Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday [11 and 12]


12.  Misunderstandings and aggravation

Going to say a lot here.  For a start, we are in divided times where the PTB are deliberately playing on things aggravating to us and they’re twisting the knife indirectly, by offering obscene incentives to Woke firms to do it and the brainwashed karens and wokerati, having identified ordinary people as “far-right terrorists” for wanting a life again such that we used to enjoy, are lapping up the latest schemes for gross insult and winding-up.

They love it.

Right, let’s look at this example and then I’ll tell you about an unfortunate altercation.  Ads these days are a-ppall-ing, they are the pits, so bereft of any cleverness, just silly, unnatural voices and contrived acting.

Putting it politely, they’re also extracting the micturation big time. One way is the stupid voice-over man trying to do someone’s idea of an accent and brogue from oop norf, to establish that this is a regional thing … never mind that the ad is not one you could shut off or “skip”.

I’m not moaning about the aspect of constant ads … because they’ve made it such that I can rid myself of them by paying money. Or in some cases, using ad blockers … and as N.O. readers know, I can’t do that, as part of my job is monitoring what they’re doing.  Ad watch is part of it.

But apart from trying to be Tyke with "ist tha doolally then" or "are you nuts" ... that cringeworthy bit was bad enough but look what comes out of the kitchen:

Kitchen? Him? Doolally?

I've had enough of that demographic forced down our throats every single ad, completely out of context ... the whole thing is cringeworthy, creepy. I wonder what the demographic itself thinks of it all.

Now you saw Bettina Arndt earlier about female overkill these days and the issue is squarely the overkill. There was an example, decades ago, in one of the Jeeves and Wooster episodes, where they had someone sing a lovely song. Problem was ... the previous singers had just been singing that very song ... Jeeves had deliberately arranged it.  

Things were thrown at the singer by the audience, shall we say.

I'll say it again ... it's the overkill, nothing else. You've seen me run reaction videos, many with that demographic, coz they're good at it.  

Those reading this know exactly where this thing is.

So ... were someone to then send me a video with that demographic yet again, it's unfortunate ... unfortunate things might get said by both sides.  And what of the poor guy or gal, a member of that overkilled group? He/she might be totally innocent and yet there are some really peeved people out here not going to be interested.

Take Candace Owen ... she's quite good as a rule but the PTB have made her demographic so objectionable ... looted stores, attacks etc., that it's difficult for others of that demographic to get a fair hearing.

And the evil muvvers above know that full well. Oh ... and note the colour scheme in that guy's outfit. Total accident?

11.  Quora today … Angela Airway, EMT, Cert Pharm Tech, BS Psychology/ Human Development, etc. etc. etc. (I added the etces.)

What’s the most unprofessional thing a doctor has said to you? 

“I was at the gynecologist’s office for a procedure. I was lying on my back on the exam table with my feet in the stirrups waiting for the doctor to arrive. Upon his arrival, he sat down on the stool at my feet and said, “Well, it looks like this one has been used a few times!” 

For a moment I was horrified, but the doctor quickly explained a wheel had come loose on the stool and he’d nearly tipped over. He apologised profusely and we ended up with a good laugh and funny story to tell.”

JH: Interesting spellings … US and English.

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