Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday [19 till close of play]

(1730) Evening all.

27.  Another good review of THAT interview

This is going to be seen, eventually, as one of the iconic interviews of an era when it goes mainstream.

26.  Housekeeping

There are those in techie-world who simply can’t understand why I persist with ggl blgr after the way they treat the admin. Answer is that they all do the same, plus the linking in of media and the way NOWP fits in make the interference bearable. On the other hand, I’m being reminded, by ggl, of the plan should I stop blogging.

My techie mate is constantly explaining other options to me and it’s not to deaf ears, I assure readers.  Yet for now, it suits to do it this way.  In some ways, ggl is untouchable from outside, which kinda suits me, despite the internal vicissitudes for us … their defensive outer shell against the world is good, their blogging system good … far better than WP at this moment.

You see, N.O. is not about traffic, it’s about those of us onside with each other more or less to meet up to exchange ideas. It does not evangelise … it’s a tavern or coffee house … and though regulars are found here, other weary travellers are also welcome … but we have to realise that not all are friends, some are treacherous, anonymously.

Having said that, should either site within N.O. go down, go to the other for notification. Should both of those be down, then Julia will put up a notice at OoL and/or Jstack takes over as N.O.  But, says my techie mate, how would anyone know the url?  If both N.O. sites are down?

Fair question as I do not expect you’d remember the Jstack address.  That’s why something Julia’s attached to would be contacted by me … not officially, mind … just if I’m a good boy and say please and thank you.

Then I’d start thinking new build, VPN etc. But not at this stage.

25.  Bannon


24.  Teaching girls to be hoes

The female editor of Liverpool Echo was sallivating in print over this Swift creature, saying she was a great role model for young girls. That’s the editor of a major local rag?

@LivEchonews @

23.  MftWC 1 drop just now

DEI in aviation is making flying less safe.”

Sure is … bleedin’ nightmare just now.

22.  Just a few more

21.  I’m just sick of poisoned cloud

This is the US, same over here:

20.  DAD at NOWP

19.  Steve

War Room snippets...

a.  Julie Kelly: Two Federal Judges Tried To Get Judge Cannon To Recuse Herself From Trump Case | Kelly: Two Federal Judges Tried To Get Judge Cannon To Rescue Herself From Trump Case

b.  Naomi Wolf: Watching Maddow And Fauci Helped Turn Matrix Of Public Health Into Matrix Of Communism |

c.  Brandon Showalter: Lying And Deceit Is Par For The Course When Gender Ideology Is Involved |

d.  Ben Harnwell: Rishi Sunak Projected To Be UK’s First Prime Minister In History To Lose Seat 😂 |


  1. Have been listening/watching this at odd moments today and have just got to the 1hr 25min stage. It gets very interesting at that point - will finish it later.

    1. I'm watching in vite sized segments too. So far, so gripping.

    2. JH: vite size is better than bite size … you get more.

  2. MftWC 1

    Documentary unveils the shocking medical conspiracy in America during the Covid era |

    As truth spreads like a forest fire, here’s some more gasoline |

    The father of Sputnik V says “aggressive anti-vaxxers” in Russia should be dealt with by law enforcement |

    DEI in aviation is making flying less safe |

    The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening |

    Wokism and the Military: Pete Hegseth’s The War on Warriors |

    The French military speaks out boldly on the snap elections |

  3. MftWC 2

    Russia fears a NATO attack. Here’s why |

    Putin, sanctions inhumane. Orban, NATO plans war. Trump, France on their own. Sunak Californication - Alex Christoforou |

    What is the recent reshuffling in Russian MOD really about? |

    NATO is about to enter the Ukrainian conflict, Russia to use nuclear weapons, New World Order - Levan Gudadze |

    Russian army repels massive Ukrainian attack, intercepts 120 drones (Videos) |

    Squeezed from all directions, Zelensky panic grows - The Duran |

  4. MftWC 3

    Steve Bannon’s Team Files Emergency Stay Application with US Supreme Court to Keep Him Out of Federal Prison – Justice Roberts Takes Action, Order Biden DOJ to File Response by Wednesday |

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to Launch Legal Battle Against New York Over Unconstitutional Lawfare Against President Trump |

    Frank Luntz Sounds Alarm for Dems Over Trump’s Poll Numbers in Minnesota: ‘I Don’t Think the Media Understands Exactly What’s Going on Right Now’ (Video) |

    Biden Regime Declares Trump Supporters Domestic Terror Threats in Newly Released Internal Documents, Sought to Set Up DHS Intel Unit to Target Them |

    Alvin Bragg Asks Judge to Extend Unconstitutional Trump Gag Order Even Though Hush Money Trial Is Over, Citing Threats From Trump Supporters |

    Biden’s Attorney Preparing to Challenge 2024 Election Results |

  5. MftWC 4

    Support for Biden Among Women Now the Lowest for Any Democrat Since 2004 |

    New Documents Reveal US Government Encourages Snitching on Your Neighbors to the Feds — Same Tactics Used by Communist China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s |

    Social Media Exposes Kids to Pressure, Pornography, and Predators: ‘We Better Do Something,’ Expert Warns |

    Houston Police Arrest Two Venezuelan Illegal Aliens Over Abduction, Rape, and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray |

    Latina Republican Explains Why California Reparations for Slavery Are Completely Illogical |

    Update: More Than 1,000 Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia |

  6. Re Saylor Twift - rumour is she's gay and that lot are beards. Allegedly. DKDC (don't know don't care)

    1. If she's not gay, to my mind, she's a young woman who shags a load of blokes, then makes money out of writing songs about how rubbish they were in bed.
      Watched her in her early days, appearing at the Grand Ol Opry. A pretty girl with a nice voice, but she's no Linda Ronstadt.

  7. Allegedly started off young and innocent but there's not much money in that. Go over to the dark side for fame and fortune until, if you are lucky, you wake up to the reality that you've sold your soul. Then try to escape and you'll be worth more in loving memory to your handlers and your earthly problems will be over.
    This headline from the Daily Fail
    "Prince William takes George, Charlotte and Louis to see his old pal Taylor Swift's sell-out London concert - along with Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria, Zara and Mike Tindall"
    Great parenting Willie. {sarc}


  8. The closer an heir gets to the golden orb the more I have my doubts. He's a Villa fan so I can cut him a break for now.

    1. JH: Did you win the bowls?

    2. Yes we did, thank you. District League, maximum points by winning on all three rinks. With luck we will finish closer to the top than the bottom this year.


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