto, the CP grads are activated to take over in the crisis and we have our socialist panacea underway. Detractors are mopped up fairly quickly afterwards and the internet is now 'responsibly administered'.

8. Sugar-coat the real pill with massive fund injections into the regions, even more so than now, take care of the rubbish bins and all the things which grate on the British psyche, measurably improve the Brits' quality of life, especially with near-full employment, align our rhetoric with the way many Brits feel, e.g. to get the dole bludgers back to work and to educate our children with 'proper teachers', do good works for the next few years until the infra-structure is in place and then one day they wake up and find thy're in a totalitarian golden cage.

Watch and see how this constitutional reform debate proceeds and the way it is framed. Will anyone heed this warning? Well, as the august Sackerson wrote, in October, 2007:

I suppose there always have been networks of some kind, but you are hinting at something more clandestine. How and why were you approached? Is it anything to take very seriously, or are we getting lost in the wild forest of conspiracy theory?

So no - no one will heed this.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

[october election] handwringing for the disillusioned

Gordon at Davos: ‘I know I promised to plunge the next two generations into crippling debt and I’ve only managed one so far. Don’t worry, it’ll be ready by the election.’

The essential problems with our electoral and parliamentary system include:

1. Westminster is a club to which men and women might come in idealism but which they’ll sell their souls to remain a member of. It tends inexorably to corrupt the soul – witness the MP’s expenses row - and it’s heavily under the financial influence of the shadowy Them and why shouldn’t it be?

Look at it from Their point of view. They have an agenda of forming a European bloc to play on the world stage, Britain has already been carved up and the regional assemblies are in place to officially take over, post-Lisbon, courtesy of Common Purpose [* see below].

All they need is the Irish Lisbon vote, which they’re now likely to get.

With the crippling of the Lords, playing on the people’s natural bent against elitism, Blair and Brown have made this a country of Prime Ministerial rule. The Queen is irrelevant, except in loyalist hearts.

The real political power in this country is in the hands of Them; they groomed Blair in 1993 and Brown in 1991 and if you doubt the influence – examine the key movers and shakers in Yorkshire Forward, examine the accounts and where the cash came from.

When a journalist charged Viscount Étienne Davignon, "all the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed," Davignon's response [was that] he and his colleagues were "excellent talent spotters."

Ditto in Britain. Everyone knows that Cameron is a clone of Blair, an opportunist out for power and shifting his political position to take advantage of the changing climate.

Where are the men and women of genuine conviction? They don’t get preselected, that’s all – they’re either bought or marginalized.

2. Anyone who knows the sytem knows that the final choice placed before the people is a sealed deal. All the real politicking is done at the preselection stage and that’s where the global power is at its most visible – within the party ranks.

Nobody wants idealists within the Club of Westminster – that’s what the whips are for, charged with ensuring the uniformity of opinion and pulling ‘rebel’ [read people of integrity] members into line.

3. This is one reason a hung parliament might be the best solution. With Westminster poised to become a regional cog within the EU nation, the last PM in the traditional sense, Brown, is doing his masters’ bidding to bring the country to its knees to make the transition smoother by 2012. If you doubt that, read through some of the work by Ian Parker-Joseph and others.

4. What of the little people, like me? What can we do? A dyed-in-the-wool Tory, not unlike David Davis, I see a corrupt leader with no backbone leading what could be an excellent into oblivion. Sympathies are very much with the Libertarian Party these days, perhaps the least corrupt of them all at this early stage and don’t forget the UKIP.

Is it better to vote for one of these?

Under first-past-the-post - hardly.

Under preferential voting, as in Australia – better.

Under proportional representation – best.

Proportional representation weakens the executive and legislature and leaves the country’s governance as a lame duck but it does bring the people’s voice back into the picture, something it risibly isn’t at this juncture.

I like Lord T’s idea of direct voting on major issues via one’s PC, an idea he’ll no doubt post on one day and his plan for the reduction of MPs’ terms is also good – I would add, on a staggered basis.

So here we are – an election in October and whom to vote for? My history says, ‘Vote Tory,’ I’m a paid-up Tory member as of now but to vote for my local member also ushers the corrupt Cameron straight into a Prime Ministerial EU regional dictatorship.

On the other hand, to vote for a minor party is to throw away one’s vote under first-past-the-post.

What to do?

* With its purposes now subsumed into Common Purpose, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London was funded into existence in 1946 with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

One of the Tavistock founders, Dr. John Rawlings Rees
, who also became co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, talked of infiltrating all professions and areas of society:

‘Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence ... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!

We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.’

Common Purpose comes into its own in the post-democracy phase of the EU from 2012.

Friday, March 27, 2009

[sonus] understanding issues: part 6

This is the concluding article by Sonus in his series on what bedevils us as a society at the current time, its antecedents and implications for the future. I would dearly love to see an attempted, detailed fisking of this series and Sonus’s reply to that.

So far, I can only conclude that he is cannot be gainsaid.

Part 5 of this series can be read here.

Lets get straight into it!

Further Reading/Watching.






And an indication for the future, - IN THE UK TOO.

In a earlier part, I mentioned “Interest Rate Swaps”. Rob Kirby recently penned an article, further incriminating Greenspan in the financial collapse.

The Fiat system was showing signs of failure in many areas, and as I explained in a previous section, the Fiat owners would do anything, including the sacrifice of the wealth of the nation, to save “their” system. Once again the usual banking culprits are involved. This came in addition to the “Plunge Protection Team”, mentioned in part 3. JPM was authorised under National Security, via Negroponte. A very opaque communique was issued.

Over to Rob.

Fed mismanagement has corrupted the entire US financial system.

And remember who holds all the Gold derivatives. But the CFTC can't investigate, - “National Security”!

My ass! - - JPM, a Fed proxy, acts with impunity to distort the GLOBAL Financial system.

In Part 5, written 10 days ago, I discussed the replacement of the Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency, and positions that would be taken by the various actors.

Here is the Russian position going into the April G7 meeting. They are clearly pissed with the US.

And China agrees with Russia. Concern over the value of the Dollar increases as the Fed engages in Quantitative Easing.

Now this information is dated, BUT, take a look at the list of members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

Note Volker, note the Wall Street presence, note the military, the media coverage, (yup, even Sesame Street!). This is TOTAL Deepcapture. Total control. You only know what they want you to know.

Most of all, read the notes towards the bottom of the article. Read and weep, again!

And a quote from the final few paragraphs :-

"In the economic-technological field, some international cooperation has already been achieved, but further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position." --Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and founding member of the Trilateral Commission, and National Security Advisor to five presidents.

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." –Zbigniew Brzezinski

"[There must be] some dilution of sovereignty, to the immediate disadvantage of those nations which now possess the preponderance of power ... the establishment of a common money, might be vested in a body created by and responsible to the principal trading and investing people. This would deprive our government of exclusive control over a national money." --John Foster Dulles, CFR founder, former Secretary of State, 1939

"There must be a thoroughgoing reform of the world monetary system ... For its part, I can assure you, the United States will continue to rise to its world responsibilities, joining with other nations to create and participate in a modern world economic order." --President Richard Nixon, CFR member, 1972”

And add in :-

“This regionalisation is in keeping with the Trilateral Plan, which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National Sovereignty is no longer a viable concept”. - Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter.

The dates on these quotes and details in the closing paragraphs not quoted here, identify an intention to dominate the World, via a New World Order, that is almost 100 years in planning. The CFR mention a ruling elite, and a desire for secrecy and un-attributable news, a demand that the “public” remain in ignorance of their intent. This will NOT BE DEMOCRACY, it will be post democracy, financially controlled, minutely controlled, chipped populations, as Nick Rockefeller stated in the youtube linked to previously.

Brown in the UK is not acting alone with RFID chips and data bases here, there, and every where, he is following the original CFR script, written by Zbigniew Brzezinski decades ago.

Tell me that is not a global conspiracy for total micro control and personal monitoring! (currently, 25% of global CCTV cameras are sited in the UK! To monitor 1% of the global population!)

A further quote from the above link :-

“By Charles Overbeck (PSCPirhana) Matrix Editor

The Council on Foreign Relations, housed in the Harold Pratt House on East 68th Street in New York City, was founded in 1921. In 1922, it began publishing a journal called Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Affairs' web page (, the CFR was founded when "...several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private American Citizens to become familiar with the increasing international responsibilities and obligations of the United States."

The first question that comes to mind is, who gave these people the authority to decide the responsibilities and obligations of the United States, if that power was not granted to them by the Constitution. Furthermore, the CFR's web page doesn't publicize the fact that it was originally conceived as part of a much larger network of power.

According to the CFR's Handbook of 1936, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30, 1919, "to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs."

The Handbook goes on to say:

"At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, IN LONDON, ALSO KNOWN AS THE CHATHAM HOUSE STUDY GROUP, TO ADVISE THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. (Tavistock Institute). A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg..."

(Emphasis, and Tavistock Institute, mine)

Explore the following links and their holding websites at your leisure.




So what organisation, among many, works according to Chatham House rules, has advised the UK Government, well nulab, since they were elected, and which is openly working towards a “post democratic” organised society?

Common Purpose!, and who was involved with Common Purpose at its inception? Geoff Mulgan. And which organisation did he represent at that point? Demos!

Who, or what was/is Demos? Demos is a creation of the Fabian Society, and Mulgan, via Demos was special advisor to T Blair. Yes him again, he who currently is employed by J P Morgan! (CFR represented)

And who is Mulgan? Ex LSE lecturer. And who were the original founders of LSE? The Fabian Society.

Who funded Demos, and Common Purpose? The Office of Deputy Prime Minister, ODPM, bruiser, and secretary shagger, Prescott. The ODPM also set up Regional Assemblies in line with EU prescribed geographical organisation structures, their links with local business that reek of moral hazard, and the local slush funds ermm, Regional Development Agencies, to guide finance into local projects, which once again reek of moral hazard. (Split 'em up in separate hierarchies so they can't organise resistance, then bribe 'em so they won't. Classic moves! Tried and tested.)

And all to comply with the EU, and the greater plan for the world and the new self anointed leaders.

And remember the link given previously.

It all becomes one great global organisation, consolidating power on its own terms.

And so we go full circle. Demos is now quietly advising Labour, Conservatives, and LibDems, - there is no difference between them, and no point in voting for them, and that is why they hate the BNP and the Libertarian party.

Mulgan wrote a book “The Invisible Hand Remaking Charities in the 21st Century”, and recently Miliband introduced legislation into the house that would allow charities to become politically active. There are 170,000 charities in the UK, turning over £44B pa. Clearly a problem. Thankfully the attempt failed, but you can see the direction of pressure!

The Media Standards Trust adjudicates on reports and complaints about media bias.

Look at the list of trustees. Sir David Bell (Chairman, Financial Times Group) is also Common Purpose, -( link below). Robert Peston is also Common Purpose, but he wouldn't want you to know;) The best part is that they share premises with Common Purpose, same rooms, and Common Purpose provides their IT functions.

Represented are, Anthony Salz (Executive Vice Chairman, NM Rothschild) , and Charles Manby (Goldman Sachs) , and best of all, Deputy Chair Julia Middleton (CEO, Common Purpose) .

Common Purpose have clearly got the Media Standards Trust sown up! So when you make a complaint about the BBC bias, who do you think gets to know? They compile lists. Common Purpose graduates in local authorities and other state bodies are also building lists of enquirers under the Freedom of Information Act! What an excellent way to acquire schedules of dissenters!

And Given the CP overwhelming representation, will the adjudication be impartial? Think of the banal justifications presented by the BBC in their answers!

Then look at Common Purpose details.

Common Purpose have progressed since I last looked. Notice the international banks there, Stock Exchanges, Bundesbank, Goldman Sachs, Irish Banks, Dutch Bank, AIG, National Treasury South Africa,

So we go full circle again. Goldman Sachs, (on both), AIG, Anthony Salz (Executive Vice Chairman, NM Rothschild)

This is really interesting.

There are a smattering of CFR names there too, and Bilderberg names too.

The net closes. - - - On us.

This blogsite is a mine of information, note the Toynbees, Rothschilds, Lords of the Realm, Royal Family, and mention of the creation of The Federal Reserve Banking System!


Similar organisations are working to corrupt our children. This is a data base on CP. Click on your own area to find what's going on.

Click on “Mind Control” to learn what they are doing/intending to do to our children

Now I'm getting kinda angry!

And especially for my Honoured Friend who lives over in Sheffield, look at this list, which shows the degree of CP penetration in Sheffield.

Tell your son!!!

This is a prime example of a dysfunctional City.

Again, tell your son!! And remember, the courses/qualifications listed in the right-hand column of the graduate list were paid for out of council tax funds, taxpayer funds. Paid to a charity that has occupied Government offices just off The Moor, rent free, no lease, no agreement, for probably the last four years.

And you wonder why council taxes are going up, and services going down, and a monumental effort to criminalise everyone for minor infractions of “their” mindless rules, - - you have the answer, CP rules forced through,mandated centrally by nulab/EU politburo! Control!

And that is just one City!

Previously I linked to Nick Rockefellers hint to Aaron Russo concerning the future 9/11, and the use of RFID chips linked to Gov't data bases.

John D Rockefeller 3rd presented a cheque for $8,500,000 to Trygve Lie, first Secretary of the United Nations on 25th March, 1947. The cheque was to purchase land in Manhattan on which to build the UN building. Working through the CFR that they created, the Rockefeller family has been at the forefront of the drive to create a world government based on the principles of socialism and feudalism. They are in no doubt that they will succeed.

David Rockefeller, who lives at 146, 65th Street, between Lexington and 3rd Avenue, Manhattan, was the founder of CFR, and Trilateral Commission. He wrote a book in 2002, titled “Memoirs”. On page 405 he wrote.

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it,"

This is the family dynasty involved in funding the Grain store in the Arctic Circle mentioned earlier, who now push for natural seeds to be made illegal, whose co-conspirators predicted 9/11, and who plan the global use of RFID chips implanted in humans. How much clearer does it have to be? The only thing preventing mass realisation of this conspiracy is not the conspirators themselves, they are brazen, they don't hide their intentions, it is the mass incredulity of the general population.

Note that he accuses those who expose him as being “idealogical extremists”. Tried and tested techniques don't wash anymore, David!

Quotation. “The more we do to you, the less you believe we do to you”. Josef Mengele, Auschwitz POW Camp, Germany. “The Angel of death”

Let's go a short way back in history, and recall the video that you watched in Part I, about the history of Banking in the US:-

We are reminded of Morton’s words,

"Today the family grooms the inaudibility and invisibility of its presence, and as a result some believe that little is left apart from a great legend - and the Rothschilds are quite content to let legend be their public relations."

Behind the creation of the European Union is the Bilderberg Group, the deeply secretive cartel of leading bankers, heads of transnational corporations, politicians, academics and "opinion formers", media bosses and military chiefs.

The Bilderberg Group is part of a network including:

1. the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) Yes, them again, - see above!
2. the Council of Foreign Relations (USA)
3. the Trilateral Commission (USA, Europe, Japan)

All working to a common agenda.

One of the main goals of the Bilderberg Group from its official formation at the Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland in May 1954, was to install a European super-state with a central bank and currency. The first chairman of the Bilderberg Group was Prince Bernhard of the Dutch royal family - a close friend and associate of Britain's Prince Philip, another Bilderberg attendee.

A former Bilderberg chairman is the former Secretary-General of NATO and British Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington, a good friend of the Rothschild family, and long time Bilderberger Henry Kissinger. Prince Bernhard was a major influence behind the creation of the Bilderberg Group and the European Community - now the European Union - along with the Pole, Joseph Retinger. Retinger co-initiated the original Bilderberg conference in 1954, and was its Secretary until his death in 1960.

Also involved were infamous American Elite front-men like the Rockefellers, Averell Harriman and the Dulles brothers.

(So the Bilderberg membership of Prince Philip, and Lizzy's family lineage, explains Lizzy's speedy signing of the Lisbon Treaty, never reported in the UK press, but splashed all over the French Press., - Saxe- Coburg-Gotha - family name from Queen Victoria's Germanic consort, Prince Albert, that was altered in 1917 to the House of Windsor. Even the person we knew as Lord Mountbatten changed the family name at that time, from the Germanic “Battenberg”, - he was Lord of the Admiralty at the time.)

The European Union we see today has been designed from the very beginning by those who control the Bilderberg Group - the House of Rothschild, the Rockefellers.

Note on this listing the presence of Greenspan, and Monsanto.

And this PDF covers the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in the USA.

In the bottom right there is the list of attendees.

Bernanke, Geithner, Trichet, H M Queen of the Netherlands, Condoleezza Rice, David Rockefeller, McKillop - Royal Bank of Scotland, Merrill Lynch & Co, …....... And just look at the EU representatives.

So, CFR, Trilateral, meet Bilderbergers. These guys all know each other!

Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) Professor of History at Georgetown University, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton ,wrote a book, Tragedy and Hope.

(And just for good measure, “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, and “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” my previous recommendations are on the same link. All good reads)

Tragedy and Hope relates how an international network of financiers has created a system of financial control able to dominate the political systems of all countries through their central banks. He named names and produced meticulous documentation. Initially suppressed, the book is now available.

The international network of financiers is revealed as behind, and controlling the CFR, and the CFR being an outgrowth of the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes.

As you can see, Tragedy and Hope is available on Amazon. It is some 1,300 odd pages, and not cheap. However, if any readers are “file sharers”, it is easily downloaded.

Prof Carroll Quigley also wrote about the parent of the CFR, the secret society of Cecil Rhodes.

This book is available on the net for download, “The Anglo American Society”, here.

Another good read, but as with all things, it takes time to assemble the patterns and names, and thus realise the significance in ones mind.


An evil presence, alien to all our perceived sense of “rightness” has its hands on our throat. We are all guilty of being asleep at the wheel.

It learned its early lessons from the Rothschilds family machinations, financing both sides in European wars, as they had learned that wars were by far the most profitable lines of their business model. Where nations wanted peace, they hired agents that would create unrest, and provoke nations into wars. Many, many family fortunes are built on the blood of others. That is the way we are, as a species. Have we come past that, I wonder!

Once central banks were formed, and Fiat money (debt) was issued, the financing of European wars was easy. Absent the third party financing of local warlords, which enlarged the field and reasons for conflict by many orders of magnitude, would the world today be different?

All we can say is that once Fiat currencies became acceptable and the debts created could be thrown onto the shoulders of the taxpayers, rather than the instigators, war became almost perpetual. The instigators could now wage war with personal impunity. The Bank of England was formed to fund a war.

After that:-

1689 – 1697, - War of the League of Augsberg

1702 – 1713, - The War of Spanish Succession.

1739 – 1742, - The War of Jenkins Ear.

1744 – 1748, - The War of Austrian Succession

1754 – 1763, - The French and Indian War.

1793 – 1801, - The War against Revolutionary France.

1803 – 1815, - The Napoleonic Wars

Many stories exist concerning the Rothschilds which always gloss over the resultant brutalities created.

That evil presence now takes many forms, it is a hydra.

I have detailed in narrative, and links, and in references to “The Creature from Jekyll Island” the growth of a structure specifically designed to control the US political body, and by manipulating the economy via booms and busts, it and its associated banks have made vast profits. I have detailed how formulas perfected during the S&L crisis in the 1980s under Volker, were used in other nations to profit from the crashing of those nations economies. (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.)

I have shown how the federal reserve and other central banks have manipulated the price of Gold, a key monitoring mechanism of economic health, and how this has resulted in the false lowering of interest rates, to hide inflation, and coincidently, not mentioned before, the lowering of interest rates crowds out of the market savings for investment purposes, and leaves the market open for credit (debt) issued from the central banks.

I have shown how the global trading system became unbalanced with debtor and creditor nations balances totally deformed. I have shown how the instability of this system was crashed deliberately by the very banks who would suffer from such a crash, knowing that ultimately the taxpayer would have to carry their losses.

I have shown how the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission and their major players are active in all these events, and have predicted major events in the recent history, in their efforts to recruit celebrities to the CFR. I have shown via the writings and speeches of a notable Fed Chairman the level of Frankenstein economics one engages in when employed at the Federal Reserve. I have shown how techniques developed in recent history are now being deployed to impoverish the middle class of the western G7 in the current financial tsunami, and channel taxpayer funds into institutions that are Federal reserve proxies for economic manipulations, where the Federal reserve took part in the original negotiations (and the Treasury was also represented), yet kept knowledge of counter-party identities away from public scrutiny.

I have shown US Gov't published documents describing the methodology used in looting the taxpayer to cover bank loses, written by Nobel winning eminent economics professors in 1994.

I have shown how the US government was complicit in stopping state-level legal action that would have prevented obscene, predatory lending practices, that caused the initial sub-prime trigger. So take a look at Obama influences in this area.

I have shown that the public figures responsible for oversight, all being members of the CFR, or Bilderbergers, or The Group of Thirty, have all sought to say that there was no way they could have predicted the current catastrophe, when in fact, as senior members of those organisations and as professionals they would have been acutely aware of the game plan and the approaching problems. The mere appointment of Bernanke, given his previous writings, confirms this.

I have shown how these bodies have linked through to European bodies, the ECFR, and pointed out significant names.

I have shown how Common Purpose has expanded to include Media related companies, how trustees have interlocked, and how trustees are now being appointed from the self same banks, whose executives are members of the CFR, now involved in the theft of taxpayers money via bailouts mandated by the very structures that they created decades ago. I have also shown how Common Purpose and related bodies with a history originating in perverse left wing, Marxist bodies, with links to mind control and brain-washing exploitation methods, are now instrumental in perverting the education of our children, and also perverting their minds.

I have shown how CP, Demos, and other similar organisations were funded by, and are creatures of, the UK Government.

The details of the nulab political perversions in and of the UK society are covered well by other blogs which I am sure you are all aware of. I have tried to put the current tsunami into a Global, or at least, an international, context, because the nature of the threat is truly international.

I had recognised in the past that Common Purpose had a strangle hold on the UK which was unlikely to be defeated. Now that Demos is advising all 3 political parties, the Marxist subversion of the UK is almost complete However, I am very alarmed at the international expansion rate of Common Purpose, and the ties it now has with international finance.

Communism, in its many disguises did not die in the nineties, it had been quietly germinating in the West since the early 1900s, in the bodies I have listed. It is alive and thriving in nulab, the BBC, and in all state bodies. Its vile tentacles now infest our lives at every level, particularly in directives coming in swift staccato from the EU politburo, which I am sure you are aware of. Just examine the links provided.

You may ask why international finance would finance socialism in any form. Socialism, in its extreme forms, and right wing fascism, are almost identical. Remember that Hitler's party was the National Socialists, but it was Fascist. The answer is control. The fomenting of wars gets increasingly dangerous as weapons become more efficient., and democracies are not easily controlled, and elections every few years require a lot of planning to control. I note that in the EU, whatever elections may, or may not be held, the results will be irrelevant, as the parties seeking election have no EFFECTIVE votes, they merely seek entry into a vast gravy train. If a society can be taxed and controlled easily, then profits accrue just as easily, particularly as more revenue streams are opening up. Hence the moves involving personal monitoring and control.

Gee Whizz.

Now the Fed organises the Gang Rape of US taxpayers while it waves 2 fingers to the G20 agreement, before the ink has dried.

Well, these banks need dry ammunition for when the time comes to repurchase beaten down assets. It's all in the plan.

However the clock is ticking.

Brown continues with his Orwellian take-over and mind control.

And thinkers, while confirming my previous statements, try to assess the future.



Someone has to stop the madness of the CFR, but the world is a power game, the “Great Chess Board”. Who is to say that Putin, or Wen, is not a closet Zbigniew Brzezinski, if the constraints of US hegemony were to be removed.

Zbigniew Brzezinski regards the power moves as a game, as his book suggests, a game of chess. The closer ties of the US CFR, followed by CFR finance, with the European ECFR are disconcerting, and into the levels of CP and others involved in training, are doubtless part of an evolving plan, a plan of control. Is Brown part of that plan?, or is he following his own Fabian/Marxist goals? Would he be aware of Brzezinski plans?, would any of the major parties be aware? Are the opposition parties aware of CP, etc, penetration, and are they turning a blind eye.

My guess is that they are aware, given Demos penetration. They are therefore complicit, and that bodes evil for the future UK. Never forget that control, and the imposition of “security measures” are justified through our created fear of terrorism and society violence. And who ignited the Fear of Terrorism? And who ignited terrorism itself? And who creates society violence through 24/7 booze laws and other techniques already discussed?

You guessed correctly. Our government.

Terrorism is increased by US and UK aggression in the middle east, ongoing for more than a century, orchestrated by, you guessed it. Puppets of the CFR, and their precursors.

How logical is it, that governments that are intentionally creating terrorism, would rationally allow virtually unfettered immigration in whatever form, of nationals from countries where “terrorism” is rife, if there wasn't an underlying intent to destabilise their own populations??And then state that the department responsible, and its control systems were Not Fit For Purpose?

(Was 7/7 a false flag operation? Many think it was! That's for you. I choose not to go there.)

Well, the result would be a frightened population who would welcome restrictive “controls”.

In the face of enormous increases in unemployment in the private sector, the already bloated public sector just gets more bloated.

This is economic suicide.

And in a few years the lights go out.

Add in the detailed CP subversion of functioning institutions to create destabilised malfunctioning institutions, and the manipulation of the minds of children, and adults, control of the media, and you see a totally broken nation a few years down the line!

No sane group of humans can naturally make so many apparent mistakes as nulab. Individually in their lives, had members of this corrupt government made so many personal errors, they would not be where they are now, alive.

One is forced towards one of two conclusions.

It is a deliberate scorched earth policy by a coterie of politicians who have recognised the impossibility of their re-election.


It is a deliberate policy to destroy the country, socially, financially, economically, for a very long period of time. On the face of it, that begs a further question, - Why?



This filthy corrupt Fabian/Tavistock/Marxist piece of dung disguised as a “government”, has deliberately set out to destroy this country, socially, educationally, and economically, all in the name of creating what? Why, a piece of Dung, subservient to the EU/CFR politburo.

Blair, Brown, Mandy, Millipede*2, and your entire coterie of crap, you should all be hanged, and gutted, very slowly!

Bill Gross of Pimco is a US “establishment man”, and his clients have benefited greatly from his anticipation of bailouts, etc, over the last year. His anticipation has been accurate.

Recently he made what is for him an astonishing statement to his clients.

This is seminal in the progression of this crisis.

“May 22 (Bloomberg) -- Pacific Investment Management Co.'s Bill Gross said the U.S. underestimates inflation by at least 1 percent, making some emerging markets more attractive investment candidates.

Changes in the way the Bureau of Labour Statistics measures prices over the past 25 years have led to the understating of inflation, Gross, co-chief investment officer of Newport Beach, California-based Pimco, said in a commentary on the company's Web Site today. The Federal Reserve's focus on ``core'' instead of ``headline'' inflation has also helped understate the increase in prices, he said”.

ROFLMAO Exactly what I have been saying in these pages, - manipulated beyond belief. Now the real world intrudes on 25 years of fantasy. The same holds true for the UK.

“Welcome to the real world” - Morpheus, Matrix, to Neo, whose eyes were opened for the first time.

Knock, knock, Brown, Merv, are you listening?

Can you say, “Investor Capital Flight”?

And possible fed capitulation of JPM market positions, and bankruptcy of JPM?

Well, I think not, at least while the Fed lives.

“Pimco favours commodity-based assets and foreign equities that are denominated in currencies that demonstrate ``authentic'' real growth and inflation rates. Investors should shun U.S. Treasuries and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, or TIPS, because of their negative ``unreal'' yields as a result of ``artificially low inflation,'' he said.

``Investors might suddenly awake to the notion that U.S. inflation should be and in fact is closer to worldwide levels than previously thought,'' Gross said. ``Foreign holders of trillions of dollars of U.S. assets are increasingly becoming price makers, not price takers, and in this case the price may not be right.''

Emerging-market countries with economies similar to those of Brazil, Russia, India and China are ``obvious'' candidates for investment as inflation quickens, Gross said”.


Twenty five years of overstating GDP, understating true real world inflation, stealing from savers and taxpayers, cheating pensioners. Inflating equity prices, stock market bubbles. Deliberately crashing foreign economies, deliberately to steal crashed assets. Incessant foreign wars for raw materials.

Foreign governments are becoming price makers, and will no longer hold US (and UK) debt, as they WILL crash. Welcome to the third world.

Well said Bill. That's probably the first honest statement you've made in your career. The rats are leaving the ship.


Today, as I write, it is the 21st/ March 22nd March, 2009.

Given the angle of the Earth's inclination to the plane of its orbit around the sun, and its' position in that orbit, now is an equinox. One of two days in the year when the day, and night, are exactly equal in length, time.

And the world as we know it is at a cross-roads.

Currently, the US, UK, Japan, and Switzerland are engaged in quantitative easing. Other nations may be quietly engaging in it, unannounced. It begins to resemble a race to the bottom. Last year a £ trillion quietly left the UK, causing a devaluation of the £ against the $, creating price inflation on imports.

The UK announced quantitative easing about a week before the US (well Bernanke announced it) announced it. Initially the £ fell against the $ on the UK announcement.

When the US announced quantitative easing, the $ fell against the £, reversing the previous move, reverting to roughly the exchange rates of three weeks ago.

(But gold reverted to previous levels against both currencies, whereas it should have been more expensive in terms of both currencies. JPM had a short position around $880, $890. The opening price on the day of the US QE announcement was $920, $930, ish. In the time before the announcement, gold was taken down to $885 ish, so that JPM could exit the short, and short covering in financials was also reported. Clearly insider knowledge, - JPM, - of Bernanke's announcement is very profitable!, and still “no change”, still the cabal, no over-sight, and so blatant! But then, it is “National Security”, after all! And the US expects foreign investors to trust it financially, Duh, - - quite the opposite!)

We are in uncharted waters, no-one has been here before, economists can build models, but no-one seems to agree.

The intention of QE is to inflate out of a deflationary spiral. The efficiency of QE largely depends on the efficiency of the “multiplier” effect, and this depends on the route that is used for QE.

The most efficient “multiplier” is the working man. He spends, (although initially he may save, or pay down debt in this environment) thus creating employment and bank deposits somewhere in the system, this, via fractional reserve lending is then multiplied (by ten in the model in an earlier part) and has an immediate effect on the economy, and quantity of circulating money. (the money in the bank, * ten is available for loan making, but this is dependent on new, stricter, loan criterior, and customer demand, so there is a time lag!)

To date, this method has not been used. Caution is the watch-word. The UK has chosen to purchase it's own guilts, and corporate bonds, where there is a significant time lag before effects are felt. They will look again in six months and decide how to use the second half of the £150 Bn.

Quantitative easing causes the devaluation of the currency, which in real world economics would tend to raise interest rates. The purchase by the UK of Guilts is designed to reduce interest rates at the long end, so exerting downward pressure on Mortgage interest rates, although the yield on the 10-year UK Gilt climbed 7bp to 3.02 per cent, even as the Bank of England continued to buy back government debt through its reverse auctions. Nevertheless the intention to reduce longer term interest rate has been successful.

And therein lies the difficulty. Without the interest rate increase it is difficult to attract foreign capital, and we need foreign capital because we run an obscene level Balance of Payments deficit, and an obscene Budget Deficit. There is thus the danger that the bank becomes the only purchaser of Debt, the “last chance saloon”. A circle that cannot be broken, a swift descent to the bottom, absent a vast increase in economic activity that leads to an export lead recovery. But export of what, and to whom? It is a global recession. They don't want bits of paper anymore! And Brown has deliberately ruined education and the economy for the last decade, and Mandy is screwing with manufacturing. I see no efforts to revive any decent manufacturing base, let alone a world class export attractive manufacturing base, it is beyond the comprehension of this moronic corrupt fabian government, who can't think beyond NVQs.

It is time we recognise Marxism for what it is, - the most dangerous theory of all time, that may now destroy Western Civilisation.

The more Byzantium could not cover its debts, the more it became aggressive against its own people. In the end it destroyed capitalism and freedom itself. Marx gave us the alternative to Capitalism, - Communism, that was just a false dream of Utopia, where everyone works for the government, and the government takes care of everyone, and in the process you not merely sell your soul, you give up your right to be an individual. The Western Culture has flirted with Marxism, because politicians say the power belongs to them. Socialism is no different, it still involved centralised planning of the economy that cannot be done by people who have never worked in the real world.

Putin was at the Chinese Olympics when he received the Georgia news. He turned and said, - Congratulations. Congratulations, I looked at the news feeds, and there is nothing, nothing. It's like the world doesn't know. - - or words to that effect. THAT is the power of the grip exerted globally on what we are allowed to know! And Putins statement spoke a thousand books.

The result is Putins position paper for the upcoming G20 in London, linked above. Georgia was an act of war, a financial war, and Putin will now demand his pound of financial flesh, as will Wen, and many other nations, now that the west is financially on its knees. Wen must be circumspect until divestment of $ denominated holdings is almost complete, hence the recent tsunami of Chinese senior leaders visits internationally.

Recently we had an FSA dance that is mostly pointless, aimed for headlines and public vengeance satisfaction. Banks and Hedge Funds are global animals. Brown crows about global solutions. All new FSA rules will do is create more sand in the cogs, more rings to jump through, more reasons not to. Oversight will be settled internationally, with a vengeance, resisted to the end by the US. If the FSA gets awkward, the Hedgies will register elsewhere.

AND NON OF THIS NEEDED TO HAPPEN. But greed replaced common decency. The relevant authorities were complicit and aware. And that is their crime. Even at a late point the worst of what is yet to come could have been avoided by a global declaration on various derivatives, and the demand for capital backing, and their trading through transparent, FUNDED, exchanges, and an insurable interest. That did not happen, and still looks months away. The US, ie, the Fed will resist until their proxies are reimbursed. They could collapse the world.

Militarily, the US and UK are engaged in more drone strikes into Pakistan National Territory, clearly in breach of international law. Naturally indigenes become radicalised. That is their society. Is war to be the answer to this economic crisis? The CFR thinks so! Pakistan is a nuclear Muslim country, and this provocation is deliberate................

And internally, the cancer of CP and others, planted by Blair, is still expanding. Post democratic High Tech Feudalism.

Actually, crossroads does not describe the situation. Clusterfuck seems more appropriate. And my trust of the major players is negative.

Is the Russian, or the Chinese or the Indian, or the Thai, way better? Or Taiwan, or Singapore, for a “living in” society? Could this be written in their society?

Will we get better global leadership from a group of nations involved in a basket of currencies, or will nationalism prevail and prevent its smooth functioning. Will the US resist? Will there be more war? Constant committee infighting?

Is the UN competent? Will a strengthened UN (by whom) be better, less US centric? Would that be better? For whom?

Can the CFR, the ECFR, the EU, and etc, be shackled in their malevolent intentions towards their own populations? Will democracy be an obsolete concept? Is it now obsolete?

And oil is still being depleted. Yes, more slowly, but geology cannot be defeated.

But for the cost of all the wars for oil, how many Gigawatts of solar cells could each nation have in-place by now? And the value to society of that as an industrial base, against the current military industrial complex, is worth considering.

Or is the constant militarism a further way of ensuring a constant taxation drain on the wealth of the middle class, preventing them from the exploitation of that wealth, as the Report From Iron Mountain requires, intentionally creating no direct benefits?

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people.

He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’

And so, on this equinox, on this night, of equal night and day, I give you a message. This is not a refreshment break, please watch.

The Last Resort.

And here.

And here.

And James, I have a gift or three, for you. Enjoy. (Takes some time to load). A lead into time?

Don't forget to read them. Start with the smaller one if you wish, but read them.




Thank you for having the patience to read so far.

It says 'written by James Higham' below. Actually, it was written by Sonus but I can't reformat the author in my template. I'll be going over all six posts in the next week for minor editing of typos, grammar and link testing. I'll also fix the author acknowledgement problem if possible.