Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday [4 to 9]


9.  Toodles

Toods is not just the sassy southern sweetie, she’s also the eyes and ears for what’s going on over there at ground level, esp. as regards Bama.

They are traitors! I knew for sure Barrett and not too shocked about Kavanaugh…there is something Kennedy-like about him.  He seems like the kind of people as the Kennedy’s are. Slightly-properly-appearing degenerates. He is a plant for dems..I think.

AL US senator….the woman…KB….everybody’s darling is a fake too!  It galls me how stupid people are.  People in AL all know each other or know someone who knows someone. And ain’t it just so cool to know a US senator or to have your son being friends with her…so they think. 

They are a vote and a mouth piece for her. Oh we love her…she is a Woman Senator…who cares if she is a he or she if they are doing a good job?! Does it matter if they do a poor job AND will the dumb dumbs admit it?

People forget that these folks are supposed to be working for us! 

Anyway Cuddles saw her parents on Sunday morning telly and says they are very liberal! Now are you going to tell me KB has ventured far from that tree?  They promote her. 

Do you think that that pair of liberals will support a true conservative?  Additionally and old news cause I have told you before …a year before she was voted into office she had huge billboards up. Most notably was the fact that the local and well known liberals had her signs in their yards and quite early too. 

Funny thing too.. those liberals have some of the finest homes here. Funny how that works. Funny how liberals supported and campaigned for that ‘conservative’ Republican!!! 

Makes my skin crawl!”

JH: Imho, Toods eyes are worth more than gold, as are our forces’ eyes, our French patrons’ eyes, English counties, home countries, Oz, Canada, Italy … I’d vastly prefer to have news from these at ground level than any commercial organisation.

Another from Toodles:

8.  Isilme

Not sure if you have seen this already but . . .

Remember how everyone got the vapours about Nigel Farage blaming the NATO and EU for the Ukraine war? Remember how Boris Johnson accused Nigel of Kremlin propaganda and parroting Putin's lies? Well it seems that Boris has been hoist by his own petard:

Bob says "I don't know whether the Tory party trains people in hypocrisy or just that such people gravitate to the Tories."

If this hasn't already been on the blog, attribute it to Reader Bob and not me because I'm just passing it on - he found it. 😊

7.  On X, apart from the current affairs

… there are two other sorts of Xing I follow … landscapes/cityscapes with Moosh, Bobbie, Yorkshire, a host of others … plus Emily and the Swedish girl and their fairyland. Ripper’s a nice guy but he’s a guy, like many of us, and gruff … Old England in colour too … the gals are softer, as gals oft are. The mix is human … and it spurs me on for a start.

Have to say that it’s such a delight over there for those non-political reasons … and yet quite political in their own way.

6.  Just three for the moment

The system once again just wiped out this item below … real hair trigger stuff … on any other item, it requires two or three oresses to get anything to happen …

5.  AKH on THAT event this evening

Live presidential debate will expose an ageing Biden while lack of audience could stump Trump

Plus the rampant cheating, from turning off mics to orange-ising the screen to substances on the places Trump will touch, to earphones, to drugs, to CNN itself … it just goes on and on. Total circus.

By the way, in posting that now, after the AKH, I wrote the dreaded d*b*** word … suddenly the page self-selected and wiped out all text, plus the heading for good measure. Interesting, eh? Had to start over.

Let me go even further … the time was 0710, it then wiped out. When I got it going again, it was 0711 … spooky.

4.  MftWC too

a.  Ukrainians pay with their lives for Zelensky’s glory |

b.  Kallas replaces Josep. US contractors in [The] Ukraine. Austin calls Belousov. Macron wants to call Putin - Alex Christoforou |

c.  Russia should immediately start shooting down all NATO ISR assets |

d.  Worst Day Ukraine Losses, Russia No Conflict Freeze; FAB-3000s Crush Ukraine Defences, Russia Takes Rozdolovka - Alexander Mercouris |

e.  Russia's enemies keep trying to spread terror among civilians |

f.  Alex Christoforou (The Duran) Levan Gudadze - Interview |

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