Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday [8 to 10]

(Elevenses) Evets is up across the way. (1108)

10.  Another roundup


9.  Amfortas

Domination by women? The Oz male has disappeared in public life. 

(JH: I wanted the full url, not just BA’s, so that you saw Amfortas’s site as well)

JH: The problem for us boys, esp. of a certain age, of another era, is that we simply luv good women (non-Woke, non-pushy, non plague-of-locusts, non-noncomps), e.g. Bettina, e.g. the gals I quote, e.g. Toodles and Isilme, e.g. Jo Nova, e.g. Anna Paulina, e.g. Moosh … I for one cannot imagine them not being around and vice-versa. Our boys are still the main thrust at N.O. though, overall.

But here’s the classic case of one of the boys, Amfortas, quoting a “good girl”. Why? Coz she’s class.  But aren’t there also classy boys?  Sure are … Draino springs to mind, the Donald, Nige, Ryan Fournier etc.  Us ourselves. AKH.  MfromM.

Yes, the boys are around. Who picked up on Grandad’s situation? Scrobs did.

Yet Bettina is probably better placed to tackle the noncomp Woke locusts.

8.  The three letter sites

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the words, sir, My Tavern site however has been silent for a good five years now. I started it to 'speak' up, to comment, to 'say my bit', and frankly to have a bit of dark fun. But after I said my piece, indeed a thousand + pieces, I stopped. Who knows, I might pull a pint again some day.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.