Friday, May 20, 2022

Playing with your organ

Brief break from politics [0800] till mid-morn [maybe 1000], give readers a chance to catch up.

One of the comments below:
It's sad that Roland exited the Organ market.    It is interesting to me how people's odd attitudes are about organ. This thing is basically a furniture grade cabinet around a good synth with two keyboards stacked, excellent split and layer capabilities, massive amounts of sounds, and the ability to play pedals with your feet for even more capability to create music than any synth.


  1. When I was working on a night shift there were two radio programmes I insisted on having on. The book at bedtime and The Organist Entertains. The latter was hotly disputed among my staff, it came close to open rebellion sometimes. Eventually they came around, some of the church music was just too uplifting to ignore and the unknown chaps from somewhere oop north on their Bontempi doing a Beatles pastiche in the style of Richard Clayderman were too funny to miss.

  2. I used to have an Ace Tone Top-5 organ that I got a lot of mileage out of for a mere fifty bucks. Ace Tone was an early incarnation of Roland.

    Sunday mornings had the Larry Ferrari show with him playing organ. Sounds like "grandma" music but I always liked it, even as a kid.


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