Thursday, August 04, 2022

Thursday [1 to 6]

Over the hump and headed for the weekend again.

6.  DAD


a) Are we witnessing the start of some sort of a mass awakening in the western world?

b) The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy’s Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another Great Reset tool designed to discourage the consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy, and encouraging consumption of ultra-processed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings.

5.  Ian J

Legiron doesn't give much for the state of current diplomacy, esp from the UK:

4.  Coming back to Lexington again

... the other side of it is the hair trigger sensibility along political lines:

He was accused of making a “puerile sexist joke’”and of “casual sexism”. One reply said: “Women did what you couldn’t and you reduce their victory to a bra joke! Your misogyny and jealousy betrays you!!”

Lineker swiftly deleted his tweet and explained: “It was just a play on words given the celebration. I do rubbish like that constantly on here, including on men’s football.

“I’ve deleted it as many people didn’t see the game so missed the context.”

Needless to say, deleting the tweet did little to placate his furious critics. For instance, Karen Ingala Smith, who describes herself as a ‘feminist‘ in her Twitter bio, replied: “Please apologise for and condemn the sexist responses to your now deleted badly judged tweet.”

To her, I'd still say eff off you humourless cow ... or similar. Wot, a bunch of girls beat another bunch of girls and you say Lineker could not beat them?  Did you ever see him play?  Credit where credit is due.  Now look, I'm still boycotting Walker's crisps but cut Lineker some slack in that he's a meathead, inn ee?  A bit like Wayne.

The one that really bugs me is the seven law enforcement officers sent to arrest a blogger and he said just look at yourselves.  I repost someone's meme and this is is your response?

To which the senior officer, in all seriousness, said someone had suffered "anxiety".  


Unnamed, tranny apparently, what's it matter?

Squad of seven officers?  What did that cost the taxpayer?  

There's a word hovering around in the air here, just trying to latch onto it.  Ah, here it is ... 'disproportionate'.

3.  I'm wondering why

... some bloggers are quite happy to leave this sort of comment up:
"I am making $92/hour telecommuting. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month"
I mean, if you needed an indication of a neglected comments thread and a guy who thinks of it as just somewhere the little people go who have to have a yabber ... then that is it.  To me, a neglected comments thread is a sure sign of a guy's attitude.

The other end of the continuum is the one too prissy and micromanaging, a charge levelled at me before.

2.  Lexington in 1939

This is not about Lexington, nor history, nor fashions, nor seb-colorization ... it's about public taste and also a homogeneity to society in bygone days ... at least moreso than today, all the while papering over cracks, gashes in the fabric of society.

To my mind, society never was "at one" but there was still a civility in people's dealings and if your taste was for the Chaucer like bawdy and the maiden aunt over there was not, then you didn't ride roughshod over or be oblivious to that maiden aunt's sense of decorum.  If we wanted to be outrageous, we went somewhere else with our mates to do it.

A very simple principle.

There's another principle and that is the ignorant arrogance of youth.  Films like Porkies or Animal House held up complete, immature disrespect for other people's presence of mind as somehow higher, less "hidebound" than that of fuddy duddies. What's entirely missing is any sort of respect.  

It's true that as a young guy, my mate and I came out of a diving session still in diving suits and flippers, piled into our car and took off down the road, swerving a couple of feet from an old codger on a bike and in the rear view mirror, we saw him wobble and fall off like a Brandon ... we thought it hilarious at the time.  Would be go back and help him, still in our frogman suits?  Nah.

We thought we were oh so cool. What we never considered for a second was he may have seen the humour himself, having been young once, presumably, yet still not happy about hitting the road and what if he'd had a heartattack?  Never once crossed our minds, just as smashing a Starbuck's window was perfectly ok to Antifa.  I had a neighbour like that recently.  The word 'consideration' is irrelevant to a young moron.

That picture was from an article by a lady of maybe late Gen X age writing about an ad in Tucker's commercial break aimed straight at a drugged out, gender queer youth market ... on Tucker? And it was vile, gauche ... but the young or other preverts were meant to find it funny.  I'd not have found it funny, even at 25.  Not only crass but arrogantly dismissive of Tucker's core audience.  Can't help thinking it was deliberate.

Remembering that I was young and hellraising myself for a few decades, why on earth did I find it cool to shock the sensibilities of a different demographic?  Wot, because they weren't as dumb as I was?

1.  Evets 1

a.  Clanet Povid (Rational Fear of Flying Edition):

Airline “Vaccine” Mandates Cause Job Loss, Vaccine Injuries, Airport Chaos and Flight Delays

b.  Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters

c.  Pfizer Confesses: C19 Vaccine Formula Changed After Trials. FDA Colluded To Skip Tests (TRIS/ PBS)

d.  Vaccine-Injured Speak Out: Testimonies from Victims and Medical Personnel

e.  A Dramatic Twist in Spain: Justice Gives the State 10 days to Reveal All Contracts Signed with Pfizer

f.  End of France’s Health Pass: the Resistance and Its Results, For Better or for Worse

g.  Hope for the vvv-injured! FLCC issues treatment protocols that may save lives

h.  Beware: ABV disease (Anything But Vaccines) is causing people to Drop Dead everywhere


  1. What really interests me in 1920/30 photographs are how slim all the people are. A similar photograph today would be full of 'lard-arses' and 'beer-bellies'.

  2. Steve


    Support for those who got the jab(s) and are ill because of it:

    FLCCC Alliance


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