Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday [11]

Time to take stock of the situation, chaps and chapesses

Take a look at this:

Bannon has a right to take the position, however much his language is unfortunate. I call it slow death in a similar way to Assange and those two are not, imho, playing games, nor is the Donald in the sense that … yes DJT certainly has a power agenda but he’s also under the hammer.

Another pundit was writing about how a prize fighter, being punch drunk, keeps getting up, his seconds keep pushing him back out for another beating … but for how long?  Where are the reinforcements? They’ve melted away.

See, the baddies in this really are lashing out. Expendable Fani Willis was not clever enough, is up on charges, except there’s much going on out there:

And then we come to the difference between X and Gab. X has all major players on it, esp. in the States, Gab does not. X is very tightly controlled and the real players, not people such as me, such as all the ladies and gents I retweet … the real players have disappeared, they’ve been shadowed. So today, I’m getting a heap of opinion from people to keep X rolling … but no actual news … yes, I’m aware that it’s Memorial Day weekend.

Gab does have news slipping through though, as they’re way more maverick, from Torba down … thus:

I’m making no attempt to comment on that.  I did attempt to go to the link, to be met with a friendly “Oops, something went wrong,” similar to what I get on the email if the wrong message arrives.

Second attempt to go there:

I tested it in various ways … yep, it was gone. There are certain measures I can take and I’ll play fair this time and say no, I’ll not try to chase that story.  See, there’s a WC Fields (or 1917 Leacock) quote about if at first … but he says then give up, no point being a damn fool about it.

There’s something else … I noticed today that my power consumption had rocketed skywards in the abode over two weeks. Now as consumption, I know, has done nothing of the kind … my usage is constant, mostly on timer … then what they’ve done is hike the cost per unit by around 60%.

Ah, but that’s not all of it. To compensate, said two separate letters, plus other messages … I can redeem all that increase by just going into town and claiming it … providing I sign up for this, this and that … getting us onto the “smart” teat … digitally. You see, I’ve resisted “smart” meters till now.  This is theft.

No way am I backing down though. It’s still doable for me … so I’m doing it.

And this, chaps and chapesses, is the state of play for us. BT just took its fee, no complaints, it’s an agreed contract. What they did not say was it’s gone from £158 last quarter to £195 this quarter. Quite some hike, eh?

I see Steve on ticker, so internet is now back. He’ll be on at 1730.


  1. I tried that x link too. I'm not on X but can follow links usually, this time no joy. Now trying searches for news from there.

  2. That "no internet" thingy keeps appearing for me too. Except I know damned well that I'm connected to the internet because I can access other links no problem. So I deduce from that that it the the site I'm trying to access is where the problem lies.


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