Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday [1 to 3]

(0543) Bleah-ry, might turn out all right, patches of blue appearing. (0655)

3.  Over at OoL

2.  Housekeeping

a.  As I wrote across at NOWP:

The noble IYE appears to be en vacances as well … though more cryptically. Best wishes, a wing and a prayer.

b.  The way it’s turned out … the one sentence blurb at the top of the post tends to be about weather or some notice, then “some sort of op ed” could be on anything … “housekeeping” is usually cyber stuff.  This item is cyber stuff.

Some might call me “mid-wit” … I’m certainly “mid-tech” in that I can write sites and yet not really understand this other guff. What’s happening is that the scripters are speaking in a less mid-user-friendly way and throwing in ideas from their terminals as if it’s something we would all ustd.  Occupational jargon.

Afa I can understand, straight analytics is about traffic to a site and that itself started wildly fluctuating at N.O. some time back. Does that concern me? Not really, as traffic is not the goal, as it is in a commercial enterprise. At N.O., there’s a core of maybe two or three hundred, tops, inc. once a weekers … then there are others, for example if an American mentions us, it can suddenly get into the multiple thousands, often for days … then there’s NOWP. There are also bots, plenty of those, watchers … they all count in stats.

Which is why stats became increasingly meaningless to me.  What about for you, the reader? I doubt it … regulars have their rounds, the near weekly think … wonder what James is up to … same old, same old?

Bottom line is let’s just see what happens after July 1st … I’ll report from my end. Remember, the failsafe for N.O. is NOWP, then OoL, then Jstack, then a message to Julia. And yes, I do have GA4 properties set up from long ago, so hopefully it will be seamless.

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  US Army admits that the Moderna mRNA injection caused soldier’s heart condition |

b.  Deep State Bio-Network Moves to Africa |

c.  Dr Peter McCullough: Bill Gates donated $9.5 million to create H5N1 mutations that could infect humans |

d.  Are There Vaccines In Our Food Supply? |

e.  To eat or not to eat, that is the question! |

f.  The climate fear-mongering enterprise behind the Planetary Boundaries to stabilise population growth |

g.  Elon Musk decries “Extinctionist Movement” that deems humans as a plague on Earth |

h.  Who you gonna call when France gets ungovernable? |


  1. 2. I'm not doing anything about the Analytics change, didn't make much use of the the old version. I'll just see what happens.

  2. Steve

    1. Man from the West Country one

    Sorry to be a pain, James, that one is from the previous day. That's why I alternate between Evets and MftWC to help you out :)

    1. JH: Yes you do, Steve, ha ha … sor-ree … too early morn, plus distracted by the dames. Remedied I hope.

  3. Mr. Higham, I very value your site (NO. the only i have visited). You seem more a brother than my own. You reference the “girls”, particularly, the Southern ones. I should dare to impose upon you if you will permit. I just left The Tactical Hermit site, that included a pic of 101st screaming eagles moving a group of whites ( likely Southern) at gunpoint. Next I came here and thoroughly enjoyed and understood Miss Toodles segment. I then decided to offer an email and an invite to her (or any others here) to contact me. I grew up in the 50s/60s in Huntsville. College in Birmingham. Picked cotton at 5 ( we were poor). Etc. I live out of country 9 years now, and miss the South ( or what it was). I thank you for patience with me sir. Please, stay your course! May G-d bless, prosper, protect you and yours.

    1. JH: Dusty, thx … first this url:

      Now, regarding Toods, who’s a security conscious gal … the way is to email me and I’d pass that email to her.

    2. Steve

      I dare you, James?

      Who is behind White genocide? |

      One comment, so far.


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