Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday [13 to 15]

(0959) Evets is now up across the way. Also, a mate of mine has just had something go terribly wrong for him. Hopefully, it will be resolved. Good part is our system works. (1216)

15.  Speaking of Julia though

… there’s a saga she’s been tweeting on and it’s quite entertaining … I’ll see if I can recover it and post it here ….. all right, here tis … needs to be read from below upwards, ok?  Julia’s three day saga …

14.  More roundup

Now Andy would be well within his rights to demand … hey, how come you let Julia mention the Guardian but I’m not allowed? And my answer, dear Andy, is she’s prettier than you in my male eyes.

(It’s not something she actually sent here, I saw it in passing. And anyway, I never deleted yours, ole son.)

13.  Theology

If you group people under three headings … those believing there is a Jesus somehow connected to God, those including all these deathculters, the ancient mysteries, Egyptian, Assyrian, Canaanite, numerology, astrology, pagan, gnostic, Wicca, out and out satanist, masonic, marxist, the philosophers, WEFers etc. etc. etc. etc. …

… then the normies who go through life oblivious or in denial … any person from each of those categories is going to write a quite different history, excoriating quite a different Bad Guy to the others, even though various bad guys … Pharisees, WEFers, pointy-hatted incense swingers etc. … get a mention in the others’s scriptures. For example, Jesus is still seen as a prophet by the deathcult.

Yes, the God of my childhood was not all that close but I went to occasional church, even briefly went to Sunday school but by and large, it was your average western kid until entering a school … supposedly a cut above and which cost much to send me there. 

So yes, that was as it was … I was a Cub, then a Scout … then I did have a Damascene moment at 12, just after the molestations seemed to be over but the lifestyle still did not alter all that much … I could say even until 2008 or so when I’d been seriously exploring things online for some five years.

And what became more and more apparent, being more open to the vast ancient history of this earth and the human species, not shutting out the unpalatable … was that there was obviously something major which happened many eons ago and this thing good and evil came about … you only need look at anti-human things happening, chronicled by us all at this and countless other blogs and vlogs, tweets and it’s possible to align good with pro-human, pro-earth, nature and bad with that purporting to be pro-human, pro-earth, nature but actually highly destructive, maniacally, criminally insanely so.

For me, it’s a no brainer … you support good or you ultimately go down badly, nastily. And there is most certainly global war, not just in the temporal realm, which is all that the godless normies are capable of seeing … but also in the metaphysical realm … there are signs littered through history if you care to note them and store them in your mental archives.

But there’s also this thing the “bad” side can do and that is convince the normies that it doesn’t exist, that Man is his own god, can solve everything on his own.

Now, I’ve been oft castigated by the first mentioned group above as to why I do not nail my colours to the mast and start blasting my trumpet 18/7. My reply is that of the Blues Bros … I’m on a mission from God and this is the way it’s done … asymmetric warfare.  As for the normies … well they range from the apoplectic (remember the big split at OoL about 2013?) to the “tolerate Jimbo’s idiosyncrasies” … we all have idiosyncrasies, angles, hobbyhorses.

As for the baddies … why are they so maniacal in trying to stomp out any reference whatever to Jesus of Nazareth, burning down churches, removing crosses, outlawing worship? I mean, if there was no harm in this two thousand year old, minor middle-eastern cult … why the massive attempts to wipe it out?

I mean … something obviously upsets these maniacs big time, does it not?  What threat could the name Jesus possibly pose to them?  Why would that name make someone cringe, feel nauseous? Interesting question, that one.

And of course, leaving religion out of it for one moment, there are quite cogent political reasons why … that name triggers disloyalty to the cult of the baddy, doesn’t it? It resists brainwashing by globo-psycho. You can claim it’s brainwashing in its own way but to what end?

Now I sit back in quiet moments and think … if the baddies had just left it alone, let it die a natural death two thousand years ago … but no, they couldn’t, could they? And that’s quite significant to me. Not proof per se, of course not … but indicative as to which of the three groups has it right.

But what chance me persuading anyone about something they don’t wish to be? So I don’t … we reap what we do, there it is. It is what it is and I just get onto the next topic above.


  1. "What threat could the name Jesus possibly pose to them? Why would that name make someone cringe, feel nauseous?"


    Have you ever asked one of 'the maniacs' or 'a normie'?


    1. Many, many times in the distant past … that’s their bag, mine is mine … only mentioning it coz it’s Palm Sunday. Now for lunch.

    2. Bill

      So what replies did you get or was it the same one repeated?


    3. Not engaging, Bill … have a lovely Palm Sunday

    4. Bill
      Your gaff your rules.

  2. Here's what the yanks think of us:
    "In the UK, however, every day feels like an episode of “Survivor” as people who are being crammed in like sardines are increasingly made to fear that they’ll be voted off the island.
    Recently, protests surrounding the Israel–Hamas war have exposed the fragility of a British culture—and nation—on the verge of capsizing from the weight of immigration and cultural divides."

  3. I missed this quote off my last comment - how true!

    "Keep an eye on the United Kingdom. Not unlike the dark days of World War II, that tiny island country may once again be the canary in the coal mine for predicting the survival of Western civilization."

  4. James, I keep half an eye on the opposition newsletters (Grauniad etc) as they can be a divining rod for the next outrage. Their talking points for the prosecco class of today are the laws and regulations of tomorrow. I do try to follow up Grauniad items by searching for alternative sites to link to. It's all fun James.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.