Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday [5 to 10]

(0950) Evets is up across the way. Film coming up. (1027)

10.  The three letter sites

9.  A few more

8.  Ian J 

JH: Much easier to decide on, this one.

"Re Julian Assange (from article by Chris Hedges)

"The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has ruled, as it should, that he is a journalist whose only “crime” was providing evidence of war crimes and lies by the U.S. government to the public. 

It does not mean he will be released from the high-security HMS Belmarsh prison where, as Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, after visiting Julian there, said he was undergoing a “slow-motion execution.”

"Julian committed the empire’s greatest sin — he exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, routine violation of human rights, wanton killing of innocent civilians, rampant corruption and war crimes. Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Labour, Trump or Biden — it does not matter. Those who manage the empire use the same dirty playbook." "

7.  Dgr

a.  May be of interest [no pun intended!] to our American patrons.

"Have you ever noticed that all your credit card bills seem to get mailed to South Dakota, Nevada or Delaware? Have you ever wondered why national credit card issuers would want to run their businesses in South Dakota, a state where the average temperature in January is 5 degrees?

More importantly, have you wondered why credit card companies can ignore your state's usury law, which limits the amount of interest that can be charged on a loan, and charge whatever rate they want?...."

Read on:

b.  "Exclusive: Tory politicians have accepted over £430,000 from Israel lobby groups and made 187 trips to the country."

Dunno much about this publication and no time to delve atm. Claims to be independent but then so do a lot of others who aren't.🤔

6.  Ian J

JH: Ian's raised an editing conundrum ... generally, if a comment is a regular post item or if it contains a url, I would post it as an item at ONO, unless it's MSM.

Generally, if it's not had a url, I've not reposted, unless long and an obvious article. There are also sensitivities ... reposting this guy's here but not that guy's there ... I assure it's based on the nature of the article.

In Ian's case here, it's short, and yet it's a thought out set piece so better to err by reposting than not:

"An early start today - kept waking up then read about the latest western sanctions on Chinese imports - got me thinking.....

Sanctions or Confiscation?

It seems to me that, since the final years of the twentieth century, there was a push to move manufacturing abroad, where labour costs were lower. This led to a massive increase in high quality Chinese products coming to Europe (& the US), and a catastrophic drop in sales of many goods manufactured here. 

Our elites continued to profit however, as they had invested abroad, but all the social costs (unemployment etc) were passed on to the government (who raised our taxes to pay for this). 

Now, Chinese goods are so relatively cheap that European (& US) gov'ts are imposing sanctions on many manufactured goods, notably EVs, with the stated aim of increasing prices of imports. 

It occurs to me that the intention of this is NOT to protect European (& US) industries and increase domestic manufacturing but to increase gov't income through 'taxation by sanction'. 

Just another way of taking our assets to waste on their Net Zero.

5.  MftWC too

a.  Military situation on Ukrainian frontlines on May 23, 2024 (Map Update) |

b.  EU Godfather warning to Georgia. Germany circles back to Serbia. Crimea attack. Swiss summit bust - Alex Christoforou |

c.  Nuland calls for serious escalation with Russia |

d.  Russia Officials West In Panic, Russia 50% Volchansk, Traps Ukraine Kransogorovka, UK MSM Ukraine On the Ropes - Alexander Mercouris |

e.  Russian army took control of Andreevka in Artyomovsk direction (Map Update on May 23, 2024) |

f.  [The] Ukraine lost Andreevka, Europe is preparing for a war with Russia - Orban, Georgia is under assault - Levan Gudadze |

g.  UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis (Photos) |


  1. 7b. Has anyone investigated the possibility of Palestine/Hamas/Islamic supporters channelling 'donations' to Labour, Corbyn's or Galloway's mobs? Just curious.

  2. This from that same site shows a similar bias from Starmer.


    1. There's a theme developing....

  3. Steve

    War Room Battleground EP 541: The Fall Of Europe; The Escalation Of War In Europe |


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.