Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday [1 to 3]

(0521) Gates sky. (0619)

3.  If the post at OoL a few minutes ago

... can be seen as an introduction to this post item 3, then read on, Macduff.

The way political thinking groups, so to speak, characterise themselves is hardly peripheral, hardly flim flam ... it's often central to the idea, it's the livery.

That's why N.O.'s been "refined" from Chuckles's idea of us as this:

... to more the tavern and inn behind the lighthouse at the crossroads:

But the very nature of a tavern is a not very sober discussion of issues and exchange of ideas. 

My idea of this collection of buildings is that the lighthouse is still the beacon guiding passing ships but attached is the tavern for the bonhomie and maybe one of the nearby outbuildings can be the coffeehouse, while another building can be the chapel for quiet reflection for any weary wanderer, should he/she be so inclined ... then across the carpark are the quarters for guests and staff, the garage or stables for the cars/horses ... the workshop further down ... and so on.

Every innkeeper has his quirks and if this N.O. coffeehouse has two proscribed areas of discussion, it's arguing for the marauders from across the sea or arguing globopsycho Wokery.

While it's not, therefore, a completely unfettered free-for-all, regulars are free to tell me how many times you've been censored by the innkeeper ... our patrons get almost all of what they wish in print ... but I'm thinking we're agreed, correct me if I'm wrong, that it's within a vaguely anti-globopsycho, anti-Woke area of political thought. The OoL liberty bell is still important to us as westerners.

Sometimes, because I just know it's going to be taken down, it's wiser to keep something obscure for now. Sometimes, if the owner takes something down, I don't try to reinstate it as admin as it will only go down again.

2.  DAD at NOWP

a) Steve Bannon, telling Tucker Carlson, filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court this afternoon, so there is still some hope for sanity.

The J6 Committee was illegitimate, and so was the subpoena.

b) Karma. Five journalists from the France Télévisions editorial team were “put on hold” until July 8 by their management for having signed an article to “block the extreme right”, we learned from management on Friday .

These five journalists “no longer deal with the subjects which cover the electoral campaign”, but they “are in the planning”, specified France TV, which criticizes them for not having complied with the guide to professional practices advocating political neutrality.

La société des journalistes de France 3 signe aux côtés de 90 médias d’extrême-gauche un appel à barrer la route au RN et à voter #nouveaufrontpopulaire. Cinq signataires, journalistes de France TV, « mis en retrait » par leur direction jusqu’au 8 juillet (MàJ)

c) A Macronist candidate in the legislative elections has a particular analysis of insecurity.

During a debate organized on France 3 with the various candidates from Marne, Anne-Sophie Frigout of the National Rally mentioned the 120 knife attacks per day in France. The majority representative, Laure Miller, assured that among these knife attacks are “people who cut themselves with their [kitchen] knife”.

“Can we be more head in the air and disconnected from reality? “, the RN candidate was indignant on her X account.

Laure Miller, candidate macroniste dans la Marne, lorsqu’on lui parle des « 120 attaques au couteau par jour » en France : “Pff ces chiffres prennent aussi en compte les gens qui se blessent avec un couteau en faisant la cuisine.”

d) Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said the presentation by six EPP, S&D and Reform group members of a list of who would get the European Union’s top jobs at a Brussels summit was “surreal”.

“Some people presented names for positions” on which they had agreed at a private meeting beforehand and to which they had not invited the other leaders, Meloni told an audience at Milan’s Festa de il Giornale on June 19 .

Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, France’s President Emmanuel Macron and the other four leaders had decided on their preferred candidates “without even first attempting to reflect on what the message coming from citizens was. I don’t interpret democracy like that”, said Meloni.

3.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Documentary unveils the shocking medical conspiracy in America during the Covid era |

b.  As truth spreads like a forest fire, here’s some more gasoline |

c.  The father of Sputnik V says “aggressive anti-vaxxers” in Russia should be dealt with by law enforcement |

d.  DEI in aviation is making flying less safe |

e.  The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening |

f.  Wokism and the Military: Pete Hegseth’s The War on Warriors |

g.  The French military speaks out boldly on the snap elections |


  1. Hello - items listed 3 2 3 - is that today's code? :)

    1. JH: I'd like to be able to claim that but no, it was early morn bleariness ... unless some unseen force was leading me to it ... spooky!


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