Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday [1 to 3]

(0412) Only getting to sleep now, expect an 0800 start today, sorry. (0754)  Back but many things need doing to get back up to speed. DAD can’t supply us with French news for a short while, let’s see what happens. I slept at last, which does help. (0928)

3.  Just repeating, reposted by Julia

 An entire van of woke British police allow themselves to be bullied by one masked ‘cultural enricher’. The British police are too scared of being called ‘racist’ to do anything.

I’m thinking it’s partly that but also that they’re ordered to, under pain of whatever. No doubt the deathculter brass use ££££s to persuade the riff-raff “above us”.

Only question is if and when we hit back. Look at the sheer numbers of feral invaders hunkered away, awaiting the call to slaughter. I repeat Emerald:

Goes for GB too … different players, same end of play game plan. The difference between the US and UK is guns. In GB, the word is given, they go house to house slaughtering, GB being far more urbanised and the majority weak. In the US, huge number of obese, close to death types, crossed with left liberals … even in the armed forces. The countryside is where the slaughterers will be stymied.

For sheer savagery, methinks the deathculters here have the edge, that Hamas edge in bestiality.  Always remember that in WWs 1 and 2, it was the entry of first Britain, then Russia and the US which bggrd things up for the Thule cult. They’ve never forgiven it.

2.  The three letter sites

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Virologists Have ‘Resorted to Anti-Scientific Practices to Make Their Claims.’ |

b.  How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? |

c.  Governments & Media Continue Pretending Massive ‘Health Crisis Not Going On’ |

d.  Bird flu does not transmit to humans; if it does it will be because it has been engineered in a lab |

e.  NSA “Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet” Warns Ed Snowden |

f.  The Deep State’s Accelerating Attacks On Trump Show A Consciousness Of Guilt |

g.  Trump will Be Found Guilty in New York City And Bragg Will Try to Imprison Him |

h.  The Fall Of A Republic: Cicero Warns America |


  1. 1. Martin Armstrong is a soothsayer via his Socrates program rivalling C High's web bot.
    "Martin Armstrong is claimed to be the "forecaster" with his super-AI computer. He was once jailed for security fraud, although he claims innocence. Over the decades of following Martin Armstrong's writings and blog, I finally realized that Martin Armstrong has mixed many historical facts, fuzzy predictions, outrageous claims, and lies about his computer, claiming it uses artificial intelligence.

    This site is a collection of arguments against Martin Armstrong's writings and claims, for people who just started following him or have followed him for a long time, to discern with great care.

    As they always say, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". All the readers of Martin Armstrong's site should heed this advice."

    While were on the subject of soothsayers, I have copies of CH's ALTA reports where he "predicts" future events. He claims to have predicted the 2008 crash and 9/11. There's no way to check that from what I've read as the reports have to be interpreted i.e. they are not precise. Not much else has come to pass of any note and none of his more recent predictions have occurred either. CH outed himself fairly recently as a charlatan imo when he claimed he predicted one of his friends (who goes by the moniker JSnip4 on YT) would crash his private plane. (He said he got this prediction from his data scrapes of millions of words on the internet via his web bot). CH said he didn't tell him though. His friend did crash his plane and suffered serious injuries.

    Some friend if he did actually see it in his data. I doubt he did.

    Sorry if I have mislead anyone by putting links to some of his work in the past.

    Miles Mathis took a look at some of CH's ties in the remote viewing business.



  2. 1. g again.

    A character reference for Martin Armstrong:



Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.