Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tuesday [1 to 4]

Morning all!

4.  Over at OoL


3.  Just saw this on Gab

A quote by Sun Tzu, if this can be believed - never mind, it's good anyway:
An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground ... to rule over the ashes.
Indeed.  And that is what everything from WTC7 to this whole gain-of-function thing is all about.  

And who is the narrative aimed at?  At the pundits and ferreters like us?  Nope, they won't convince us of their innocence. 

At the hardwired denialists supporting Them's narrative?  Nope, no need, karens will believe whatever they're told.

It's aimed at the 'vaguely' conservative folk, e.g. within the M25, who don't read properly, who live in a 'vaguely' nicey-nice world of clipped lawns and decency towards another, dontcha know, chaps, who are 'rationalist' to the extent that they believe 'none of that swivel-eyed loonery', wot?  

Because if they're 'sound' people that way, respectable, not given to tinfoilhattery [wry grin aside to a friend], then they can fend off and humour these tinfoilers, cousins who've gone strange, black sheep of the family dontchaknow, look away now ... very sad.  Sound mind, here o'erthrown, wot.

If you've seen the early days of this blog, you'll know that 'my people' were just such Conservatives but there's always been an element of the radical in me, the deep ferreter who does not buy the bollox as presented, an unsound chap in fact ... and the 'respectable' look at one another ... oh dear, we don't like that too much, perhaps we'll politely skip over this blog and embrace the ra ra ra chaps' blogs instead.  I mean, supporting someone like Vox Day is the ultimate tinfoilery, no?  Especially when he then turns on Higham's boomery and savages him like a rabid dog.  dog eat dog, wot?

These are precisely the people, those I still count as friends ... if they're so rational, who should be leaping onto this instead of pooh-poohing, then should they not be ferreting and probably think they are? 

They shuffle off and have a mosey around ...report back ... nope, can't find anything in Ggl or in the Times today about any of that claptrap.  Aaaggghhh!

What is the test of which side of the divide we are?  

It's in the quote at the top of this item - if you believe your own govt would do such a thing, cannabalise a nation in order to comply with a 'Great Reset', then you're our side of the line.  If you are convinced though that govt are all good chaps who only look out for their people, noblesse oblige ... then we're not even on the same page, are we?  You're still my natural friend ... but oh my goodness ...

2.  One of the more important articles on the topic

There are a few comments to be made about this, ranging from that of pundit v pundit to the medical side itself and then to static-ians' sleight of hand and the worthlessness of official numbers and dazzling charts.

I've made a statement that the MSM is not trustworthy but certain of our worthy readers continue to get their reality from there.  Worse - they send it along to be posted.

One of the worst is the Wail.  Reason it is worse is no one expects it to be Woke - it's the rightwingers' rag, yes?  We can be safe at the Wail?  Wrong!  As DS point out about the deliberate misleading by the Wail.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I am reticent to post anything from the MSM at all.  I'm not going to touch the topic ... yet ... but the Meredith Kercher thing years ago saw the Wail do just that - deliberately ignoring key evidence.  That's where I woke up.  And that extended to the Express as well.

Oh yeah, say friends, what about the Guardian, NYT, WaPo, Independent, Metro etc.?  Well that goes without saying, we're not even discussing those rags - I'm assuming our readers have already dismissed those. I was concentrating just on those meant to be our rags.

And as posted some days back here, the way in which they do it is just as the Wokery is done.  They open with a crisis most can believe in, e.g. lockdowns are bad but instead of then moving to 'well end them', they go the opposite way and say 'so what's needed is more lockdowns'.  There's an American word 'cockamaimy' and that's what that logic is.  Only an already trolled and trained Woke mind could follow that road of logic.

But worse - the supposed rightwing rag 'slips in' untruths with the basic truths which are their weapons back against us. It's like 'equality and diversity'.  'Well aren't you for people having equal opportunity and all shades of the community are of value?'

Of course we are - the community as it was, not as the Great Reset has unbalanced it. As abstract concepts, yes of course we're for those things but that's not what their actions are supporting, not in the least.  This is the great lie we're on about. It's not the abstract concepts, it's their interpretation by these people, the application, the utter hypocrisy in order to usher in bad things.  And they bundle in the bad with the good so that we get a job lot.

The DS takes issue with the stats as stated by the Wail as being a bit off.  A bit off?  They're effing completely wrong to start with.  Our backup for that?  Plough through a year of articles, plough through even those since Moronic appeared.  We're constantly presenting what the stats most likely are.  Oh yeah, says the DS to us - where are these stats?

Answer is, their Wail stats are all there in one article, ours are spread across a hundred items in our posts.  You know who's not going to be interested in that?  Anyone who surfs the web and wants instant and quick fixes in one post.

And the Wail knows that. Every single thing, even on 'a planetary motion feature, is going to be slanted, is going to have Wokery come through, slip through the cracks and unconsciously be taken as truths.

That is why I'm not inclined to post any MSM here, however seemingly innocuous.

What of the medical aspects?  Well, the DS does sort of come down in favour of what we've been saying ... but well watered down.  As it began with false premises - Them's stats.  So yes, it does cut both ways, it does undermine the whole debate in both directions.

1.  Steve

a.  Wisconsin:

Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election Investigation


b.  If They Can’t Cheat, They Can’t Win: Communist Brennan Center Horrified After 19 States Pass 34 Election Security Laws in 2021


c.  Zuckerbucks:

Zuckerberg Directly Implicated in Huge Backroom Deal in 2018: Law Enforcement Bombshell


d.  Had to happen..

Majority of Americans Now Identify as Republican After Massive 14 Percent Swing in One Year!


e.  Dr Robert Malone Posts Irrefutable Proof on Ivermectin and the Uttar Pradesh India Success Story


f.  Malaysian Health Ministry Recorded 25 Cases of Myocarditis within 21 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine


g.  Carrot:

Minnesota Now Offering $200 Gift Cards to Families to Get Their 5-11 Year-Olds Vaccinated


h. Stick:

Salt Lake City Tribune Editorial Board Demands Utah Governor Use the National Guard to Keep Unvaccinated People in Their Homes




  1. You have to remember that the online Daily Wail is two separate newspapers. This was evident during brexit when the weekday Wail was all pro brexit - until Saturday when the Sunday Wail, with different editor, took over and new online stories were pro EU until Monday

  2. I've always cheerfully assumed that the Sun Tzu suff is mainly bollocks. When one of the solemn dimwits from the Pentagon starts to quote him I feel more strongly, but less cheerfully, that it's bollocks.


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