Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday [5 to 8]

(0529) Evets is up across the way. (0739)

8.  The “rightwing” splinter parties

Just take a look at this publicity shot:

That’s one troubled child and I emphasise … child … in charge of a party, with a shadowy man behind her … also the girl before her. What on earth are they trying to achieve?  A good showing? A parliamentary seat?

Lois used the same photo for both Reclaim and UKIP. 

Whilst I can understand reasons for not joining Reform … mainly “divorced from reality” Richard Tice … a politician if I ever saw one, making blunder after blunder (remember his publicity stunt in the Ukraine?) … he’s not alone in “unreality” … what on earth is David Kurten trying to achieve alone?

For that matter, what of Laurence Fox? What of Marion Mariechal across the ditch? Whence Zenmour now? And how effective would sweet Lois be in the hurly- burly of vile politics today when it needs an articulate, unstoppable brute who cares?

Nothing against girls, mind … witness this one downunder:

The Oz Spectator writer and broadcaster … why does it take an Ozzie gal to see what’s what?  Clear distance from the fray perhaps?  And Holly Vallance?

Looking at our own regulars:

Well at least they’re functioning. Working class and self-employed people I speak to say there are many thinking of putting their mark in the Reform box … despite the above, so am I … the Tory wets are toast … or should be.

As for Labour … what sort of mind plans to vote for Starmer and Rayner? What on earth have they to offer? You’ve seen their policies as of today? Might be different tomorrow … the only consideration is power and hanging onto it by any means necessary, just as with the Demonrats across the pond.

7.  An internal look at what Americans are facing

… sent by Toodles but it’s just as bad over here, Toods … so much more public over there:

It won’t enbed with blgr, possibly because it was live and embedding disabled.

6.  DAD at NOWP 

It is all happening in France: as soon as one thinks that one understands the situation – all changes.

a) The Unions [as usual] do not understand the meaning of the word, or concept, of ‘Democracy’. 

Five unions (CFDT-CGT-FSU-Solidaires-Unsa) are calling for demonstrations against the far right this Saturday, June 15 throughout France, in the hope of creating a mobilization of voters.

This is one of the ways to combat it. There is a need for a democratic revival. Lots of citizens, members, activists tell us: “We want to be able to express our concern and our desire to see another political project emerge”. 

[DAD – I predict lots of violence!] 

b) One Centrist supporter goes left…..

The former Minister of Health and former chief of staff to Elisabeth Borne, Aurélien Rousseau, definitively breaks with Macron.

c) …another goes right. 

The exclusion of E Ciotti [Head of ‘Les Républicains] from the presidency of LR invalidated by the courts. 

d) Melenchon [as usual] pours petrol on troubled waters. 

e) (or Sat 2) Joe goes for a walk at the G7 conference. Macron and VDL stand immobile. Italian PM Meloni comes to the rescue.

5.  MftWC too

a.  Military situation on Ukrainian frontlines on June 14, 2024 (Map Update) |

b.  Putin, terms for peace. Politico, Italy six lame ducks. MBS snubs G7. EU hits Hungary - Alex Christoforou |

c.  Russian air defenses foil another large Ukrainian attack, intercept over 80 drones (Videos) |

d.  Putin Kiev Ultimatum: Drop Zelensky, Withdraw 4 Regions, No NATO Or Face Defeat; Volchansk Cauldron - Alexander Mercouris |

e.  Russian army launched 19 group strikes against KIEV forces over past week: MOD |

f.  Peace initiative from Moscow to end the Ukrainian conflict - Levan Gudadze |

g.  US AND UK rehabilitate Nazism and arm fascist militias in [The] Ukraine |

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