Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday [12 to 16]

(1500) Afternoon all. (1500)

16.  Some more

15.  Interfering with other countries

A city, a state, or a nation that prevents foreign agents from engaging in politics is one that can much more easily resist subversion and eventual submission to Clown World. Which, naturally, is why the Georgian law is being attacked by foreign agents in foreign countries like Antony Blinken, despite the fact that the USA has absolutely no right or business interfering with the parliamentary process in the sovereign and democratic state of Georgia.

14.  Scrobs and the plasma screen


  1. Steve

    Thoughts and observations..

    I've only just watched the announcement yesterday by our beloved PM, mid-street, in the pouring rain with the door of No.10 behind him. Why, oh why did he stand behind a lectern getting visibly soaked when he could have made his speech in half a dozen other dry places? The man's a complete plank, the optics were terrible and to cap it all while he was talking someone had a ghetto blaster on playing New Labour's election theme 'Things can only get better' by D:Ream. Seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up. It was a shambles.

    1. I’m wondering if he was following instructions, making him look forlorn and pitiable … or whatever.

    2. Steve

      Perhaps he was thinking if Gene Kelly can do it.. so can I :)

    3. Maybe it was to hide his tears.

  2. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida |

    Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election |

    Raheem Kassam Details The Establishment Trying To Steal Trump's Primaries And British Politics |

    Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD |

  3. Toodles~
    That portrait is a sham (and a shame)!!! So disrespectful to your princess.

    I have several paint-by-number oils at the river. One is of a boat and a boathouse. Another is of a ship on the seas. Somewhere I have stashed away two paintings of ponies frolicking in a meadow.

    Painting them was fun (well, for somebody) and took discipline. They also kept children busy for a while on a rainy summer’s day. It was a 1960’s era and maybe 50’s era activity. The quality of those ‘it takes no talent’ paintings far exceed the workmanship of that so called piece of rubbish done by that woman.

    My silly old child-like pieces would probably garner more $’s at a garage sell ( boot sell) than her putrid and insulting piece depicting Princess Catherine could ever do.

    My dog could paint better with his tail and he is dead!


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