Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday [1 to 3]

(0205) Rudely awakened this morning by the patter patter of rain.  The whole gruesome story is in Thurs [1] and over at OoL. (0227)

3.  Meanwhile, over in North Yorks

... a tale of a man, his meat and Isilme ... Isilme takes up the story:

Yesterday we had an exciting meal - a tomahawk steak!! To be honest, I didn't know they existed but I do now, and the one we had was absolutely yummy. 

The tomahawk 'handle' made it a bit awkward though. I understand that in a restaurant they'd keep that on for the impressive effect, but we cut it off (it makes it easier to sear the meat because I don't have any very large pans). 

The whole steak is like a mini joint, so we had a quarter each yesterday and ate the rest of it today. It was like cutting butter and was almost melt-in-the-mouth. 

We don't normally buy expensive steaks, but this was £7.50 reduced from £16 so naturally we bought it. Of course, we have to make sure (the man's) red blood cell count is up.

We just had the weirdest thing happen.

We had a DVD documentary about Britain's cold war bunkers, so we were watching it this evening on my computer. Bob was multi-tasking and looking at his computer at the same time. Considering this was a DVD we were watching and not anything on the internet, we were astonished when a post popped up on Facebook (which he was looking at, at the time) which suggested a cold war bunker he could go and visit.

He had not been looking at anything like this, nor has he ever looked up anything about it. So it feels very much like his computer was LISTENING to the DVID which was playing on my computer. Spooky. Concerning!

And what's with the government suggesting we stockpile enough food for 3 days? What do they know that we don't? Well, a whole lot I'm sure. What I mean is, why tell us this now? What are they planning?

I guess I'd better go and buy some more tomahawk steaks or something. Trouble is, I can't fit any more in any of the freezers.

2.  In other news


  1. DAD - 1. I would vote for 'Larry the Cat'.

  2. The stock-piling advise was due to the water problem in SW when faecal matter contaminated the drinking water. "Nothing to worry about" says they, except a few dozen people ended up in hospital. So now the grubbermint are telling you to stockpile enough for 3 days coz yoos never know what might happen anywhere at anytime.
    Makes more sense, in my 'umble, to have a few spare litres of drinking water on hand at all times regardless. Digger

  3. -- Justin

    Re yesterday afternoon's morbidity, I suggest getting an A4 folder and some clear plastic hole punched wallets and into this folder, per wallet, goes 1 letter / statement / bill from every utility company, bank, savings, pension, etc. Every one with a company, phone, account number, current Last Will. Include a page with contact details for anyone who needs to be told you're gone. If you don't have a letter, just hand write the information.

    Try to list them all and use the list as page 1, so you don't miss any. Add a page with NiNo, Driving Licence No, Passport, etc. Also include a page with funeral arrangement choices and contact details for preferred undertaker, vicar etc. Also contact details / account no for funeral plan (insurance company) if you have one.

    Try to keep this folder updated, maybe twice a year, and keep it either somewhere prominent and labelled ("Event of Death") or advise close friends/rellies where it is. Your executor and those left behind will thank you mightily for doing all this, especially if you didn't rush it and collate a day or so before showtime.

    (I had this 2 years ago and have subsequently heard horror stories from friends who didn't have this info easily available)


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