Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday [8 to 11]

Afternoon all.

11.  Someone's playing funny bggrs

All's well.  There does seem some shadow banning going on. I'll go through the insides of the site again.

13:38:  Right, I've been through both sites' innards and there's nothing untoward in settings.  What I'm going to do is change one comments-variable a day, late evening, for a few evenings and see what happens.

10.  Last Refuge

Interesting take.

9.  Donbass

Anne-Laure Bonnel

8.  New drop

I'm getting concerned about having to run Steve's elsewhere as there are quite a few items need reading and watching.  Also about PD being targetted, if so.  

There's another thing too. Torquaymada asked about stats, which I don't concern myself with as a rule but I succumbed when asked.  Two things swiftly followed ... instantly, visits plummeted by maybe 20%, and I mean from next day till now, plus Torquaymada disappeared. 

I've also learnt not to join dots, it's too often erroneous, but one still notes.  Let's just say there's a gremlin in the works somewhere.


  1. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! - test comment

  2. Testing. I noticed that there has been no comments today. Just testing to see if it works.

  3. And so the game continues:
    It seems that Covid is no longer a danger, Ukraine may see peace soon, but we still have massive inflation and the US mid-terms approach, so release the next big 'scare'!

    1. I just read somewhere that the JB admin recently bought millions of doses of monkeypox vaccine. (Of course usual warnings apply, much of what is 'news' is propaganda). But it could be a clue.

  4. We have been warned that there will be more threats to human life. They do seem to take delight in telling us exactly what to expect.

    1. "Them" have to. It is part of their daft belief system. Something to do with karma.

  5. But everybody did expect the spanish inquisition as they gave 28 days notice! Strange but true!

  6. It's sad that Dinesh entertained the fraud that is Charlie Ward.

    Charles took it upon himself to inject his "QFS" lies into the mix, along with lying about having "20 Million people follow him" (the subscriber counter on the front page of his website is a scam, not a real count)

    Dinesh was looking at this dude like.... wtf.

    Look up Charlie Ward 'debunked' or 'is a fraud'. Plenty of stuff outing this scammer with links to the Kidd family > which is tied to Grisly Max. Due diligence required.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.