Saturday, June 01, 2024

Saturday [1 to 3]

(0637) Morning all ... was "waylaid" again, this time at OoL. (0657)

3.  Over at OoL

Just going to add something from Toodles to the OoL article but here ... not added over there. She was writing about housebuilding in her Gulf Shores part of the world by way of contrast:

"The houses being built now are tremendous and many of those people had to have either greased palms or have totally eluded regulations and laws building their huge homes and docks that are jutting too far out in the river!  

Anyway young girls who are getting to be semi middle age won’t know what to do when the decor trends seriously turn to things other than nearly bare shelves and pastels."

There's much in that observation to explore ... shall follow it up with Toodles, see if I can get her to write something on't.

2.  DAD at NOWP

a) The 2024 Bilderberg globalist confab is currently taking place Thursday, May 30 to Sunday, June 2 in Madrid Spain.

Check out a list of attendees and topics to be discussed… 

b) While it had managed to avoid a downgrade of its sovereign rating by the first two rating agencies, Moody’s and Fitch, which delivered their verdict last April, France did not escape this Friday. The very influential Standard and Poors has, in fact, lowered its rating to AA-. 

France, however, benefited from an excellent “AA” until then – the equivalent of 18 out of 20 – nevertheless accompanied by a negative outlook. 

c) Sarah Knafo is a French magistrate, member of the Court of Auditors, civil servant, and author. She served as a campaign director for Éric Zemmour’s latest presidential campaign, and is now on the French Reconquête party’s slate of candidates for the upcoming European elections. 

d) It looks like summer in the UK could be very interesting. 

Environmental campaigners aim to target the UK’s busiest roads and bridges ahead of the General Election, GB News can exclusively reveal.

In a worrying development, the activist group has confirmed it plans to protest “on a massive scale”, with hundreds of eco-warriors being mobilised to cause maximum disruption.

They aim to force police officers to make thousands of arrests and “overwhelm” the country’s struggling judicial system. 

[Perhaps big fines would be preferable and more effective.]

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Philippines House of Representatives hears how excess deaths have skyrocketed and births have declined since Covid “vaccines” were rolled out |

b.  Japan’s Former Minister for Internal Affairs Apologizes During Massive Protest Against WHO |

c.  GSK’s litigation woes for selling harmful drugs continue |

d.  NHS DEI programme is hugely costly and disruptive |

e.  What You Need to Know About Trump’s Guilty Verdict |

f.  Criminal Convictions and the Presidency |

g.  Don’t Listen to the Elites: Trump’s Conviction Is Not a “Victory” for the Rule of Law |

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