Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Tuesday [1 to 3]

(0440) Morning, this fabulous Tuesday ... bleah outside in the sky. (0811)

3.  DAD at NOWP

a) France. In voting districts where three candidates reached sufficient votes to procede to the second round next Sunday, there are many instances of ‘horse traiding’ between the Left coalition and the Macron group to have certain candidates stand down to help defeat the RN (Marine Le Pen’s Party). 

[No URL – there are too many instances of this.] 

b) The tactics of the Left are dispictable. 

In the midst of the battle for the legislative elections to be held in France, a shocking incident happened to a Rassemblement National [RN] candidate, Patricia Chagnon, running for the post of deputy for the overseas constituency of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. While attending Sunday Mass in the cathedral of the town of Saint-Pierre, she was expelled in the middle of the ceremony as an undesirable person. Deeply shocked by this treatment, she was unaware at the time of the events of the identity of the two women responsible for evicting her. 

The first was quickly identified by local acquaintances: it was the former socialist mayor of Saint-Pierre. The identity of the second remained a mystery at first. 

After Mass, a gathering was held on the quayside for the blessing of the boats. Patricia Chagnon met and greeted the prefect. The state representative’s response was more than cold. As the candidate tried to draw his attention to the extremely serious events that had just taken place in the church, she was stunned to discover the end of the story: the second person was none other than the prefect’s wife. 

c) The Right in Germany continues to grow. 

Coordinated efforts by the far left and municipal officials failed to disrupt the annual congress of the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the German city of Essen over the weekend. The congress followed months of infighting, but also big successes for the party in last month’s European elections. The party also reported that membership had surged by 60% since January 2023. 

d) Last week, Hungary was ordered by the EU’s top court to pay a fine of 200 million euros as well as a daily penalty of 1 million euros for not implementing changes to its migration policy as required by the EU court in previous judgements.

In its decision, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) classified the Hungarian migration measures as “unprecedented and exceptionally serious” infringements of EU law that “undermine in a particularly serious manner both the public interest and the interests of third-country nationals”. 

One gets the feeling that the EU judiciary is simply living in a parallel universe.

2.  Over at OoL and on X


1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Covid injections cause neurological disease followed by death, study finds | https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-06-30-covid-vaccines-neurological-disease-death-study.html

b.  Vote to stop politicians and corporations from meddling in food production and let farmers serve the country with good food | https://expose-news.com/2024/07/01/vote-to-save-farming/

c.  Engineered immigration crisis explained. Powerful insights by Neil Oliver | https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/engineered-immigration-crisis-explained-powerful-insights-by-neil-oliver/

d.  Woman to serve longer prison time for “offending” migrant men who gang-raped a minor | https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-01-woman-serve-longer-prison-time-offending-migrants.html

e.  German police cracking down on “foreigners out” chant as public turns against mass illegal immigration | https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-01-german-police-cracking-down-foreigners-out-chant.html

f.  Documentary: Time Of Deceit (2024) | https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/documentary-time-of-deceit-2024/

g.  Hungary’s Orban announces new EU Parliament alliance | https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/hungarys-orban-announces-new-eu-parliament-alliance/

h.  Trump the Peacemaker? How his presidency might help end the war in [The] Ukraine | https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/trump-the-peacemaker-how-his-presidency-might-help-end-the-war-in-ukraine/

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