Monday, May 24, 2021

Interim post

8.  Here's what we're up against

I went through so many links and every time it took us to the point of some science, we were directed to a bitchute or similar. A Tube is not science in black and white - it's some guy waffling.  Bitchutes are not going to be watched by the other side, just on our say-so.  It must be in black and white.  Unless there are charts in the tube which we can screenshot.

This was better than some:

In there was a link to this:

Now, embedded in there was this:

“The primers are what you know. We already know the strings of RNA for the Corona family, the regions that are stable. That’s at one end. Then you look at the other end of the region, for all Corona viruses. The Chinese decided that there was a region in those stable areas that was unique to their Corona virus. You do PCR to see if that is true. If it is truly unique it would work. But they’re using the SARS test because they don’t really have one for the new virus.”

“SARS isn’t the virus that stopped the world,” I offer.

“That’s right.”

We have to play devil's advocate here because that is what opponents will immediately do. That article does have science in there but it's surrounded by a young woman journos' guff, her padding which is entirely unnecessary - it's frustrating. And the man saying it has a degree in biology but can still be attacked for not being an "epidemiologist" per se.  Like us, he's an "investigator".

We have the good oil on the site all right and on the former site [I see DR has left links, ta muchly], but I'm railing at myself, at no one else when I say I should have added each solid link to a list.  Now I must go back through.  Ta to all who've provided, I'm kicking myself, not them.

What's goaded me is not my own experience today but my friend's - suddenly surrounded and ambushed.

7.  In a stinking mood here right now and this is why:

There were two incidents, both were about the same topic and both resulted in not being able to pull out our "proof" instantly and offer it to people who were demanding it.

If you've been following all our links on the poisoned jab for months at this site, you'd know that some links a vaxx nazi might argue with but there's still been plenty which cannot, be argued with, e.g. the Swedish govt response and more. 

I'll take these two incidents one after the other.  My personal one today was not brutal, it was the guy I'm working with tomorrow and in all fairness, he was neutral to reasonable, unlike the other one.

He's a working man and so listens to radio during the day - that's his reality, the MSM in the evening. For want of knowing, he went and had the poisoned jab.  Now, as you know, my ipad is on its last legs and so was playing up, plus something else.

He asked some most reasonable things and genuinely wanted to know what I had on the vaxx  - he was listening but wanted to see it in black and white, not just me saying about it.  Can't blame him at all.

I was able to access our last link on it and a couple of others but ran into an issue of wifi, plus this site.  It was scroll down, older posts, scroll down, older posts and of course, there was the read more line - every time I did, it was more battery gone.  Hopeless - he was not going to hang about whilst I pulled up everything we had over months - think of what it would take to do that.

I did make some key point about mRNA and spike proteins but it was clear he wanted to read it.  He did read the Swedish thing, I showed him, also Dr. Mal.  He was within his rights to ask just who was that guy?  Claims he's a doctor?  

You do see the issue.  Or rather issues.

One is he never has time.  You can hold his attention for about 30 seconds and in that time, I needed to deliver.  I stress that if anything, he was onside only because he knows me and knows that it's usually so.  So we left it.

Now, around the same time, a friend of mine was regaled by a mask and vaxx nazi.  You know the sort of thing: "... she asked accusatory' questions like, so you refuse to get a vaxx because you don't care how it affects other people? You don't have any concern for others? You don't feel responsible for endangering the health of others by not getting it?' "

To me, that's red rag to a bull and I'm surprised my friend was able to keep control.  Particularly when a family member ganged up and suddenly it was two against one in the bullying ... but the worst part was the same as with me ... we've read it all, every word, we know it's true, because of the sources, that there are major problems with the tests through to the bloody poisons themselves, from the science to the govt lies but do you think we could trot them out in fine detail when we needed to?

And he said, "Weeelll, there are lots of conspiracy theories about, aren't there?"

It was crying out for a single document or else link to a page I could give him where most of it was laid out.  Then it's up to them to go and look. Or not. We can't just keep saying things in general such as "it's poison" and even explain spike proteins because that other person is hardwired, sucked right in ... plus belligerent.

Plus we're never ready, are we, outdoors - these things suddenly happen, don't they?  So clearly, after tomorrow morning, sometime in the afternoon, I'm going to have to start the process of going back through months of data and start gathering in one place and collating. Whilst blogging as usual. 

At least once you have that, you can just direct vaxx nazis to it.

6.  Without words here, DR presents:

I'm a sucker for detective dramas of yesteryear, esp radio but not exclusively. Just thought I'd mention that. :) Not very PC these days but who cares?

5.  "The Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York City is facing widespread backlash from both students and parents after it rolled out a bizarre new class on “porn literacy,” the New York Post reports."

Not just sick - evil.  Those people are surely going to hell.

4.  Well well well ...  Moloch will not be appeased:

"I believe the annual event at the Bohemian Grove is kaput just as the Bilderberg Meeting did not take place in 2019 or 2020 and the World Economic Forum (WEF) just canceled their planned 2021 meeting which was a surprise considering the WEF's "The Great Reset".

" seems that secret society summer get-togethers have fallen apart, too.

The most striking example is the cancellation of the annual “Summer Encampment” at the Bohemian Grove, the redwoods retreat for the Bohemian Club, whose members have included the world’s most powerful men...This is the first July the Grove will sit empty since the Club started their summer tradition in 1878..."

3.  Steve on how the vaccine can make Covid worse - by Neville Hodgkinson:

2.  This, from haiku really needs looking through as it's where we're at just now.  Heard similar tales today:

1.  Situation's this, chaps and chapesses - I'm going to have to call a hiatus pretty much from now until early tomorrow afternoon for posts.  I'll keep clicking known comments through, but more intermittently.  It also cuts out a quiz or anything involving manning the blog.

There's an agreement I've made, a domestic matter, which helps me, helps him, and it involves a bit of physical work - been some time since - half a day.  Nothing untoward, quite the opposite, but it does involve being blog-unreliable.

Unfortunately, it cuts out quiz today and maybe music tomorrow, we shall see.  Above are any links managed during that time.


  1. 4. The hunters becoming the hunted? Mildly optimistic at that.

  2. Steve

    2. This, from haiku really needs looking through as it's where we're at just now..

    Hope this helps others as well as Dr Kendrick:

    An exclusive interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson – "When the history of this madness is written, reputations will be slaughtered and there will be blood in the gutter"

    Planet Covid (in no particular order):

    Collapse of the fake consensus on Covid-19 origins

    UK Funeral Director Confirms Our Suspicions – Must-Listen

    Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax - LOOK

    The Delingpod - James Delingpole interviews Dr Reiner Fuellmich

    World Health Organization (WHO) Calls for Global Surveillance, More Authority over Nations, and Billions More in Funding

  3. See, this is our issue. Take the "exclusive interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson – "When the history of this madness is written, reputations will be slaughtered and there will be blood in the gutter" "

    That's fine talking about "the literature" but we can't use that on our one page summary because the other side simply asks who this guy is with his colourful language. The other side does not know of him.

    I see Watts Up there and that might help - we need far more than just opinions, we need the science laid out. Not disagreeing in the least with it but we do need to collate what the science says.

  4. Yep, this is the type of thing needed but it's still playing catch up football:

    On 14 May, 18 scientists signed a letter in the journal Science with the title “Investigate the origins of COVID-19”. In an interview with the New York Times, an organizer of the letter stated, “Anybody who’s making statements with a high level of certainty about this is just outstripping what’s possible to do with the available evidence.”

    Politifact has just withdrawn its Wuhan-Lab theory ‘fact check.’ [link]

  5. This is the HCQ vax link to NOUK

    This is from one of your comments at that link:-

    "We’ll use this as our definitive post and comments on the issue, link to others over time."

    Go to wayback and try running each one through the search. Time-consuming I'm afraid.

    I found this

    and this

    Check Legiron's and The Slog too.

    Sorry can't be more help at the mo - need my bed.


  6. The problem you face in your vaccine task is that for every doctor, virologist, epidemiologist, research paper, interview, statistics set, or whatever that you put forward your opponents can generally put forward many more of each making the opposing case. What is a non-specialist punter to make of all that? It's probably far too late anyway, with the huge numbers vaccinated already, events will reveal all, or at least much, eventually.

  7. A small selection from my bookmarks.


    Need my Zzzzzzzs now

    1. Bugger! They've taken that horizon-magazine link down just now! I checked it was still active before I dropped it.

      Fortunately it's been saved. Sneaky botty-wipes.

    2. It's going to be fine - I've found some too and we'll have enough to sow doubt at a minimum, which is all it needs to avoid the vaxx, masks and lockdown. Now, just needs collating time. But first bed and sleep. To you too.

  8. Good stuff, DR and Archie - we needed that bomb under us, there's no hurry, it needn't be done tomorrow - I just looked at one of DR's and it was the goods. That's what we need and I'll do an hour or so of that each day until we get a decent number on Cv, tests, lockdowns and vaxxes. Ta, all.

  9. Steve

    Maricopa audit resumes:

    Arizona Election Auditors Move Back Into Coliseum – Greatly Increase the Number of Tables for Ballot Counting and Inspection – Will Begin Again Today

    This'll turn it:

    John Fredericks: 6 Affidavits from Georgia Election Officials Allege 30,000 of Ballots are Fake

    Fredericks: Georgia Judge Will Start Decertifying Election if It Is Determined Ballots were Counted Twice

    Of interest:

    US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked - Someone Had to Release Lock from Inside

    George and Simona Papadopoulos give updates on Durham report


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