Monday, July 01, 2024

Monday [1 to 4]


4.  Susan Brown on Quora

… she’s listed as former flight attendant/recruiter, it’s dated April 30th and I thought the middle of the night now was a good time to run this, rather than at 0500 onwards.

“People who have never been a crew member with Emirates will probably never understand why people resign from Emirates. They think ‘’How can someone resign from one of the best airlines in the world’?’. To many, being an Emirates cabin crew is a dream and that is why many would not really understand why people would resign. I think no one would really understand until they themselves would walk in their shoes.

Emirates has a very high turnover rate. They keep having tons and tons of cabin crew recruitment events around the world, monthly. That is because so many crew members leave every day. A friend of mine resigned from Emirates as a crew member last year. She told me that when she was doing her exit stuff at the bank, she was number 16 in line to close her bank account. So during that time and day, there were 15 other Emirates cabin crew waiting in line to close their bank accounts. All because they were resigning. That was during that specific time and day. Crazy!

Now to the question of why a lot of EK crew resign within 3 years.

The crew that resigns from Emirates has one of these reasons or a mix of all:

  • Fatigue. The rosters the Emirates crew has are a lot. They keep having flights back to back and having long hours. The rosters sometimes can be crazy. People are bound to get tired and they feel they can’t do this anymore. Crazy sleeping patterns also affect them.
  • Homesickness. They are far away from friends and family. Living in a country that is not their home country. At first living in Dubai might be ‘’wow’’ for some, but the ‘’wow’’ factor wears off very quickly. Imagine every single day you work and then come home to no one. Yes, you share the accommodation with roommates but they are not your family or friends like home. You are in a country and place that you are not used to. You start missing your home, people, and things that you were used to.
  • LonelinessEven if the crew is surrounded by so many folks they often feel lonely. The Emirates crew share their accommodation with either one or two flatmates. Still, they feel lonely. Of course, they make new friends from their batch or around them but still, the feeling of being lonely can be too much sometimes. When you start to feel lonely then the homesickness kicks in. That is when you keep thinking about home. You start to feel depressed and sad. After a long period of feeling this way then you are bound to start thinking of resigning.
  • Rules. When you sign your Emirates cabin crew contract you also sign up to follow 10000 rules. There are various strict rules the crew has to follow both on duty and off duty. For example, the female crew is not allowed to have any male friends sleep at their house. The same for the male crew. For example: if the crew wishes to have family over to their accommodation, they have to sign forms and have them approved. This is regarding having family over to stay for a long time. There is also a curfew in place for all crew. The strict rules can feel suffocating for some. For example, the crew is not allowed to have alcohol in their houses without a liquor license. If the company finds out the crew has alcohol in their accommodation without having a liquor license then the crew is fired. Having all these rules makes the crew feel very controlled by the company. The crew feels like kids having a ‘’big brother’’ watching them at all times, etc.
  • Working environment. Emirates cabin crew have no unions. If something happens they have no safety net or no support from anyone. There is a lot of backstabbing happening among the crew. A lot of crew members report each other. A lot of crew getting fired for silly reasons, etc. The crew feels they don’t have any support from the managers. For example: if a crew member ends up arguing with a passenger, then the passenger has the right to get that crew member fired. The crew really has no voice. The airline will back up the passengers but not the crew. The service on board is very tough and strict. The passengers are very demanding on certain flights. When the crew has no voice, no support from managers, and has difficult passengers then sometimes it feels like they are ‘’modern day’’ slaves on board.
  • Roommates. The crew shares the accommodation with one or two other crew. The crew is not allowed to change accommodation until after they have completed their probation period. The probation period is 6 months. Then after they have completed their probation period they have to request to change accommodation. This process is not easy and does not happen quickly. I have a friend who wanted to change her accommodation because she was not happy with her roommate and they were not getting along. It took her two years to get the change approved. Having bad roommates affects the crew a lot.
  • Fantasy. The crew has a picture of what their lives would be like before they join. They think this is a dream life and a dream job. They think the job is easy and breezy. They paint this picture in their minds and think it is a walk in a rosy garden. But when they arrive in Dubai they will realize that perhaps this was not what they had in mind. Perhaps the job is too demanding. The hours are too much. They can’t handle the stress and pressure. The rules are too much. They simply aren’t enjoying the job anymore and this was not what they had in mind. So they do the job for 1–3 years and quit.
  • Other goals. Then we have crew who resign because they feel this isn’t for them anymore. They have different goals and plans than this. Their plan, in the beginning, was to do this for approx 1–3 years then go back home and continue with other stuff. We have crew members who took this job because they wanted to try it for one year and see how it is. They never intended to stay in the company for long. Some even do this as a fun thing for a short time and then resign.

These were some of the main reasons why Emirates crew resigned within such a short time.”

3.  Some sort of OpEd on our regular contributors

There are readers who give feedback and they like the regularity of the contributions, obviously and I especially like it as it sets the day ahead in a civilised way … many readers also like the regularity of AKH, Churchmouse, the three letter sites and that’s just over here … to my mind, news aggregators and commentators are just the MSM if they were doing their job.

Not only do the MSM not do their job for us … they are also proactively assisting in the ruination of the nation. Andy and my mate up the road (whom I must phone today) have pointed out certain things …

* The MSM, with its vast resources, still bring news as it happens as well as the theatre arranged by Them, plus the bread and circuses type articles, either heavily or lightly Wokerised … we’re not entirely rid of them and I for one must grrrrrr and bear that for now.

* No one’s paid at this site, and I rake off nothing but the goodwill which largely comes from the interrelationship of our guys, gals and me. 

* Therefore that relationship is crucial. I never had siblings but did have step-siblings and observed family life from a safe distance for decades. 

One thing for sure was that while the patriarch and matriarch of the family saw themselves at the head of a large, closely bound team who loved each other as much as the P&M did them … it doesn’t work that way between siblings, who have anything but brother dear and sister dear relations … at best, they’re connected by bloodline, whereas analogously, our tavern is bound by mutual thought lines on many topics …

… but not all and so there’s a certain amount of sharp comment at times. The relief for me is that everyone dropping in here on an “often” basis are of a certain age and maturity … so there Mr. Poopy Pants … whereas young siblings can probably be a handful … so I’m told.

It’s an interesting model where the structure is not formal, there are no chains, and yet people return … for now … as long as it lasts. I call that healthy. Loyalty? I’d say so, also a sense of duty, also a media outlet for us all … so why not whilst the thing works?

Not a lot more to say on the topic except thanks y’all (adore that southernism from across the pond).

2.  DAD at NOWP

News from France, this morning, is about yesterday’s election.

a) Three weeks after trouncing its rivals in low-turnout European polls, Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) confirmed its status as France’s leading political force in a first round of legislative elections marked by the highest turnout in three decades.

Le Pen’s camp secured a clear victory, albeit not a decisive one, meaning the vote’s ultimate outcome remains uncertain ahead of a second round of voting on July 7. Macron, whose decision to call the snap election had stunned friends and foes alike, has urged voters to rally against the far right next Sunday.

RN and its allies on the right took 33.2% of the first-round vote, ahead of the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) on 28.1%, according to projections by pollsters Ipsos-Talan. Macron’s Ensemble alliance trailed in third place with 21%, followed by the conservative Les Républicains and their partners on 10%.

b) As expected, the Left were not happy. There were protests throughout France against the democractic decision of the electors of France.

c) The invaders and their supporters also manifested, comme d’habitude.

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Scientist tells lawmakers: Covid-19 Had ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance of Emerging From Nature” |

b.  Pfizer cut deal to help Biden steal 2020 election |

c.  California: Thousands of Joshua trees are being shredded onsite to make room for solar panels |

d.  Ireland’s Hate Speech Bill will have a global impact on what we can discuss online |

e.  Looks Like Two Trump Justices Have Just Failed the First Amendment Test |

f.  How the Press and Pundits are Again Mystified by the Obvious |

f.  Biden’s Failing Brain Exposes Deep State Treachery |

g.  Here’s Why These Troubling Trends Mean Mass Chaos Is Likely Coming To The West |

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