Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sat-mat one

Most annoying uploader leaves a bright promo name over the film ... at least it's at the foot ... see what you think:


Deborah Kerr (as in star) as the trailer says is usually thought of in almost matronly fashion since she's brought strength and dignity to so many roles as a veteran performer. Here you see her in younger days. 

She's a wild and bewitching Irish rose, marvelous as the brassy Bridey Kiltie, hater of all things English. 

Buoyed by Kerr, Trevor Howard and a wonderful British-Irish cast,this film makes you feel like you're right back there in UK during the war. Only you're not flying off to punish the Germans. It's a homefront thing. 

The movie is more drama than mystery but it's enthralling all the same with humor and style to burn. Among the great characters are a pair of British officers, Captain Goodhusband (Garry Marsh) and Lt. Spanswick(Tom Macaulay) who come along to steal the film in their portrayal as oh-so-very-English middle-aged officers.

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